GstElement Base class for all pipeline elements GstElement is the base class needed to construct an element that can be used in a GST pipeline. As such, it is not a functional entity, and cannot do anything when placed in a pipeline. All GstElements have a list containing the #GstPad structure for all their inputs and outputs. These can be added with gst_element_add_pad() or gst_element_add_ghost_pad(), and retrieved by name with gst_element_get_pad(), or in a list form by gst_element_get_pad_list(). gst_element_connect() is a convenience function provided to make it simpler to connect pads of two elements together. This enum defines the standard states an element may be in. You will normally use gst_element_set_state() to change the state of an element. GST_STATE_NONE_PENDING The element is in the desired state. GST_STATE_NULL Reset the state of an element. GST_STATE_READY will make the element ready to start processing data. some elements might have a non trivial way to initialize themselves. GST_STATE_PLAYING means there really is data flowing through the graph. GST_STATE_PAUSED means there really is data flowing temporary stops the data flow. This enum defines the standard return values that an element can return after a state change. GST_STATE_FAILURE the element could not perform the state change GST_STATE_SUCCESS the element successfully changed its state GST_STATE_ASYNC the element will asynchronously change its state as soon as possible This macro returns the entire state of the element. @obj: Element to return state for. This macro returns the currently pending state of the element. @obj: Element to return the pending state for. This enum defines the standard flags that an element may have. GST_ELEMENT_MULTI_IN the element has multiple input pads Query whether this object has multiple input pads. @obj: Element to query for multiple input pads. This struct is used to define public information about the element. It describes the element, mostly for the benefit of editors. This factory is used when registering the element, and contains the name of the element, the GtkType value for it, as well as a pointer to the GstElementDetails struct for the element. This function type is used to specify a loop function for the element. It is passed the element in question, and is expect to return only in error circumstances. @element: The element in question. @Returns: @element: @loop: @element: @name: @element: @Returns: @element: @manager: @element: @Returns: @element: @pad: @element: @pad: @element: @name: @Returns: GList of pads @element: @Returns: @src: @srcpadname: @dest: @destpadname: @element: @state: @Returns: @element: @error: @element: @Returns: @element: the element to destroy @element: @parent: @Returns: @name: @type: @details: @Returns: @elementfactory: @elementfactory: @id: @elementfactory: @id: @name: @Returns: @Returns: @factory: @name: @Returns: @factoryname: @name: @Returns: @factory: @parent: @Returns: @parent: @Returns: @argc: @argv: @Returns: Is trigered whenever the state of an element changes @gstelement: the object which received the signal. @arg1: the new state of the object Is trigered whenever a new pad is added to an element @gstelement: the object which received the signal. @arg1: the new pad that was added Is trigered whenever a new ghost pad is added to an element @gstelement: the object which received the signal. @arg1: the new ghost pad that was added Is trigered whenever an error occured @gstelement: the object which received the signal. @arg1: the error message