/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) <2003> David A. Schleef <ds@schleef.org> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * SECTION:gsterror * @short_description: Categorized error messages * @see_also: #GstMessage * * GStreamer elements can throw non-fatal warnings and fatal errors. * Higher-level elements and applications can programatically filter * the ones they are interested in or can recover from, * and have a default handler handle the rest of them. * * The rest of this section will use the term <quote>error</quote> * to mean both (non-fatal) warnings and (fatal) errors; they are treated * similarly. * * Errors from elements are the combination of a #GError and a debug string. * The #GError contains: * - a domain type: CORE, LIBRARY, RESOURCE or STREAM * - a code: an enum value specific to the domain * - a translated, human-readable message * - a non-translated additional debug string, which also contains * - file and line information * * Elements do not have the context required to decide what to do with * errors. As such, they should only inform about errors, and stop their * processing. In short, an element doesn't know what it is being used for. * * It is the application or compound element using the given element that * has more context about the use of the element. Errors can be received by * listening to the #GstBus of the element/pipeline for #GstMessage objects with * the type %GST_MESSAGE_ERROR or %GST_MESSAGE_WARNING. The thrown errors should * be inspected, and filtered if appropriate. * * An application is expected to, by default, present the user with a * dialog box (or an equivalent) showing the error message. The dialog * should also allow a way to get at the additional debug information, * so the user can provide bug reporting information. * * A compound element is expected to forward errors by default higher up * the hierarchy; this is done by default in the same way as for other types * of #GstMessage. * * When applications or compound elements trigger errors that they can * recover from, they can filter out these errors and take appropriate action. * For example, an application that gets an error from xvimagesink * that indicates all XVideo ports are taken, the application can attempt * to use another sink instead. * * Elements throw errors using the #GST_ELEMENT_ERROR convenience macro: * * <example> * <title>Throwing an error</title> * <programlisting> * GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (src, RESOURCE, NOT_FOUND, * (_("No file name specified for reading.")), (NULL)); * </programlisting> * </example> * * Things to keep in mind: * <itemizedlist> * <listitem><para>Don't go off inventing new error codes. The ones * currently provided should be enough. If you find your type of error * does not fit the current codes, you should use FAILED.</para></listitem> * <listitem><para>Don't provide a message if the default one suffices. * this keeps messages more uniform. Use (NULL) - not forgetting the * parentheses.</para></listitem> * <listitem><para>If you do supply a custom message, it should be * marked for translation. The message should start with a capital * and end with a period. The message should describe the error in short, * in a human-readable form, and without any complex technical terms. * A user interface will present this message as the first thing a user * sees. Details, technical info, ... should go in the debug string. * </para></listitem> * <listitem><para>The debug string can be as you like. Again, use (NULL) * if there's nothing to add - file and line number will still be * passed. #GST_ERROR_SYSTEM can be used as a shortcut to give * debug information on a system call error.</para></listitem> * </itemizedlist> * * Last reviewed on 2006-09-15 (0.10.10) */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "gst_private.h" #include <gst/gst.h> #include "gst-i18n-lib.h" #define TABLE(t, d, a, b) t[GST_ ## d ## _ERROR_ ## a] = g_strdup (b) #define QUARK_FUNC(string) \ GQuark gst_ ## string ## _error_quark (void) { \ static GQuark quark; \ if (!quark) \ quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("gst-" # string "-error-quark"); \ return quark; } GType gst_g_error_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY (type == 0)) type = g_boxed_type_register_static ("GstGError", (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_error_copy, (GBoxedFreeFunc) g_error_free); return type; } #define FILE_A_BUG " Please file a bug at " PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "." /* initialize the dynamic table of translated core errors */ static gchar ** _gst_core_errors_init (void) { gchar **t = NULL; t = g_new0 (gchar *, GST_CORE_ERROR_NUM_ERRORS); TABLE (t, CORE, FAILED, N_("GStreamer encountered a general core library error.")); TABLE (t, CORE, TOO_LAZY, N_("GStreamer developers were too lazy to assign an error code " "to this error." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, N_("Internal GStreamer error: code not implemented." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, STATE_CHANGE, N_("Internal GStreamer error: state change failed." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, PAD, N_("Internal GStreamer error: pad problem." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, THREAD, N_("Internal GStreamer error: thread problem." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, NEGOTIATION, N_("Internal GStreamer error: negotiation problem." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, EVENT, N_("Internal GStreamer error: event problem." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, SEEK, N_("Internal GStreamer error: seek problem." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, CAPS, N_("Internal GStreamer error: caps problem." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, TAG, N_("Internal GStreamer error: tag problem." