/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) <2005> Wim Taymans * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtspconnection.h" RTSPResult rtsp_connection_open (RTSPUrl * url, RTSPConnection ** conn) { gint fd; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct hostent *hostinfo; char **addrs; gchar *ip; struct in_addr addr; gint ret; if (url == NULL || conn == NULL) return RTSP_EINVAL; if (url->protocol != RTSP_PROTO_TCP) return RTSP_ENOTIMPL; /* first check if it already is an IP address */ if (inet_aton (url->host, &addr)) { ip = url->host; } else { hostinfo = gethostbyname (url->host); if (!hostinfo) goto not_resolved; /* h_errno set */ if (hostinfo->h_addrtype != AF_INET) goto not_ip; /* host not an IP host */ addrs = hostinfo->h_addr_list; ip = inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *) *addrs); } fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) goto sys_error; memset (&sin, 0, sizeof (sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; /* network socket */ sin.sin_port = htons (url->port); /* on port */ sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (ip); /* on host ip */ ret = connect (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof (sin)); if (ret != 0) goto sys_error; return rtsp_connection_create (fd, conn); sys_error: { return RTSP_ESYS; } not_resolved: { g_warning ("could not resolve host \"%s\"\n", url->host); return RTSP_ESYS; } not_ip: { g_warning ("host \"%s\" is not IP\n", url->host); return RTSP_ESYS; } } RTSPResult rtsp_connection_create (gint fd, RTSPConnection ** conn) { RTSPConnection *newconn; /* FIXME check fd */ newconn = g_new (RTSPConnection, 1); newconn->fd = fd; newconn->cseq = 0; newconn->session_id[0] = 0; newconn->state = RTSP_STATE_INIT; *conn = newconn; return RTSP_OK; } static void append_header (gint key, gchar * value, GString * str) { const gchar *keystr = rtsp_header_as_text (key); g_string_append_printf (str, "%s: %s\r\n", keystr, value); } RTSPResult rtsp_connection_send (RTSPConnection * conn, RTSPMessage * message) { GString *str; if (conn == NULL || message == NULL) return RTSP_EINVAL; str = g_string_new (""); g_string_append_printf (str, "%s %s RTSP/1.0\r\n" "CSeq: %d\r\n", rtsp_method_as_text (message->type_data.request.method), message->type_data.request.uri, conn->cseq); if (conn->session_id[0] != '\0') { rtsp_message_add_header (message, RTSP_HDR_SESSION, conn->session_id); } g_hash_table_foreach (message->hdr_fields, (GHFunc) append_header, str); g_string_append (str, "\r\n"); write (conn->fd, str->str, str->len); g_string_free (str, TRUE); return RTSP_OK; } static RTSPResult read_line (gint fd, gchar * buffer, guint size) { gint idx; gchar c; gint ret; idx = 0; while (TRUE) { ret = read (fd, &c, 1); if (ret < 1) goto error; if (c == '\n') /* end on \n */ break; if (c == '\r') /* ignore \r */ continue; if (idx < size - 1) buffer[idx++] = c; } buffer[idx] = '\0'; return RTSP_OK; error: { perror ("read"); return RTSP_ESYS; } } static void read_string (gchar * dest, gint size, gchar ** src) { gint idx; idx = 0; /* skip spaces */ while (g_ascii_isspace (**src)) (*src)++; while (!g_ascii_isspace (**src) && **src != '\0') { if (idx < size - 1) dest[idx++] = **src; (*src)++; } if (size > 0) dest[idx] = '\0'; } static void read_key (gchar * dest, gint size, gchar ** src) { gint idx; idx = 0; while (**src != ':' && **src != '\0') { if (idx < size - 1) dest[idx++] = **src; (*src)++; } if (size > 