[constants] macosx_sdk = '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk' macosx_minver = '10.13' common_args = ['--sysroot=' + macosx_sdk, '-mmacosx-version-min=' + macosx_minver, '-F' + macosx_sdk / 'System/Library/Frameworks'] qt_prefix = HOME_DIR / 'Qt/5.15.2/clang_64' # Uncomment for x86 macs: #homebrew_prefix = '/usr/local' # Uncomment for arm64 macs: homebrew_prefix = '/opt/homebrew' openssl_pc = homebrew_prefix / 'opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig' vpx_pc = homebrew_prefix / 'opt/libvpx/lib/pkgconfig' [built-in options] c_args = common_args cpp_args = common_args objc_args = common_args objcpp_args = common_args c_link_args = common_args cpp_link_args = common_args objc_link_args = common_args objcpp_link_args = common_args pkg_config_path = [openssl_pc, vpx_pc] force_fallback_for = ['zlib', 'libffi'] [project options] rs = 'enabled' libnice = 'enabled' tls = 'enabled' introspection = 'disabled' python = 'disabled' qt5 = 'disabled' [gst-plugins-base:project options] gl = 'enabled' pango = 'enabled' [gst-plugins-bad:project options] applemedia = 'enabled' webrtc = 'enabled' dtls = 'enabled' sctp = 'enabled' srtp = 'enabled' [gst-plugins-good:project options] cairo = 'enabled' soup = 'enabled' soup-lookup-dep = 'true' qt-method = 'qmake' osxaudio = 'enabled' vpx = 'enabled' [gst-plugins-rs:project options] gtk4 = 'enabled' [gtk:project options] x11-backend = 'false' [binaries] qmake = qt_prefix / 'bin/qmake' pkgconfig = homebrew_prefix / 'opt/pkg-config/bin/pkg-config' # cmake has horribly broken behaviour where it will hunt your # /Library/Frameworks for dependencies like zlib with no way to disable it, # which means if you have a gstreamer prefix, you will end up picking up all # headers from it at compile time (but not configure time). So just disable # picking up deps with cmake entirely. cmake = 'false'