/* * GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2005 Wim Taymans * Copyright (C) 2006 Tim-Philipp Müller * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Chris Robinson * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * SECTION:element-openalsink * * This element renders raw audio samples using the OpenAL API * * * Example pipelines * |[ * gst-launch -v audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! volume volume=0.1 ! openalsink * ]| will output a sine wave (continuous beep sound) to your sound card (with * a very low volume as precaution). * |[ * gst-launch -v filesrc location=music.ogg ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! openalsink * ]| will play an Ogg/Vorbis audio file and output it using OpenAL. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "gstopenalsink.h" GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (openalsink_debug); static void gst_openal_sink_dispose (GObject * object); static void gst_openal_sink_finalize (GObject * object); static void gst_openal_sink_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * val, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gst_openal_sink_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * val, GParamSpec * pspec); static GstCaps *gst_openal_sink_getcaps (GstBaseSink * bsink); static gboolean gst_openal_sink_open (GstAudioSink * asink); static gboolean gst_openal_sink_close (GstAudioSink * asink); static gboolean gst_openal_sink_prepare (GstAudioSink * asink, GstRingBufferSpec * spec); static gboolean gst_openal_sink_unprepare (GstAudioSink * asink); static guint gst_openal_sink_write (GstAudioSink * asink, gpointer data, guint length); static guint gst_openal_sink_delay (GstAudioSink * asink); static void gst_openal_sink_reset (GstAudioSink * asink); #define DEFAULT_DEVICE NULL enum { PROP_0, PROP_DEVICE, PROP_DEVICE_NAME, PROP_DEVICE_HDL, PROP_CONTEXT_HDL, PROP_SOURCE_ID }; static GstStaticPadTemplate openalsink_sink_factory = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink", GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-raw-float, " "endianness = (int) " G_STRINGIFY (G_BYTE_ORDER) ", " "width = (int) 32, " "rate = (int) [ 1, MAX ], " "channels = (int) [ 1, MAX ]; " "audio/x-raw-int, " "endianness = (int) " G_STRINGIFY (G_BYTE_ORDER) ", " "signed = (boolean) TRUE, " "width = (int) 16, " "depth = (int) 16, " "rate = (int) [ 1, MAX ], " "channels = (int) [ 1, MAX ]; " "audio/x-raw-int, " "signed = (boolean) FALSE, " "width = (int) 8, " "depth = (int) 8, " "rate = (int) [ 1, MAX ], " "channels = (int) [ 1, MAX ]; " "audio/x-mulaw, " "rate = (int) [ 1, MAX ], " "channels = (int) [ 1, MAX ]") ); static PFNALCSETTHREADCONTEXTPROC palcSetThreadContext; static PFNALCGETTHREADCONTEXTPROC palcGetThreadContext; static inline ALCcontext * pushContext (ALCcontext * ctx) { ALCcontext *old; if (!palcGetThreadContext || !palcSetThreadContext) return NULL; old = palcGetThreadContext (); if (old != ctx) palcSetThreadContext (ctx); return old; } static inline void popContext (ALCcontext * old, ALCcontext * ctx) { if (!palcGetThreadContext || !palcSetThreadContext) return; if (old != ctx) palcSetThreadContext (old); } static inline ALenum checkALError (const char *fname, unsigned int fline) { ALenum err = alGetError (); if (err != AL_NO_ERROR) g_warning ("%s:%u: context error: %s", fname, fline, alGetString (err)); return err; } #define checkALError() checkALError(__FILE__, __LINE__) GST_BOILERPLATE (GstOpenALSink, gst_openal_sink, GstAudioSink, GST_TYPE_AUDIO_SINK); static void gst_openal_sink_dispose (GObject * object) { GstOpenALSink *sink = GST_OPENAL_SINK (object); if (sink->probed_caps) gst_caps_unref (sink->probed_caps); sink->probed_caps = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object); } /* GObject vmethod implementations */ static void gst_openal_sink_base_init (gpointer gclass) { GstElementClass *element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (gclass); gst_element_class_set_details_simple (element_class, "Audio sink (OpenAL)", "Sink/Audio", "Output to a sound device via OpenAL", "Chris Robinson "); gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template (element_class, &openalsink_sink_factory); } /* initialize the plugin's class */ static void gst_openal_sink_class_init (GstOpenALSinkClass * klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; GstBaseSinkClass *gstbasesink_class = (GstBaseSinkClass *) klass; GstAudioSinkClass *gstaudiosink_class = (GstAudioSinkClass *) klass; GParamSpec *spec; if (alcIsExtensionPresent (NULL, "ALC_EXT_thread_local_context")) { palcSetThreadContext = alcGetProcAddress (NULL, "alcSetThreadContext"); palcGetThreadContext = alcGetProcAddress (NULL, "alcGetThreadContext"); } GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (openalsink_debug, "openalsink", 0, "OpenAL sink"); gobject_class->dispose = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_dispose); gobject_class->finalize = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_finalize); gobject_class->set_property = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_set_property); gobject_class->get_property = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_get_property); spec = g_param_spec_string ("device-name", "Device name", "Opened OpenAL device name", "", G_PARAM_READABLE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DEVICE_NAME, spec); spec = g_param_spec_string ("device", "Device", "OpenAL device string", DEFAULT_DEVICE, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DEVICE, spec); spec = g_param_spec_pointer ("device-handle", "ALCdevice", "Custom playback device", G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DEVICE_HDL, spec); spec = g_param_spec_pointer ("context-handle", "ALCcontext", "Custom playback context", G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_CONTEXT_HDL, spec); spec = g_param_spec_uint ("source-id", "Source ID", "Custom playback sID", 0, UINT_MAX, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SOURCE_ID, spec); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); gstbasesink_class->get_caps = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_getcaps); gstaudiosink_class->open = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_open); gstaudiosink_class->close = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_close); gstaudiosink_class->prepare = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_prepare); gstaudiosink_class->unprepare = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_unprepare); gstaudiosink_class->write = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_write); gstaudiosink_class->delay = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_delay); gstaudiosink_class->reset = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_openal_sink_reset); } static void gst_openal_sink_init (GstOpenALSink * sink, GstOpenALSinkClass * klass) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (sink, "initializing openalsink"); sink->devname = g_strdup (DEFAULT_DEVICE); sink->custom_dev = NULL; sink->custom_ctx = NULL; sink->custom_sID = 0; sink->device = NULL; sink->context = NULL; sink->sID = 0; sink->bID_idx = 0; sink->bID_count = 0; sink->bIDs = NULL; sink->bID_length = 0; sink->write_reset = AL_FALSE; sink->probed_caps = NULL; sink->openal_lock = g_mutex_new (); } static void gst_openal_sink_finalize (GObject * object) { GstOpenALSink *sink = GST_OPENAL_SINK (object); g_free (sink->devname); sink->devname = NULL; g_mutex_free (sink->openal_lock); sink->openal_lock = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gst_openal_sink_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstOpenALSink *sink = GST_OPENAL_SINK (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_DEVICE: g_free (sink->devname); sink->devname = g_value_dup_string (value); if (sink->probed_caps) gst_caps_unref (sink->probed_caps); sink->probed_caps = NULL; break; case PROP_DEVICE_HDL: if (!sink->device) sink->custom_dev = g_value_get_pointer (value); break; case PROP_CONTEXT_HDL: if (!sink->device) sink->custom_ctx = g_value_get_pointer (value); break; case PROP_SOURCE_ID: if (!sink->device) sink->custom_sID = g_value_get_uint (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gst_openal_sink_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstOpenALSink *sink = GST_OPENAL_SINK (object); const ALCchar *name = sink->devname; ALCdevice *device = sink->device; ALCcontext *context = sink->context; ALuint sourceID = sink->sID; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_DEVICE_NAME: name = ""; if (device) name = alcGetString (device, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); /* fall-through */ case PROP_DEVICE: g_value_set_string (value, name); break; case PROP_DEVICE_HDL: if (!device) device = sink->custom_dev; g_value_set_pointer (value, device); break; case PROP_CONTEXT_HDL: if (!context) context = sink->custom_ctx; g_value_set_pointer (value, context); break; case PROP_SOURCE_ID: if (!sourceID) sourceID = sink->custom_sID; g_value_set_uint (value, sourceID); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static GstCaps * gst_openal_helper_probe_caps (ALCcontext * ctx) { static const struct { gint count; GstAudioChannelPosition pos[8]; } chans[] = { { 1, { GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_MONO}}, { 2, { GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_RIGHT}}, { 4, { GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_RIGHT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_RIGHT}}, { 6, { GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_RIGHT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_CENTER, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_LFE, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_RIGHT}}, { 7, { GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_RIGHT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_CENTER, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_LFE, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_CENTER, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_SIDE_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_SIDE_RIGHT}}, { 8, { GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_RIGHT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_CENTER, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_LFE, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_RIGHT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_SIDE_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_SIDE_RIGHT}},}; GstStructure *structure; ALCcontext *old; GstCaps *caps; old = pushContext (ctx); caps = gst_caps_new_empty (); if (alIsExtensionPresent ("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS")) { const char *fmt32[] = { "AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32", "AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32", "AL_FORMAT_QUAD32", "AL_FORMAT_51CHN32", "AL_FORMAT_61CHN32", "AL_FORMAT_71CHN32", NULL }, *fmt16[] = { "AL_FORMAT_MONO16", "AL_FORMAT_STEREO16", "AL_FORMAT_QUAD16", "AL_FORMAT_51CHN16", "AL_FORMAT_61CHN16", "AL_FORMAT_71CHN16", NULL}, *fmt8[] = { "AL_FORMAT_MONO8", "AL_FORMAT_STEREO8", "AL_FORMAT_QUAD8", "AL_FORMAT_51CHN8", "AL_FORMAT_61CHN8", "AL_FORMAT_71CHN8", NULL}; int i; if (alIsExtensionPresent ("AL_EXT_FLOAT32")) { for (i = 0; fmt32[i]; i++) { ALenum val = alGetEnumValue (fmt32[i]); if (checkALError () != AL_NO_ERROR || val == 0 || val == -1) continue; structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-raw-float", "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BYTE_ORDER, "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, OPENAL_MIN_RATE, OPENAL_MAX_RATE, "width", G_TYPE_INT, 32, NULL); gst_structure_set (structure, "channels", G_TYPE_INT, chans[i].count, NULL); if (chans[i].count > 2) gst_audio_set_channel_positions (structure, chans[i].pos); gst_caps_append_structure (caps, structure); } } for (i = 0; fmt16[i]; i++) { ALenum val = alGetEnumValue (fmt16[i]); if (checkALError () != AL_NO_ERROR || val == 0 || val == -1) continue; structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-raw-int", "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BYTE_ORDER, "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, OPENAL_MIN_RATE, OPENAL_MAX_RATE, "width", G_TYPE_INT, 16, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, 16, "signed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE, NULL); gst_structure_set (structure, "channels", G_TYPE_INT, chans[i].count, NULL); if (chans[i].count > 2) gst_audio_set_channel_positions (structure, chans[i].pos); gst_caps_append_structure (caps, structure); } for (i = 0; fmt8[i]; i++) { ALenum val = alGetEnumValue (fmt8[i]); if (checkALError () != AL_NO_ERROR || val == 0 || val == -1) continue; structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-raw-int", "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, OPENAL_MIN_RATE, OPENAL_MAX_RATE, "width", G_TYPE_INT, 8, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, 8, "signed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE, NULL); gst_structure_set (structure, "channels", G_TYPE_INT, chans[i].count, NULL); if (chans[i].count > 2) gst_audio_set_channel_positions (structure, chans[i].pos); gst_caps_append_structure (caps, structure); } } else { if (alIsExtensionPresent ("AL_EXT_FLOAT32")) { structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-raw-float", "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BYTE_ORDER, "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, OPENAL_MIN_RATE, OPENAL_MAX_RATE, "width", G_TYPE_INT, 32, "channels", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 1, 2, NULL); gst_caps_append_structure (caps, structure); } structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-raw-int", "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BYTE_ORDER, "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, OPENAL_MIN_RATE, OPENAL_MAX_RATE, "width", G_TYPE_INT, 16, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, 16, "signed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE, "channels", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 1, 2, NULL); gst_caps_append_structure (caps, structure); structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-raw-int", "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, OPENAL_MIN_RATE, OPENAL_MAX_RATE, "width", G_TYPE_INT, 8, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, 8, "signed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE, "channels", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 1, 2, NULL); gst_caps_append_structure (caps, structure); } if (alIsExtensionPresent ("AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS")) { const char *fmtmulaw[] = { "AL_FORMAT_MONO_MULAW", "AL_FORMAT_STEREO_MULAW", "AL_FORMAT_QUAD_MULAW", "AL_FORMAT_51CHN_MULAW", "AL_FORMAT_61CHN_MULAW", "AL_FORMAT_71CHN_MULAW", NULL }; int i; for (i = 0; fmtmulaw[i]; i++) { ALenum val = alGetEnumValue (fmtmulaw[i]); if (checkALError () != AL_NO_ERROR || val == 0 || val == -1) continue; structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-mulaw", "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, OPENAL_MIN_RATE, OPENAL_MAX_RATE, NULL); gst_structure_set (structure, "channels", G_TYPE_INT, chans[i].count, NULL); if (chans[i].count > 2) gst_audio_set_channel_positions (structure, chans[i].pos); gst_caps_append_structure (caps, structure); } } else if (alIsExtensionPresent ("AL_EXT_MULAW")) { structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-mulaw", "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, OPENAL_MIN_RATE, OPENAL_MAX_RATE, "channels", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 1, 2, NULL); gst_caps_append_structure (caps, structure); } popContext (old, ctx); return caps; } static GstCaps * gst_openal_sink_getcaps (GstBaseSink * bsink) { GstOpenALSink *sink = GST_OPENAL_SINK (bsink); GstCaps *caps; if (sink->device == NULL) { GstPad *pad = GST_BASE_SINK_PAD (bsink); caps = gst_caps_copy (gst_pad_get_pad_template_caps (pad)); } else if (sink->probed_caps) caps = gst_caps_copy (sink->probed_caps); else { if (sink->context) caps = gst_openal_helper_probe_caps (sink->context); else if (sink->custom_ctx) caps = gst_openal_helper_probe_caps (sink->custom_ctx); else { ALCcontext *ctx = alcCreateContext (sink->device, NULL); if (ctx) { caps = gst_openal_helper_probe_caps (ctx); alcDestroyContext (ctx); } else { GST_ELEMENT_WARNING (sink, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Could not create temporary context."), GST_ALC_ERROR (sink->device)); caps = NULL; } } if (caps && !gst_caps_is_empty (caps)) sink->probed_caps = gst_caps_copy (caps); } return caps; } static gboolean gst_openal_sink_open (GstAudioSink * asink) { GstOpenALSink *openal = GST_OPENAL_SINK (asink); if (openal->custom_dev) { ALCint val = -1; alcGetIntegerv (openal->custom_dev, ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE, 1, &val); if (val > 0) { if (!openal->custom_ctx || alcGetContextsDevice (openal->custom_ctx) == openal->custom_dev) openal->device = openal->custom_dev; } } else if (openal->custom_ctx) openal->device = alcGetContextsDevice (openal->custom_ctx); else openal->device = alcOpenDevice (openal->devname); if (!openal->device) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, OPEN_WRITE, ("Could not open audio device for playback."), GST_ALC_ERROR (openal->device)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean gst_openal_sink_close (GstAudioSink * asink) { GstOpenALSink *openal = GST_OPENAL_SINK (asink); if (!openal->custom_dev && !openal->custom_ctx) { if (alcCloseDevice (openal->device) == ALC_FALSE) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, CLOSE, ("Could not close audio device."), GST_ALC_ERROR (openal->device)); return FALSE; } } openal->device = NULL; if (openal->probed_caps) gst_caps_unref (openal->probed_caps); openal->probed_caps = NULL; return TRUE; } static void gst_openal_sink_parse_spec (GstOpenALSink * openal, const GstRingBufferSpec * spec) { ALuint format = AL_NONE; GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (openal, "Looking up format for type %d, gst-format %d, " "and %d channels", spec->type, spec->format, spec->channels); /* Don't need to verify supported formats, since the probed caps will only * report what was detected and we shouldn't get anything different */ switch (spec->type) { case GST_BUFTYPE_LINEAR: switch (spec->format) { case GST_U8: if (spec->channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; if (spec->channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; if (spec->channels == 4) format = AL_FORMAT_QUAD8; if (spec->channels == 6) format = AL_FORMAT_51CHN8; if (spec->channels == 7) format = AL_FORMAT_61CHN8; if (spec->channels == 8) format = AL_FORMAT_71CHN8; break; case GST_S16_NE: if (spec->channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; if (spec->channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; if (spec->channels == 4) format = AL_FORMAT_QUAD16; if (spec->channels == 6) format = AL_FORMAT_51CHN16; if (spec->channels == 7) format = AL_FORMAT_61CHN16; if (spec->channels == 8) format = AL_FORMAT_71CHN16; break; default: break; } break; case GST_BUFTYPE_FLOAT: switch (spec->format) { case GST_FLOAT32_NE: if (spec->channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32; if (spec->channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32; if (spec->channels == 4) format = AL_FORMAT_QUAD32; if (spec->channels == 6) format = AL_FORMAT_51CHN32; if (spec->channels == 7) format = AL_FORMAT_61CHN32; if (spec->channels == 8) format = AL_FORMAT_71CHN32; break; default: break; } break; case GST_BUFTYPE_MU_LAW: switch (spec->format) { case GST_MU_LAW: if (spec->channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO_MULAW; if (spec->channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO_MULAW; if (spec->channels == 4) format = AL_FORMAT_QUAD_MULAW; if (spec->channels == 6) format = AL_FORMAT_51CHN_MULAW; if (spec->channels == 7) format = AL_FORMAT_61CHN_MULAW; if (spec->channels == 8) format = AL_FORMAT_71CHN_MULAW; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } openal->bytes_per_sample = spec->bytes_per_sample; openal->srate = spec->rate; openal->bID_count = spec->segtotal; openal->bID_length = spec->segsize; openal->format = format; } static gboolean gst_openal_sink_prepare (GstAudioSink * asink, GstRingBufferSpec * spec) { GstOpenALSink *openal = GST_OPENAL_SINK (asink); ALCcontext *ctx, *old; if (openal->context && !gst_openal_sink_unprepare (asink)) return FALSE; if (openal->custom_ctx) ctx = openal->custom_ctx; else { ALCint attribs[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; /* Don't try to change the playback frequency of an app's device */ if (!openal->custom_dev) { attribs[0] = ALC_FREQUENCY; attribs[1] = spec->rate; attribs[2] = 0; } ctx = alcCreateContext (openal->device, attribs); if (!ctx) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Unable to prepare device."), GST_ALC_ERROR (openal->device)); return FALSE; } } old = pushContext (ctx); if (openal->custom_sID) { if (!openal->custom_ctx || !alIsSource (openal->custom_sID)) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, NOT_FOUND, (NULL), ("Invalid source ID specified for context")); goto fail; } openal->sID = openal->custom_sID; } else { ALuint sourceID; alGenSources (1, &sourceID); if (checkALError () != AL_NO_ERROR) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, NO_SPACE_LEFT, (NULL), ("Unable to generate source")); goto fail; } openal->sID = sourceID; } gst_openal_sink_parse_spec (openal, spec); if (openal->format == AL_NONE) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, SETTINGS, (NULL), ("Unable to get type %d, format %d, and %d channels", spec->type, spec->format, spec->channels)); goto fail; } openal->bIDs = g_malloc (openal->bID_count * sizeof (*openal->bIDs)); if (!openal->bIDs) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, FAILED, ("Out of memory."), ("Unable to allocate buffer IDs")); goto fail; } alGenBuffers (openal->bID_count, openal->bIDs); if (checkALError () != AL_NO_ERROR) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, NO_SPACE_LEFT, (NULL), ("Unable to generate %d buffers", openal->bID_count)); goto fail; } openal->bID_idx = 0; popContext (old, ctx); openal->context = ctx; return TRUE; fail: if (!openal->custom_sID && openal->sID) alDeleteSources (1, &openal->sID); openal->sID = 0; g_free (openal->bIDs); openal->bIDs = NULL; openal->bID_count = 0; openal->bID_length = 0; popContext (old, ctx); if (!openal->custom_ctx) alcDestroyContext (ctx); return FALSE; } static gboolean gst_openal_sink_unprepare (GstAudioSink * asink) { GstOpenALSink *openal = GST_OPENAL_SINK (asink); ALCcontext *old; if (!openal->context) return TRUE; old = pushContext (openal->context); alSourceStop (openal->sID); alSourcei (openal->sID, AL_BUFFER, 0); if (!openal->custom_sID) alDeleteSources (1, &openal->sID); openal->sID = 0; alDeleteBuffers (openal->bID_count, openal->bIDs); g_free (openal->bIDs); openal->bIDs = NULL; openal->bID_idx = 0; openal->bID_count = 0; openal->bID_length = 0; checkALError (); popContext (old, openal->context); if (!openal->custom_ctx) alcDestroyContext (openal->context); openal->context = NULL; return TRUE; } static guint gst_openal_sink_write (GstAudioSink * asink, gpointer data, guint length) { GstOpenALSink *openal = GST_OPENAL_SINK (asink); ALint processed, queued, state; ALCcontext *old; gulong rest_us; g_assert (length == openal->bID_length); old = pushContext (openal->context); rest_us = (guint64) (openal->bID_length / openal->bytes_per_sample) * G_USEC_PER_SEC / openal->srate / 2; do { alGetSourcei (openal->sID, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); alGetSourcei (openal->sID, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); alGetSourcei (openal->sID, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); if (checkALError () != AL_NO_ERROR) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, WRITE, (NULL), ("Source state error detected")); length = 0; goto out_nolock; } if (processed > 0 || queued < openal->bID_count) break; if (state != AL_PLAYING) alSourcePlay (openal->sID); g_usleep (rest_us); } while (1); GST_OPENAL_SINK_LOCK (openal); if (openal->write_reset != AL_FALSE) { openal->write_reset = AL_FALSE; length = 0; goto out; } queued -= processed; while (processed-- > 0) { ALuint bid; alSourceUnqueueBuffers (openal->sID, 1, &bid); } if (state == AL_STOPPED) { /* "Restore" from underruns (not actually needed, but it keeps delay * calculations correct while rebuffering) */ alSourceRewind (openal->sID); } alBufferData (openal->bIDs[openal->bID_idx], openal->format, data, openal->bID_length, openal->srate); alSourceQueueBuffers (openal->sID, 1, &openal->bIDs[openal->bID_idx]); openal->bID_idx = (openal->bID_idx + 1) % openal->bID_count; queued++; if (state != AL_PLAYING && queued == openal->bID_count) alSourcePlay (openal->sID); if (checkALError () != ALC_NO_ERROR) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (openal, RESOURCE, WRITE, (NULL), ("Source queue error detected")); goto out; } out: GST_OPENAL_SINK_UNLOCK (openal); out_nolock: popContext (old, openal->context); return length; } static guint gst_openal_sink_delay (GstAudioSink * asink) { GstOpenALSink *openal = GST_OPENAL_SINK (asink); ALint queued, state, offset, delay; ALCcontext *old; if (!openal->context) return 0; GST_OPENAL_SINK_LOCK (openal); old = pushContext (openal->context); delay = 0; alGetSourcei (openal->sID, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); /* Order here is important. If the offset is queried after the state and an * underrun occurs in between the two calls, it can end up with a 0 offset * in a playing state, incorrectly reporting a len*queued/bps delay. */ alGetSourcei (openal->sID, AL_BYTE_OFFSET, &offset); alGetSourcei (openal->sID, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); /* Note: state=stopped is an underrun, meaning all buffers are processed * and there's no delay when writing the next buffer. Pre-buffering is * state=initial, which will introduce a delay while writing. */ if (checkALError () == AL_NO_ERROR && state != AL_STOPPED) delay = ((queued * openal->bID_length) - offset) / openal->bytes_per_sample; popContext (old, openal->context); GST_OPENAL_SINK_UNLOCK (openal); return delay; } static void gst_openal_sink_reset (GstAudioSink * asink) { GstOpenALSink *openal = GST_OPENAL_SINK (asink); ALCcontext *old; GST_OPENAL_SINK_LOCK (openal); old = pushContext (openal->context); openal->write_reset = AL_TRUE; alSourceStop (openal->sID); alSourceRewind (openal->sID); alSourcei (openal->sID, AL_BUFFER, 0); checkALError (); popContext (old, openal->context); GST_OPENAL_SINK_UNLOCK (openal); }