/* Goom Project
 * Copyright (C) <2003> iOS-Software
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _PLUGIN_INFO_H
#define _PLUGIN_INFO_H

#include "goom_typedefs.h"

#include "goom_config.h"

#include "goom_graphic.h"
#include "goom_config_param.h"
#include "goom_visual_fx.h"
#include "goom_filters.h"
#include "goom_tools.h"

typedef struct {
	char drawIFS;
	char drawPoints;
	char drawTentacle;

	char drawScope;
	int farScope;

	int rangemin;
	int rangemax;
} GoomState;

#define STATES_MAX_NB 128

 * Gives informations about the sound.
struct _SOUND_INFO {

	/* nota : a Goom is just a sound event... */

	int timeSinceLastGoom;   /* >= 0 */
	float goomPower;         /* power of the last Goom [0..1] */

	int timeSinceLastBigGoom;   /* >= 0 */

	float volume;     /* [0..1] */
	short samples[2][512];

	/* other "internal" datas for the sound_tester */
	float goom_limit; /* auto-updated limit of goom_detection */
	float bigGoomLimit;
	float accelvar;   /* acceleration of the sound - [0..1] */
	float speedvar;   /* speed of the sound - [0..100] */
	int allTimesMax;
	int totalgoom;    /* number of goom since last reset
			   * (a reset every 64 cycles) */

	float prov_max;   /* accel max since last reset */

	int cycle;

	/* private */
	PluginParam volume_p;
	PluginParam speed_p;
	PluginParam accel_p;
	PluginParam goom_limit_p;
        PluginParam goom_power_p;
	PluginParam last_goom_p;
	PluginParam last_biggoom_p;
	PluginParam biggoom_speed_limit_p;
	PluginParam biggoom_factor_p;

	PluginParameters params; /* contains the previously defined parameters. */

 * Allows FXs to know the current state of the plugin.
struct _PLUGIN_INFO {

	/* public datas */

	int nbParams;
	PluginParameters *params;

	/* private datas */

	struct _SIZE_TYPE {
		int width;
		int height;
		int size;   /* == screen.height * screen.width. */
	} screen;

	SoundInfo sound;

	int nbVisuals;
	VisualFX **visuals; /* pointers on all the visual fx */

	/* The known FX */
	VisualFX convolve_fx;
	VisualFX star_fx;
	VisualFX zoomFilter_fx;
	VisualFX tentacles_fx;
	VisualFX ifs_fx;

	/* image buffers */
	guint32 *pixel;
	guint32 *back;
	Pixel *p1, *p2;
	Pixel *conv;
  Pixel *outputBuf;

	/* state of goom */
	guint32 cycle;
	GoomState states[STATES_MAX_NB];
	int statesNumber;
	int statesRangeMax;

	GoomState *curGState;

	/* effet de ligne.. */
	GMLine *gmline1;
	GMLine *gmline2;

	/* sinus table */
	int sintable[0x10000];

	/* goom_update internals.
	 * I took all static variables from goom_update and put them here.. for the moment.
	struct {
		int lockvar;               /* pour empecher de nouveaux changements */
		int goomvar;               /* boucle des gooms */
		int loopvar;               /* mouvement des points */
		int stop_lines;
		int ifs_incr;              /* dessiner l'ifs (0 = non: > = increment) */
		int decay_ifs;             /* disparition de l'ifs */
		int recay_ifs;             /* dedisparition de l'ifs */
		int cyclesSinceLastChange; /* nombre de Cycle Depuis Dernier Changement */
		int drawLinesDuration;     /* duree de la transition entre afficher les lignes ou pas */
		int lineMode;              /* l'effet lineaire a dessiner */
		float switchMultAmount;    /* SWITCHMULT (29.0f/30.0f) */
		int switchIncrAmount;      /* 0x7f */
		float switchMult;          /* 1.0f */
		int switchIncr;            /*  = SWITCHINCR; */
		int stateSelectionRnd;
		int stateSelectionBlocker;
		int previousZoomSpeed;
		ZoomFilterData zoomFilterData;                
	} update;

	struct {
		void (*draw_line) (Pixel *data, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col, int screenx, int screeny);
		void (*zoom_filter) (int sizeX, int sizeY, Pixel *src, Pixel *dest, int *brutS, int *brutD, int buffratio, int precalCoef[16][16]);
	} methods;
	GoomRandom *gRandom;

void plugin_info_init(PluginInfo *p, int nbVisual); 
void plugin_info_free(PluginInfo *p);

/* i = [0..p->nbVisual-1] */
void plugin_info_add_visual(PluginInfo *p, int i, VisualFX *visual);