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, MISSING_PLUGIN, N_("Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.")); TABLE (t, CORE, CLOCK, N_("Internal GStreamer error: clock problem." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, CORE, DISABLED, N_("This application is trying to use GStreamer functionality that " "has been disabled.")); return t; } /* initialize the dynamic table of translated library errors */ static gchar ** _gst_library_errors_init (void) { gchar **t = NULL; t = g_new0 (gchar *, GST_LIBRARY_ERROR_NUM_ERRORS); TABLE (t, LIBRARY, FAILED, N_("GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.")); TABLE (t, LIBRARY, TOO_LAZY, N_("GStreamer developers were too lazy to assign an error code " "to this error." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, LIBRARY, INIT, N_("Could not initialize supporting library.")); TABLE (t, LIBRARY, SHUTDOWN, N_("Could not close supporting library.")); TABLE (t, LIBRARY, SETTINGS, N_("Could not configure supporting library.")); return t; } /* initialize the dynamic table of translated resource errors */ static gchar ** _gst_resource_errors_init (void) { gchar **t = NULL; t = g_new0 (gchar *, GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_NUM_ERRORS); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, FAILED, N_("GStreamer encountered a general resource error.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, TOO_LAZY, N_("GStreamer developers were too lazy to assign an error code " "to this error." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, NOT_FOUND, N_("Resource not found.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, BUSY, N_("Resource busy or not available.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, OPEN_READ, N_("Could not open resource for reading.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, OPEN_WRITE, N_("Could not open resource for writing.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, OPEN_READ_WRITE, N_("Could not open resource for reading and writing.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, CLOSE, N_("Could not close resource.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, READ, N_("Could not read from resource.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, WRITE, N_("Could not write to resource.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, SEEK, N_("Could not perform seek on resource.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, SYNC, N_("Could not synchronize on resource.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, SETTINGS, N_("Could not get/set settings from/on resource.")); TABLE (t, RESOURCE, NO_SPACE_LEFT, N_("No space left on the resource.")); return t; } /* initialize the dynamic table of translated stream errors */ static gchar ** _gst_stream_errors_init (void) { gchar **t = NULL; t = g_new0 (gchar *, GST_STREAM_ERROR_NUM_ERRORS); TABLE (t, STREAM, FAILED, N_("GStreamer encountered a general stream error.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, TOO_LAZY, N_("GStreamer developers were too lazy to assign an error code " "to this error." FILE_A_BUG)); TABLE (t, STREAM, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, N_("Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. " "Please file a bug.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, TYPE_NOT_FOUND, N_("Could not determine type of stream.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, WRONG_TYPE, N_("The stream is of a different type than handled by this element.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, CODEC_NOT_FOUND, N_("There is no codec present that can handle the stream's type.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, DECODE, N_("Could not decode stream.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, ENCODE, N_("Could not encode stream.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, DEMUX, N_("Could not demultiplex stream.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, MUX, N_("Could not multiplex stream.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, FORMAT, N_("The stream is in the wrong format.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, DECRYPT, N_("The stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported.")); TABLE (t, STREAM, DECRYPT_NOKEY, N_("The stream is encrypted and can't be decrypted because no suitable " "key has been supplied.")); return t; } QUARK_FUNC (core); QUARK_FUNC (library); QUARK_FUNC (resource); QUARK_FUNC (stream); /** * gst_error_get_message: * @domain: the GStreamer error domain this error belongs to. * @code: the error code belonging to the domain. * * Get a string describing the error message in the current locale. * * Returns: a newly allocated string describing the error message in the * current locale. */ gchar * gst_error_get_message (GQuark domain, gint code) { static gchar **gst_core_errors = NULL; static gchar **gst_library_errors = NULL; static gchar **gst_resource_errors = NULL; static gchar **gst_stream_errors = NULL; gchar *message = NULL; /* initialize error message tables if necessary */ if (gst_core_errors == NULL) gst_core_errors = _gst_core_errors_init (); if (gst_library_errors == NULL) gst_library_errors = _gst_library_errors_init (); if (gst_resource_errors == NULL) gst_resource_errors = _gst_resource_errors_init (); if (gst_stream_errors == NULL) gst_stream_errors = _gst_stream_errors_init (); if (domain == GST_CORE_ERROR) message = gst_core_errors[code]; else if (domain == GST_LIBRARY_ERROR) message = gst_library_errors[code]; else if (domain == GST_RESOURCE_ERROR) message = gst_resource_errors[code]; else if (domain == GST_STREAM_ERROR) message = gst_stream_errors[code]; else { g_warning ("No error messages for domain %s", g_quark_to_string (domain)); return g_strdup_printf (_("No error message for domain %s."), g_quark_to_string (domain)); } if (message) return g_strdup (_(message)); else return g_strdup_printf (_ ("No standard error message for domain %s and code %d."), g_quark_to_string (domain), code); }