Debugging GStreamer has an extensive set of debugging tools for plugin developers. Command line options Applications using the GStreamer libraries accept the following set of command line argruments to enable the debugging system. Sets the mask for the debugging output. Sets the mask for the info output. Enable printout of errors while loading GST plugins. Add a directory to the plugin search path. Print the a short desciption of the options and an overview of the current debugging/info masks set. The follwing table gives an overview of the mask values and their meaning. (enabled) means that the corresponding flag has been set. Mask (to be OR'ed) info/debug FLAGS -------------------------------------------------------- 0x00000001 (enabled)/ GST_INIT 0x00000002 / COTHREADS 0x00000004 / COTHREAD_SWITCH 0x00000008 / AUTOPLUG 0x00000010 / AUTOPLUG_ATTEMPT 0x00000020 / PARENTAGE 0x00000040 / STATES 0x00000080 / PLANING 0x00000100 / SCHEDULING 0x00000200 / OPERATION 0x00000400 / BUFFER 0x00000800 / CAPS 0x00001000 / CLOCK 0x00002000 / ELEMENT_PADS 0x00004000 / ELEMENTFACTORY 0x00008000 / PADS 0x00010000 / PIPELINE 0x00020000 / PLUGIN_LOADING 0x00040000 / PLUGIN_ERRORS 0x00080000 / PROPERTIES 0x00100000 / THREAD 0x00200000 / TYPES 0x00400000 / XML Adding a custom debug handler