#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define STORE_ALL \ __asm__ ( \ "push %%ebx\n\t" \ "push %%ecx\n\t" \ "push %%edx\n\t" \ "push %%esi\n\t" \ "push %%edi\n\t"::) #define REST_ALL \ __asm__ ( \ "pop %%edi\n\t" \ "pop %%esi\n\t" \ "pop %%edx\n\t" \ "pop %%ecx\n\t" \ "pop %%ebx\n\t"::) typedef struct { UINT uDriverSignature; HINSTANCE hDriverModule; DRIVERPROC DriverProc; DWORD dwDriverID; } DRVR; typedef DRVR *PDRVR; typedef DRVR *NPDRVR; typedef DRVR *LPDRVR; static DWORD dwDrvID = 0; static NPDRVR DrvAlloc(HDRVR*lpDriver, LPUINT lpDrvResult) { NPDRVR npDriver; /* allocate and lock handle */ if (lpDriver) { if (*lpDriver = (HDRVR) malloc(sizeof(DRVR)) ) { if (npDriver = (NPDRVR) *lpDriver) { *lpDrvResult = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; return (npDriver); } free((NPDRVR)*lpDriver); } return (*lpDrvResult = MMSYSERR_NOMEM, (NPDRVR) 0); } return (*lpDrvResult = MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, (NPDRVR) 0); } typedef struct { HMODULE handle; char name[64]; int usage; }codec_t; static codec_t codecs[3]={ {0, PLUGINS_SRCDIR "/win32/divxc32.dll", 0}, {0, PLUGINS_SRCDIR "/win32/ir50_32.dll", 0}, // {0, "./mpg4c32.dll", 0}, {0, PLUGINS_SRCDIR "/win32/libvideodll.so", 0}, }; static void DrvFree(HDRVR hDriver) { int i; FreeLibrary(((DRVR*)hDriver)->hDriverModule); if(hDriver) for(i=0; ihDriverModule) { codecs[i].handle=0; codecs[i].usage--; if (hDriver) free((NPDRVR)hDriver); return; } } void DrvClose(HDRVR hdrvr) { DrvFree(hdrvr); } HDRVR //DrvOpen(LPCSTR lpszDriverName, LPCSTR lpszSectionName, LPARAM lParam2) DrvOpen(LPARAM lParam2) { int drv_id; char filename[MAX_PATH], *f; UINT uDrvResult; HDRVR hDriver; NPDRVR npDriver; char unknown[0x24]; int seg; int qwe; int regs[10]; int fccHandler=*((int*)lParam2+2); switch(fccHandler) { case mmioFOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '3'): case mmioFOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '4'): case mmioFOURCC('d', 'i', 'v', '3'): case mmioFOURCC('d', 'i', 'v', '4'): drv_id=0; break; case mmioFOURCC('I', 'V', '5', '0'): case mmioFOURCC('i', 'v', '5', '0'): drv_id=1; break; case mmioFOURCC('m', 'p', '4', '3'): case mmioFOURCC('M', 'P', 'G', '4'): drv_id=2; break; default: printf("Unknown codec %X='%c%c%c%c'\n", fccHandler, fccHandler&0xFF, (fccHandler&0xFF00)>>8, (fccHandler&0xFF0000)>>16, (fccHandler&0xFF000000)>>24); return (HDRVR)0; } if (!(npDriver = DrvAlloc(&hDriver, &uDrvResult))) return ((HDRVR) 0); if(codecs[drv_id].handle==0) { if (!(codecs[drv_id].handle=npDriver->hDriverModule = LoadLibraryA(codecs[drv_id].name))) { DrvFree(hDriver); return ((HDRVR) 0); } else codecs[drv_id].usage=1; } else { npDriver->hDriverModule=codecs[drv_id].handle; codecs[drv_id].usage++; } // 14c0 if(drv_id==0) { int newkey; int bitrate; int count=4; if(RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\LinuxLoader\\Divx", 0, 0, &newkey)!=0) goto no_reg; if(RegQueryValueExA(newkey, "BitRate", 0, 0, &bitrate, &count)!=0) { RegCloseKey(newkey); goto no_reg; } // printf("Setting default bitrate from %f to %d\n", // *(double*)((char*)npDriver->hDriverModule+0x14c0), bitrate); *(double*)((char*)npDriver->hDriverModule+0x14c0)=bitrate; RegCloseKey(newkey); no_reg: ; } if (!(npDriver->DriverProc = (DRIVERPROC) GetProcAddress(npDriver->hDriverModule, "DriverProc"))) { FreeLibrary(npDriver->hDriverModule); DrvFree(hDriver); return ((HDRVR) 0); } //printf("DriverProc == %X\n", npDriver->DriverProc); npDriver->dwDriverID = ++dwDrvID; if (codecs[drv_id].usage==1) { STORE_ALL; (npDriver->DriverProc)(0, hDriver, DRV_LOAD, 0, 0); REST_ALL; //printf("DRV_LOAD Ok!\n"); STORE_ALL; (npDriver->DriverProc)(0, hDriver, DRV_ENABLE, 0, 0); REST_ALL; //printf("DRV_ENABLE Ok!\n"); } // open driver STORE_ALL; npDriver->dwDriverID=(npDriver->DriverProc)(npDriver->dwDriverID, hDriver, DRV_OPEN, (LPARAM) (LPSTR) unknown, lParam2); REST_ALL; //printf("DRV_OPEN Ok!(%X)\n", npDriver->dwDriverID); if (uDrvResult) { DrvFree(hDriver); hDriver = (HDRVR) 0; } return (hDriver); }