/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2012 Smart TV Alliance * Author: Thiago Sousa Santos , Collabora Ltd. * * gstmssmanifest.c: * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "gstmssmanifest.h" #define MSS_NODE_STREAM_FRAGMENT "c" #define MSS_NODE_STREAM_QUALITY "QualityLevel" #define MSS_PROP_BITRATE "Bitrate" #define MSS_PROP_DURATION "d" #define MSS_PROP_NUMBER "n" #define MSS_PROP_TIME "t" #define MSS_PROP_URL "Url" /* TODO check if atoi is successful? */ typedef struct _GstMssStreamFragment { guint number; guint64 time; guint64 duration; } GstMssStreamFragment; struct _GstMssStream { xmlNodePtr xmlnode; gint selectedQualityIndex; GList *fragments; GList *qualities; gchar *url; GList *current_fragment; GList *current_quality; /* TODO move this to somewhere static */ GRegex *regex_bitrate; GRegex *regex_position; }; struct _GstMssManifest { xmlDocPtr xml; xmlNodePtr xmlrootnode; GSList *streams; }; static gboolean node_has_type (xmlNodePtr node, const gchar * name) { return strcmp ((gchar *) node->name, name) == 0; } static void _gst_mss_stream_init (GstMssStream * stream, xmlNodePtr node) { xmlNodePtr iter; GstMssStreamFragment *previous_fragment = NULL; guint fragment_number = 0; guint fragment_time_accum = 0; GError *gerror = NULL; stream->xmlnode = node; /* get the base url path generator */ stream->url = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) MSS_PROP_URL); for (iter = node->children; iter; iter = iter->next) { if (node_has_type (iter, MSS_NODE_STREAM_FRAGMENT)) { gchar *duration_str; gchar *time_str; gchar *seqnum_str; GstMssStreamFragment *fragment = g_new (GstMssStreamFragment, 1); duration_str = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (iter, (xmlChar *) MSS_PROP_DURATION); time_str = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (iter, (xmlChar *) MSS_PROP_TIME); seqnum_str = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (iter, (xmlChar *) MSS_PROP_NUMBER); /* use the node's seq number or use the previous + 1 */ if (seqnum_str) { fragment->number = atoi (seqnum_str); g_free (seqnum_str); } else { fragment->number = fragment_number; } fragment_number = fragment->number + 1; if (time_str) { fragment->time = atoi (time_str); g_free (time_str); } else { fragment->time = fragment_time_accum; } /* if we have a previous fragment, means we need to set its duration */ if (previous_fragment) previous_fragment->duration = fragment->time - previous_fragment->time; if (duration_str) { fragment->duration = atoi (duration_str); previous_fragment = NULL; fragment_time_accum += fragment->duration; g_free (duration_str); } else { /* store to set the duration at the next iteration */ previous_fragment = fragment; } /* we reverse it later */ stream->fragments = g_list_prepend (stream->fragments, fragment); } else if (node_has_type (iter, MSS_NODE_STREAM_QUALITY)) { stream->qualities = g_list_prepend (stream->qualities, iter); } else { /* TODO gst log this */ } } stream->fragments = g_list_reverse (stream->fragments); stream->qualities = g_list_reverse (stream->qualities); stream->current_fragment = stream->fragments; stream->current_quality = stream->qualities; stream->regex_bitrate = g_regex_new ("\\{[Bb]itrate\\}", 0, 0, &gerror); stream->regex_position = g_regex_new ("\\{start[ _]time\\}", 0, 0, &gerror); } GstMssManifest * gst_mss_manifest_new (const GstBuffer * data) { GstMssManifest *manifest; xmlNodePtr root; xmlNodePtr nodeiter; manifest = g_malloc0 (sizeof (GstMssManifest)); manifest->xml = xmlReadMemory ((const gchar *) GST_BUFFER_DATA (data), GST_BUFFER_SIZE (data), "manifest", NULL, 0); root = manifest->xmlrootnode = xmlDocGetRootElement (manifest->xml); for (nodeiter = root->children; nodeiter; nodeiter = nodeiter->next) { if (nodeiter->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && (strcmp ((const char *) nodeiter->name, "StreamIndex") == 0)) { GstMssStream *stream = g_new0 (GstMssStream, 1); manifest->streams = g_slist_append (manifest->streams, stream); _gst_mss_stream_init (stream, nodeiter); } } return manifest; } static void gst_mss_stream_free (GstMssStream * stream) { g_list_free_full (stream->fragments, g_free); g_list_free (stream->qualities); g_free (stream->url); g_regex_unref (stream->regex_position); g_regex_unref (stream->regex_bitrate); g_free (stream); } void gst_mss_manifest_free (GstMssManifest * manifest) { g_return_if_fail (manifest != NULL); g_slist_free_full (manifest->streams, (GDestroyNotify) gst_mss_stream_free); xmlFreeDoc (manifest->xml); g_free (manifest); } GSList * gst_mss_manifest_get_streams (GstMssManifest * manifest) { return manifest->streams; } GstMssStreamType gst_mss_stream_get_type (GstMssStream * stream) { gchar *prop = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (stream->xmlnode, (xmlChar *) "Type"); GstMssStreamType ret = MSS_STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWN; if (strcmp (prop, "video") == 0) { ret = MSS_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO; } else if (strcmp (prop, "audio") == 0) { ret = MSS_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO; } xmlFree (prop); return ret; } static GstCaps * _gst_mss_stream_video_caps_from_fourcc (gchar * fourcc) { if (!fourcc) return NULL; if (strcmp (fourcc, "H264") == 0) { return gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-h264", NULL); } return NULL; } static GstCaps * _gst_mss_stream_audio_caps_from_fourcc (gchar * fourcc) { if (!fourcc) return NULL; if (strcmp (fourcc, "AACL") == 0) { return gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/mpeg", "mpegversion", G_TYPE_INT, 4, NULL); } return NULL; } static GstCaps * _gst_mss_stream_video_caps_from_qualitylevel_xml (xmlNodePtr node) { GstCaps *caps; GstStructure *structure; gchar *fourcc = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "FourCC"); gchar *max_width = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "MaxWidth"); gchar *max_height = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "MaxHeight"); gchar *codec_data = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "CodecPrivateData"); caps = _gst_mss_stream_video_caps_from_fourcc (fourcc); if (!caps) goto end; structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0); if (max_width) gst_structure_set (structure, "width", G_TYPE_INT, atoi (max_width), NULL); if (max_height) gst_structure_set (structure, "height", G_TYPE_INT, atoi (max_height), NULL); if (codec_data) { GValue *value = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (value, GST_TYPE_BUFFER); gst_value_deserialize (value, (gchar *) codec_data); gst_structure_take_value (structure, "codec_data", value); } end: g_free (fourcc); g_free (max_width); g_free (max_height); g_free (codec_data); return caps; } static GstCaps * _gst_mss_stream_audio_caps_from_qualitylevel_xml (xmlNodePtr node) { GstCaps *caps; GstStructure *structure; gchar *fourcc = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "FourCC"); gchar *channels = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "Channels"); gchar *rate = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "SamplingRate"); gchar *codec_data = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "CodecPrivateData"); caps = _gst_mss_stream_audio_caps_from_fourcc (fourcc); if (!caps) goto end; structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0); if (channels) gst_structure_set (structure, "channels", G_TYPE_INT, atoi (channels), NULL); if (rate) gst_structure_set (structure, "rate", G_TYPE_INT, atoi (rate), NULL); if (codec_data) { GValue *value = g_new0 (GValue, 1); g_value_init (value, GST_TYPE_BUFFER); gst_value_deserialize (value, (gchar *) codec_data); gst_structure_take_value (structure, "codec_data", value); } end: g_free (fourcc); g_free (channels); g_free (rate); g_free (codec_data); return caps; } GstCaps * gst_mss_stream_get_caps (GstMssStream * stream) { GstMssStreamType streamtype = gst_mss_stream_get_type (stream); xmlNodePtr qualitylevel = stream->current_quality->data; if (streamtype == MSS_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO) return _gst_mss_stream_video_caps_from_qualitylevel_xml (qualitylevel); else if (streamtype == MSS_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO) return _gst_mss_stream_audio_caps_from_qualitylevel_xml (qualitylevel); return NULL; } GstFlowReturn gst_mss_stream_get_fragment_url (GstMssStream * stream, gchar ** url) { gchar *tmp; gchar *bitrate_str; gchar *start_time_str; GstMssStreamFragment *fragment; if (stream->current_fragment == NULL) /* stream is over */ return GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED; fragment = stream->current_fragment->data; bitrate_str = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (stream->current_quality->data, (xmlChar *) MSS_PROP_BITRATE); start_time_str = g_strdup_printf ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, fragment->time); tmp = g_regex_replace_literal (stream->regex_bitrate, stream->url, strlen (stream->url), 0, bitrate_str, 0, NULL); *url = g_regex_replace_literal (stream->regex_position, tmp, strlen (tmp), 0, start_time_str, 0, NULL); g_free (tmp); g_free (start_time_str); g_free (bitrate_str); return GST_FLOW_OK; } GstFlowReturn gst_mss_stream_advance_fragment (GstMssStream * stream) { if (stream->current_fragment == NULL) return GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED; stream->current_fragment = g_list_next (stream->current_fragment); if (stream->current_fragment == NULL); return GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED; return GST_FLOW_OK; } const gchar * gst_mss_stream_type_name (GstMssStreamType streamtype) { switch (streamtype) { case MSS_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO: return "video"; case MSS_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO: return "audio"; case MSS_STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: return "unknown"; } }