/* *============================================================================ *Name : gsthanddetect_app.c *Author : Andol Li, andol@andol.info *Version : 0.1 *Copyright : @2012, gstreamer *Description : gsteramer handdetect plugin demo application in C, part work of GSoc 2012 project *============================================================================ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PROFILE_FIST "/usr/local/share/opencv/haarcascades/fist.xml" #define PROFILE_PALM "/usr/local/share/opencv/haarcascades/palm.xml" GstElement *playbin, *pipeline, *v4l2src, *videoscale, *ffmpegcolorspace_in, *handdetect, *ffmpegcolorspace_out, *xvimagesink; static GstBusSyncHandler bus_sync_handler(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *message, GstPipeline *pipeline) { /* select msg */ if(GST_MESSAGE_TYPE (message) != GST_MESSAGE_ELEMENT || !gst_structure_has_name(message->structure, "hand-gesture") ) return GST_BUS_PASS; /* parse msg structure */ const GstStructure *structure = message->structure; /* if PALM gesture detected */ if (structure && strcmp (gst_structure_get_name (structure), "hand-gesture") == 0 && strcmp (gst_structure_get_string (structure, "gesture"), "palm") == 0) { /* media operation - closed palm to stop media play*/ gst_element_set_state (playbin, GST_STATE_PAUSED); } /* if FIST gesture detected */ if (structure && strcmp (gst_structure_get_name (structure), "hand-gesture") == 0 && strcmp (gst_structure_get_string (structure, "gesture"), "fist") == 0){ /* print message type and structure name */ g_print("%s{{%s}}\n", gst_message_type_get_name(message->type), gst_structure_get_name(structure)); /* print msg structure names&values */ int i; for(i = 0; i < gst_structure_n_fields(structure); i++){ const gchar *name = gst_structure_nth_field_name(structure, i); GType type = gst_structure_get_field_type(structure, name); const GValue *value = gst_structure_get_value(structure, name); type == G_TYPE_STRING ? g_print("-%s[%s]{%s}\n", name, g_type_name(type), g_value_get_string(value)) : g_print("-%s[%s]{%d}\n", name, g_type_name(type), g_value_get_uint(value)); } g_print("\n"); /* get X,Y positions in frame */ const GValue *x_value = gst_structure_get_value(structure, "x"); gint x = g_value_get_uint(x_value); const GValue *y_value = gst_structure_get_value(structure, "y"); gint y = g_value_get_uint(y_value); /* set object volumes [0-10] based on Y */ g_object_set(G_OBJECT(playbin), "volume", (gdouble)(10 - y/24 ), NULL); /* seek playback positions */ gint64 position, length; GstFormat format = GST_FORMAT_TIME; gst_element_query_duration(playbin, &format, &length); /* Width = 320 is specified in caps */ position = (gint64) length * x / 320; gst_element_set_state(playbin, GST_STATE_PAUSED); gst_element_seek(GST_ELEMENT(playbin), 1.0, format, GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH, GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET, position, GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE ); gst_element_set_state(GST_ELEMENT(playbin), GST_STATE_PLAYING); } gst_message_unref(message); return GST_BUS_DROP; } int main(gint argc, gchar **argv) { static GMainLoop *loop; loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); /* video source */ gchar *video_device = "/dev/video0"; gchar *video_file = "file:///home/javauser/workspace/gitfiles/gsthanddetect_app/video.avi"; /* bus */ GstBus *bus; /* caps */ GstCaps *caps; /* init gst */ gst_init(&argc, &argv); /* init elements */ playbin = gst_element_factory_make("playbin2", "app_playbin"); pipeline = gst_pipeline_new("app_pipeline"); v4l2src = gst_element_factory_make("v4l2src", "app_v4l2src"); videoscale = gst_element_factory_make("videoscale", "app_videoscale"); ffmpegcolorspace_in = gst_element_factory_make("ffmpegcolorspace", "app_ffmpegcolorspace_in"); handdetect = gst_element_factory_make("handdetect", "app_handdetect"); ffmpegcolorspace_out = gst_element_factory_make("ffmpegcolorspace", "app_ffmpegcolorspace_out"); xvimagesink = gst_element_factory_make("xvimagesink", "app_xvimagesink"); /* check init results */ if(!playbin || !pipeline || !v4l2src || !videoscale || !ffmpegcolorspace_in || !handdetect || !ffmpegcolorspace_out || !xvimagesink) g_error("ERROR: element init failed.\n"); /* set values */ g_object_set (G_OBJECT(playbin), "uri", video_file, NULL); g_object_set (G_OBJECT(v4l2src), "device", video_device, NULL); g_object_set (G_OBJECT (handdetect), "profile_fist", PROFILE_FIST, NULL); g_object_set (G_OBJECT (handdetect), "profile_palm", PROFILE_PALM, NULL); /* set caps */ caps = gst_caps_from_string("video/x-raw-rgb, width=320, height=240, framerate=(fraction)30/1"); /* set bus */ bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(pipeline)); gst_bus_set_sync_handler(bus, (GstBusSyncHandler) bus_sync_handler, pipeline); gst_object_unref(bus); /* add elements to pipeline */ gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(pipeline), v4l2src, videoscale, ffmpegcolorspace_in, handdetect, ffmpegcolorspace_out, xvimagesink, NULL); /* negotiate caps */ if(!gst_element_link_filtered( v4l2src, videoscale, caps)){ g_printerr("ERROR:v4l2src -> videoscale caps\n"); return 0; } gst_caps_unref(caps); /* link elements */ gst_element_link_many( videoscale, ffmpegcolorspace_in, handdetect, ffmpegcolorspace_out, xvimagesink, NULL); /* change states */ gst_element_set_state(pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); /* start main loop */ g_main_loop_run(loop); /* clean all */ gst_element_set_state(pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pipeline)); gst_element_set_state(playbin, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(playbin)); return 0; }