### Describe your issue
<!-- Please provide a clear and concise summary of the bug. -->

<!-- For any GStreamer usage questions or application development support
     please head over to our new GStreamer Discourse forum at
     https://discourse.gstreamer.org/ instead, or find us on
     the GStreamer Matrix room at https://matrix.to/#/#gstreamer:gstreamer.org -->

#### Expected Behavior
<!-- What did you expect to happen -->

#### Observed Behavior
<!-- What actually happened -->

#### Setup
- **Operating System:**
- **Device:** Computer / Tablet / Mobile / Virtual Machine <!-- Delete as appropriate !-->
- **GStreamer Version:**
- **Command line:**

### Steps to reproduce the bug
<!-- please fill in exact steps which reproduce the bug on your system, for example: -->
1. open terminal
2. type `command`

### How reproducible is the bug?
<!-- The reproducibility of the bug is Always/Intermittent/Only once after doing a very specific set of steps-->

### Screenshots if relevant

### Solutions you have tried

### Related non-duplicate issues

### Additional Information
<!-- Any other information such as logs. Make use of <details> for long output -->