#!/usr/bin/env python3 from urllib.parse import urlparse from contextlib import contextmanager import os import re import sys try: import gitlab except ModuleNotFoundError: print("========================================================================", file=sys.stderr) print("ERROR: Install python-gitlab with `python3 -m pip install python-gitlab dateutil`", file=sys.stderr) print("========================================================================", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: from dateutil import parser as dateparse except ModuleNotFoundError: print("========================================================================", file=sys.stderr) print("ERROR: Install dateutil with `python3 -m pip install dateutil`", file=sys.stderr) print("========================================================================", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) import argparse import requests import subprocess ROOT_DIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) URL = "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/" SIGN_IN_URL = URL + 'sign_in' LOGIN_URL = URL + 'users/sign_in' LOGIN_URL_LDAP = URL + '/users/auth/ldapmain/callback' MONOREPO_REMOTE_NAME = 'origin' NAMESPACE = "gstreamer" MONOREPO_NAME = 'gstreamer' MONOREPO_REMOTE = URL + f'{NAMESPACE}/{MONOREPO_NAME}' MONOREPO_BRANCH = 'main' PING_SIGN = '@' MOVING_NAMESPACE = NAMESPACE PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Move merge request from old GStreamer module to the new" "GStreamer 'monorepo'.\n" " All your pending merge requests from all GStreamer modules will" " be moved the the mono repository." ) PARSER.add_argument("--skip-branch", action="store", nargs="*", help="Ignore MRs for branches which match those names.", dest="skipped_branches") PARSER.add_argument("--skip-on-failure", action="store_true", default=False) PARSER.add_argument("--dry-run", "-n", action="store_true", default=False) PARSER.add_argument("--use-branch-if-exists", action="store_true", default=False) PARSER.add_argument("--list-mrs-only", action="store_true", default=False) PARSER.add_argument( "-c", "--config-file", action="append", dest='config_files', help="Configuration file to use. Can be used multiple times.", required=False, ) PARSER.add_argument( "-g", "--gitlab", help=( "Which configuration section should " "be used. If not defined, the default selection " "will be used." ), required=False, ) PARSER.add_argument( "-m", "--module", help="GStreamer module to move MRs for. All if none specified. Can be used multiple times.", dest='modules', action="append", required=False, ) PARSER.add_argument( "-mr", "--mr-url", default=None, type=str, help=( "URL of the MR to work on." ), required=False, ) GST_PROJECTS = [ 'gstreamer', 'gst-plugins-base', 'gst-plugins-good', 'gst-plugins-bad', 'gst-plugins-ugly', 'gst-libav', 'gst-rtsp-server', 'gstreamer-vaapi', 'gstreamer-sharp', 'gst-python', 'gst-omx', 'gst-editing-services', 'gst-devtools', 'gst-docs', 'gst-examples', 'gst-build', 'gst-ci', ] GST_PROJECTS_ID = { 'gstreamer': 1357, 'gst-rtsp-server': 1362, 'gstreamer-vaapi': 1359, 'gstreamer-sharp': 1358, 'gst-python': 1355, 'gst-plugins-ugly': 1354, 'gst-plugins-good': 1353, 'gst-plugins-base': 1352, 'gst-plugins-bad': 1351, 'gst-omx': 1350, 'gst-libav': 1349, 'gst-integration-testsuites': 1348, 'gst-examples': 1347, 'gst-editing-services': 1346, 'gst-docs': 1345, 'gst-devtools': 1344, 'gst-ci': 1343, 'gst-build': 1342, } # We do not want to deal with LFS os.environ["GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE"] = "1" log_depth = [] # type: T.List[str] @contextmanager def nested(name=''): global log_depth log_depth.append(name) try: yield finally: log_depth.pop() def bold(text: str): return f"\033[1m{text}\033[0m" def green(text: str): return f"\033[1;32m{text}\033[0m" def red(text: str): return f"\033[1;31m{text}\033[0m" def yellow(text: str): return f"\033[1;33m{text}\033[0m" def fprint(msg, nested=True): if log_depth: prepend = log_depth[-1] + ' | ' if nested else '' else: prepend = '' print(prepend + msg, end="") sys.stdout.flush() class GstMRMover: def __init__(self): self.modules = [] self.gitlab = None self.config_files = [] self.gl = None