/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) <2005> Wim Taymans * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __RTSP_DEFS_H__ #define __RTSP_DEFS_H__ #include G_BEGIN_DECLS typedef enum { RTSP_OK = 0, /* errors */ RTSP_EINVAL = -1, RTSP_ENOMEM = -2, RTSP_ERESOLV = -3, RTSP_ENOTIMPL = -4, RTSP_ESYS = -5, RTSP_EPARSE = -6, } RTSPResult; typedef enum { RTSP_PROTO_TCP, RTSP_PROTO_UDP, } RTSPProto; typedef enum { RTSP_FAM_NONE, RTSP_FAM_INET, RTSP_FAM_INET6, } RTSPFamily; typedef enum { RTSP_STATE_INIT, RTSP_STATE_READY, RTSP_STATE_PLAYING, RTSP_STATE_RECORDING, } RTSPState; typedef enum { RTSP_DESCRIBE, RTSP_ANNOUNCE, RTSP_GET_PARAMETER, RTSP_OPTIONS, RTSP_PAUSE, RTSP_PLAY, RTSP_RECORD, RTSP_REDIRECT, RTSP_SETUP, RTSP_SET_PARAMETER, RTSP_TEARDOWN, } RTSPMethod; typedef enum { /* * R = Request * r = response * g = general * e = entity */ RTSP_HDR_ACCEPT, /* Accept R opt. entity */ RTSP_HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING, /* Accept-Encoding R opt. entity */ RTSP_HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, /* Accept-Language R opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_ALLOW, /* Allow r opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_AUTHORIZATION, /* Authorization R opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_BANDWIDTH, /* Bandwidth R opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_BLOCKSIZE, /* Blocksize R opt. all but OPTIONS, TEARDOWN */ RTSP_HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, /* Cache-Control g opt. SETUP */ RTSP_HDR_CONFERENCE, /* Conference R opt. SETUP */ RTSP_HDR_CONNECTION, /* Connection g req. all */ RTSP_HDR_CONTENT_BASE, /* Content-Base e opt. entity */ RTSP_HDR_CONTENT_ENCODING, /* Content-Encoding e req. SET_PARAMETER, DESCRIBE, ANNOUNCE */ RTSP_HDR_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, /* Content-Language e req. DESCRIBE, ANNOUNCE */ RTSP_HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, /* Content-Length e req. SET_PARAMETER, ANNOUNCE, entity */ RTSP_HDR_CONTENT_LOCATION, /* Content-Location e opt. entity */ RTSP_HDR_CONTENT_TYPE, /* Content-Type e req. SET_PARAMETER, ANNOUNCE, entity */ RTSP_HDR_CSEQ, /* CSeq g req. all */ RTSP_HDR_DATE, /* Date g opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_EXPIRES, /* Expires e opt. DESCRIBE, ANNOUNCE */ RTSP_HDR_FROM, /* From R opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, /* If-Modified-Since R opt. DESCRIBE, SETUP */ RTSP_HDR_LAST_MODIFIED, /* Last-Modified e opt. entity */ RTSP_HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, /* Proxy-Authenticate */ RTSP_HDR_PROXY_REQUIRE, /* Proxy-Require R req. all */ RTSP_HDR_PUBLIC, /* Public r opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_RANGE, /* Range Rr opt. PLAY, PAUSE, RECORD */ RTSP_HDR_REFERER, /* Referer R opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_REQUIRE, /* Require R req. all */ RTSP_HDR_RETRY_AFTER, /* Retry-After r opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_RTP_INFO, /* RTP-Info r req. PLAY */ RTSP_HDR_SCALE, /* Scale Rr opt. PLAY, RECORD */ RTSP_HDR_SESSION, /* Session Rr req. all but SETUP, OPTIONS */ RTSP_HDR_SERVER, /* Server r opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_SPEED, /* Speed Rr opt. PLAY */ RTSP_HDR_TRANSPORT, /* Transport Rr req. SETUP */ RTSP_HDR_UNSUPPORTED, /* Unsupported r req. all */ RTSP_HDR_USER_AGENT, /* User-Agent R opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_VIA, /* Via g opt. all */ RTSP_HDR_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, /* WWW-Authenticate r opt. all */ } RTSPHeaderField; typedef enum { RTSP_STS_CONTINUE = 100, RTSP_STS_OK = 200, RTSP_STS_CREATED = 201, RTSP_STS_LOW_ON_STORAGE = 250, RTSP_STS_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300, RTSP_STS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301, RTSP_STS_MOVE_TEMPORARILY = 302, RTSP_STS_SEE_OTHER = 303, RTSP_STS_NOT_MODIFIED = 304, RTSP_STS_USE_PROXY = 305, RTSP_STS_BAD_REQUEST = 400, RTSP_STS_UNAUTHORIZED = 401, RTSP_STS_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402, RTSP_STS_FORBIDDEN = 403, RTSP_STS_NOT_FOUND = 404, RTSP_STS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405, RTSP_STS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406, RTSP_STS_PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED = 407, RTSP_STS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408, RTSP_STS_GONE = 410, RTSP_STS_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411, RTSP_STS_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412, RTSP_STS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413, RTSP_STS_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE = 414, RTSP_STS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415, RTSP_STS_PARAMETER_NOT_UNDERSTOOD = 451, RTSP_STS_CONFERENCE_NOT_FOUND = 452, RTSP_STS_NOT_ENOUGH_BANDWIDTH = 453, RTSP_STS_SESSION_NOT_FOUND = 454, RTSP_STS_METHOD_NOT_VALID_IN_THIS_STATE = 455, RTSP_STS_HEADER_FIELD_NOT_VALID_FOR_RESOURCE = 456, RTSP_STS_INVALID_RANGE = 457, RTSP_STS_PARAMETER_IS_READONLY = 458, RTSP_STS_AGGREGATE_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED = 459, RTSP_STS_ONLY_AGGREGATE_OPERATION_ALLOWED = 460, RTSP_STS_UNSUPPORTED_TRANSPORT = 461, RTSP_STS_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE = 462, RTSP_STS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500, RTSP_STS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501, RTSP_STS_BAD_GATEWAY = 502, RTSP_STS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503, RTSP_STS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504, RTSP_STS_RTSP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505, RTSP_STS_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 551, } RTSPStatusCode; const gchar* rtsp_method_as_text (RTSPMethod method); const gchar* rtsp_header_as_text (RTSPHeaderField field); const gchar* rtsp_status_as_text (RTSPStatusCode code); const gchar* rtsp_status_to_string (RTSPStatusCode code); RTSPHeaderField rtsp_find_header_field (gchar *header); G_END_DECLS #endif /* __RTSP_DEFS_H__ */