0) dest[idx] = '\0'; } static RTSPResult parse_response_status (gchar * buffer, RTSPMessage * msg) { gchar versionstr[20]; gchar codestr[4]; gint code; gchar *bptr; bptr = buffer; read_string (versionstr, sizeof (versionstr), &bptr); if (strcmp (versionstr, "RTSP/1.0") != 0) goto wrong_version; read_string (codestr, sizeof (codestr), &bptr); code = atoi (codestr); while (g_ascii_isspace (*bptr)) bptr++; rtsp_message_init_response (code, bptr, NULL, msg); return RTSP_OK; wrong_version: { return RTSP_EINVAL; } } static RTSPResult parse_line (gchar * buffer, RTSPMessage * msg) { gchar key[32]; gchar *bptr; RTSPHeaderField field; bptr = buffer; read_key (key, sizeof (key), &bptr); if (*bptr != ':') return RTSP_EINVAL; bptr++; field = rtsp_find_header_field (key); if (field == -1) { g_warning ("unknown header field '%s'\n", key); } else { while (g_ascii_isspace (*bptr)) bptr++; rtsp_message_add_header (msg, field, bptr); } return RTSP_OK; } static RTSPResult read_body (gint fd, glong content_length, RTSPMessage * msg) { gchar *body, *bodyptr; gint to_read, r; if (content_length <= 0) { rtsp_message_set_body (msg, NULL, 0); return RTSP_OK; } body = g_malloc (content_length); bodyptr = body; to_read = content_length; while (to_read > 0) { r = read (fd, bodyptr, to_read); to_read -= r; bodyptr += r; } rtsp_message_set_body (msg, body, content_length); return RTSP_OK; } RTSPResult rtsp_connection_receive (RTSPConnection * conn, RTSPMessage * msg) { gchar buffer[4096]; gint line; gchar *hdrval; glong content_length; RTSPResult res; gboolean need_body; if (conn == NULL || msg == NULL) return RTSP_EINVAL; line = 0; need_body = TRUE; /* parse first line and headers */ while (TRUE) { gchar c; gint ret; ret = read (conn->fd, &c, 1); if (ret < 0) goto read_error; if (ret < 1) break; /* check for data packet */ if (c == '$') { guint16 size; /* read channel */ ret = read (conn->fd, &c, 1); if (ret < 0) goto read_error; if (ret < 1) goto error; rtsp_message_init_data ((gint) c, msg); ret = read (conn->fd, &size, 2); if (ret < 0) goto read_error; if (ret < 2) goto error; size = GUINT16_FROM_BE (size); read_body (conn->fd, size, msg); need_body = FALSE; break; } else { gint offset = 0; if (c != '\r') { buffer[0] = c; offset = 1; } /* should not happen */ if (c == '\n') break; read_line (conn->fd, buffer + offset, sizeof (buffer) - offset); if (buffer[0] == '\0') break; if (line == 0) { if (g_str_has_prefix (buffer, "RTSP")) { parse_response_status (buffer, msg); } else { g_warning ("parsing request not implemented\n"); goto error; } } else { parse_line (buffer, msg); } } line++; } if (need_body) { /* parse body */ res = rtsp_message_get_header (msg, RTSP_HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, &hdrval); if (res == RTSP_OK) { content_length = atol (hdrval); read_body (conn->fd, content_length, msg); } /* save session id */ { gchar *session_id; if (rtsp_message_get_header (msg, RTSP_HDR_SESSION, &session_id) == RTSP_OK) { strncpy (conn->session_id, session_id, sizeof (conn->session_id) - 1); conn->session_id[sizeof (conn->session_id) - 1] = '\0'; } } } return RTSP_OK; error: { return RTSP_EPARSE; } read_error: { perror ("read"); return RTSP_ESYS; } } RTSPResult rtsp_connection_close (RTSPConnection * conn) { gint res; if (conn == NULL) return RTSP_EINVAL; res = close (conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; if (res != 0) goto sys_error; return RTSP_OK; sys_error: { return RTSP_ESYS; } }