self.mr = None self.mr_url = None self.all_projects = [] self.skipped_branches = [] self.git_rename_limit = None self.skip_on_failure = None self.dry_run = False def connect(self): fprint("Logging into gitlab...") if self.gitlab: gl = gitlab.Gitlab.from_config(self.gitlab, self.config_files) fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) return gl gitlab_api_token = os.environ.get('GITLAB_API_TOKEN') if gitlab_api_token: gl = gitlab.Gitlab(URL, private_token=gitlab_api_token) fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) return gl session = requests.Session() sign_in_page = session.get(SIGN_IN_URL).content.decode() for line in sign_in_page.split('\n'): m = re.search('name="authenticity_token" value="([^"]+)"', line) if m: break token = None if m: token = m.group(1) if not token: fprint(f"{red('Unable to find the authenticity token')}\n") sys.exit(1) for data, url in [ ({'user[login]': 'login_or_email', 'user[password]': 'SECRET', 'authenticity_token': token}, LOGIN_URL), ({'username': 'login_or_email', 'password': 'SECRET', 'authenticity_token': token}, LOGIN_URL_LDAP)]: r = session.post(url, data=data) if r.status_code != 200: continue try: gl = gitlab.Gitlab(URL, api_version=4, session=session) gl.auth() except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabAuthenticationError as e: continue return gl sys.exit(bold(f"{red('FAILED')}.\n\nPlease go to:\n\n" ' https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/-/profile/personal_access_tokens\n\n' f'and generate a token {bold("with read/write access to all but the registry")},' ' then set it in the "GITLAB_API_TOKEN" environment variable:"' f'\n\n $ GITLAB_API_TOKEN= {" ".join(sys.argv)}\n')) def git(self, *args, can_fail=False, interaction_message=None, call=False, revert_operation=None): cwd = ROOT_DIR retry = True while retry: retry = False try: if not call: try: return subprocess.check_output(["git"] + list(args), cwd=cwd, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if not can_fail: fprint( f"\n\n{bold(red('ERROR'))}: `git {' '.join(args)}` failed" + "\n", nested=False) raise else: subprocess.call(["git"] + list(args), cwd=cwd) return "All good" except Exception as e: if interaction_message: if self.skip_on_failure: return "SKIP" output = getattr(e, "output", b"") if output is not None: out = output.decode() else: out = "????" fprint(f"\n```" f"\n{out}\n" f"Entering a shell in {cwd} to fix:\n\n" f" {bold(interaction_message)}\n\n" f"You should then exit with the following codes:\n\n" f" - {bold('`exit 0`')}: once you have fixed the problem and we can keep moving the merge request\n" f" - {bold('`exit 1`')}: {bold('retry')}: once you have let the repo in a state where the operation should be to retried\n" f" - {bold('`exit 2`')}: to skip that merge request\n" f" - {bold('`exit 3`')}: stop the script and abandon moving your MRs\n" "\n```\n", nested=False) try: if os.name == 'nt': shell = os.environ.get( "COMSPEC", r"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe") else: shell = os.environ.get( "SHELL", os.path.realpath("/bin/sh")) subprocess.check_call(shell, cwd=cwd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 1: retry = True continue elif e.returncode == 2: if revert_operation: self.git(*revert_operation, can_fail=True) return "SKIP" elif e.returncode == 3: if revert_operation: self.git(*revert_operation, can_fail=True) sys.exit(3) except Exception: # Result of subshell does not really matter pass return "User fixed it" if can_fail: return "Failed but we do not care" raise e def cleanup_args(self): if self.mr_url: self.modules.append(GST_PROJECTS[0]) (namespace, module, _, _, mr) = os.path.normpath(urlparse(self.mr_url).path).split('/')[1:] self.modules.append(module) self.mr = int(mr) elif not self.modules: if self.mr: sys.exit(f"{red(f'Merge request #{self.mr} specified without module')}\n\n" f"{bold(' -> Use `--module` to specify which module the MR is from.')}") self.modules = GST_PROJECTS else: VALID_PROJECTS = GST_PROJECTS[1:] for m in self.modules: if m not in VALID_PROJECTS: projects = '\n- '.join(VALID_PROJECTS) sys.exit( f"{red(f'Unknown module {m}')}\nModules are:\n- {projects}") if self.mr and len(self.modules) > 1: sys.exit(f"{red(f'Merge request #{self.mr} specified but several modules where specified')}\n\n" f"{bold(' -> Use `--module` only once to specify an merge request.')