# OpenGL usage
How to set up openGL using plugins in such a way that they can
render to an on-screen window, or offscreen equally?

superfoo3d ! glwindow
superfoo3d ! gloffscreen ! xvideowindow

This would imply that there is some mime type which connects a glwindow/gloffscreen and a GL using component sensibly. I don't see that there is any actual 
data to send, however - the only purpose of the glwindow/gloffscreen is to 
set up an openGL context and then 'output' it somehow one the superfoo3d has
finished drawing each frame.

In the case of glwindow, 'output' it means translate into an on-screen window,
but for gloffscreen it means produce a video packet and go.

These components really need some other 2 way communication, rather than the
pads metaphor, I think?