# gst-build GStreamer [meson](http://mesonbuild.com/) based repositories aggregrator You can build GStreamer and all its component at once using meson and its "subproject" feature. ## Getting started We have an helper script to get started, will get the right [meson](http://mesonbuild.com/) version and get you ready to build. You can just get all GStreamer built running: NOTE: on fedora (and maybe other distributions) replace `ninja` with `ninja-build` ``` ./configure && ninja -C build/ ``` ## GStreamer uninstalled gst-build also contains a special `uninstalled` target that lets you enter an uninstalled development environment where you will be able to work on GStreamer easily. Inside that environment you will find the GStreamer modules in subprojects/, you can simply hack in there and to rebuild you just need to rerun `ninja`.