va_sources = files( 'gstvaallocator.c', 'gstvadisplay.c', 'gstvadisplay_wrapped.c', 'gstvapool.c', 'gstvautils.c', ) va_sources_priv = files( 'gstvasurfacecopy.c', 'gstvavideoformat.c', 'vasurfaceimage.c', ) va_headers = files( 'gstva.h', 'gstvaallocator.h', 'gstvadisplay.h', 'gstvadisplay_wrapped.h', 'gstvapool.h', 'gstvautils.h', 'va-prelude.h', 'va_fwd.h', ) va_linux_sources = files( 'gstvadisplay_drm.c', ) va_linux_headers = files( 'gstvadisplay_drm.h', ) va_win32_sources = files( 'gstvadisplay_win32.cpp', ) va_win32_headers = files( 'gstvadisplay_win32.h', ) doc_sources = [] foreach s: va_sources + va_sources_priv + va_headers + va_linux_sources + va_linux_headers + va_win32_sources + va_win32_headers doc_sources += s.full_path() endforeach libs_sources += { 'va': pathsep.join(doc_sources) } gstva_dep = dependency('', required : false) platform_deps = [] extra_args = ['-DGST_USE_UNSTABLE_API', '-DBUILDING_GST_VA', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="GStreamer-VA"'] if host_system not in ['linux', 'windows'] subdir_done() endif va_opt = get_option('va') if host_system == 'linux' msdk_opt = get_option('msdk') qsv_opt = get_option('qsv') if va_opt.disabled() and msdk_opt.disabled() and qsv_opt.disabled() subdir_done() endif va_required = va_opt.enabled() or msdk_opt.enabled() or qsv_opt.enabled() else if va_opt.disabled() subdir_done() endif va_required = va_opt endif libva_req = ['>= 1.12'] if host_system == 'windows' libva_req = ['>= 1.18'] endif libva_dep = dependency('libva', version: libva_req, required: va_required) if not libva_dep.found() subdir_done() endif if host_system == 'linux' libva_drm_dep = dependency('libva-drm', version: libva_req, required: va_required) if not libva_drm_dep.found() subdir_done() endif platform_deps += [libva_drm_dep] if libdrm_dep.found() platform_deps += [libdrm_dep] endif va_sources += va_linux_sources va_headers += va_linux_headers else libva_win32_dep = dependency('libva-win32', version: libva_req, required: va_required) if not libva_win32_dep.found() subdir_done() endif dxgi_lib = cc.find_library('dxgi', required: va_required) if not dxgi_lib.found() subdir_done() endif platform_deps += [libva_win32_dep, dxgi_lib] va_sources += va_win32_sources va_headers += va_win32_headers endif va_enums = gnome.mkenums_simple('va-enumtypes', sources: ['gstva.h'], decorator: 'GST_VA_API', header_prefix: '#include ', body_prefix: '#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n#include "config.h"\n#endif', install_header: true, install_dir : join_paths(get_option('includedir'), 'gstreamer-1.0/gst/va'), ) va_enumtypes_h = va_enums[1] va_gen_sources = [va_enumtypes_h] gstva = library('gstva-' + api_version, va_sources, va_sources_priv, va_enums, c_args : gst_plugins_bad_args + extra_args, cpp_args : gst_plugins_bad_args + extra_args, include_directories : [configinc, libsinc], version : libversion, soversion : soversion, install : true, dependencies : [gst_dep, gstbase_dep, gstvideo_dep, gstallocators_dep, libva_dep] + platform_deps, ) library_def = {'lib': gstva} pkg_name = 'gstreamer-va-' + api_version pkgconfig.generate(gstva, libraries : [gst_dep, gstvideo_dep], variables : pkgconfig_variables, subdirs : pkgconfig_subdirs, name : pkg_name, description : 'GStreamer VA support', ) if build_gir gir = { 'sources' : [va_sources, va_headers, va_enums], 'namespace' : 'GstVa', 'nsversion' : api_version, 'identifier_prefix' : 'Gst', 'symbol_prefix' : 'gst', 'export_packages' : pkg_name, 'includes' : ['Gst-1.0', 'GstBase-1.0', 'GstVideo-1.0'], 'install' : true, 'extra_args' : gir_init_section + ['-DGST_USE_UNSTABLE_API'], 'dependencies' : [gst_dep, gstbase_dep, gstvideo_dep, gstallocators_dep, libva_dep] + platform_deps } library_def = {'lib': library_def['lib'], 'gir': [gir]} if not static_build va_gir = gnome.generate_gir(gstva, kwargs: gir) library_def += {'gir_targets': library_def.get('gir_targets', []) + [va_gir]} va_gen_sources += va_gir endif endif gst_libraries += [[pkg_name, library_def]] install_headers(va_headers, subdir : 'gstreamer-1.0/gst/va/') gstva_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : gstva, include_directories : [libsinc], dependencies : [gst_dep, gstvideo_dep, gstallocators_dep, libva_dep] + platform_deps, sources : va_gen_sources) meson.override_dependency(pkg_name, gstva_dep)