}") self.modules.append(GST_PROJECTS[0]) def run(self): self.cleanup_args() self.gl = self.connect() self.gl.auth() # Skip pre-commit hooks when migrating. Some users may have a # different version of gnu indent and that can lead to cherry-pick # failing. os.environ["GST_DISABLE_PRE_COMMIT_HOOKS"] = "1" try: prevbranch = self.git( "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", can_fail=True).strip() except Exception: fprint(bold(yellow("Not on a branch?\n")), indent=False) prevbranch = None try: self.setup_repo() from_projects, to_project = self.fetch_projects() with nested(' '): self.move_mrs(from_projects, to_project) finally: if self.git_rename_limit is not None: self.git("config", "merge.renameLimit", str(self.git_rename_limit)) if prevbranch: fprint(f'Back to {prevbranch}\n') self.git("checkout", prevbranch) def fetch_projects(self): fprint("Fetching projects... ") self.all_projects = [proj for proj in self.gl.projects.list( membership=1, all=True) if proj.name in self.modules] try: self.user_project, = [p for p in self.all_projects if p.namespace['path'] == self.gl.user.username and p.name == MONOREPO_NAME] except ValueError: fprint( f"{red(f'ERROR')}\n\nCould not find repository {self.gl.user.name}/{MONOREPO_NAME}") fprint(f"{red(f'Got to https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gstreamer/ and create a fork so we can move your Merge requests.')}") sys.exit(1) fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) from_projects = [] user_projects_name = [proj.name for proj in self.all_projects if proj.namespace['path'] == self.gl.user.username and proj.name in GST_PROJECTS] for project, id in GST_PROJECTS_ID.items(): if project not in user_projects_name or project == 'gstreamer': continue projects = [p for p in self.all_projects if p.id == id] if not projects: upstream_project = self.gl.projects.get(id) else: upstream_project, = projects assert project from_projects.append(upstream_project) fprint(f"\nMoving MRs from:\n") fprint(f"----------------\n") for p in from_projects: fprint(f" - {bold(p.path_with_namespace)}\n") to_project = self.gl.projects.get(GST_PROJECTS_ID['gstreamer']) fprint(f"To: {bold(to_project.path_with_namespace)}\n\n") return from_projects, to_project def recreate_mr(self, project, to_project, mr): branch = f"{project.name}-{mr.source_branch}" if not self.create_branch_for_mr(branch, project, mr): return None description = f"**Copied from {URL}/{project.path_with_namespace}/-/merge_requests/{mr.iid}**\n\n{mr.description}" title = mr.title if ':' not in mr.title: title = f"{project.name}: {mr.title}" new_mr_dict = { 'source_branch': branch, 'allow_collaboration': True, 'remove_source_branch': True, 'target_project_id': to_project.id, 'target_branch': MONOREPO_BRANCH, 'title': title, 'labels': mr.labels, 'description': description, } try: fprint(f"-> Recreating MR '{bold(mr.title)}'...") if self.dry_run: fprint(f"\nDry info:\n{new_mr_dict}\n") else: new_mr = self.user_project.mergerequests.create(new_mr_dict) fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError as e: fprint(f"{yellow('SKIPPED')} (An MR already exists)\n", nested=False) return None fprint(f"-> Adding discussings from MR '{mr.title}'...") if self.dry_run: fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) return None new_mr_url = f"{URL}/{to_project.path_with_namespace}/-/merge_requests/{new_mr.iid}" for issue in mr.closes_issues(): obj = {'body': f'Fixing MR moved to: {new_mr_url}'} issue.discussions.create(obj) mr_url = f"{URL}/{project.path_with_namespace}/-/merge_requests/{mr.iid}" for discussion in mr.discussions.list(): # FIXME notes = [n for n in discussion.attributes['notes'] if n['type'] is not None] notes = [n for n in discussion.attributes['notes']] if not notes: continue new_discussion = None for note in notes: note = discussion.notes.get(note['id']) note_url = f"{mr_url}#note_{note.id}" when = dateparse.parse( note.created_at).strftime('on %d, %b %Y') body = f"**{note.author['name']} - {PING_SIGN}{note.author['username']} wrote [here]({note_url})** {when}:\n\n" body += '\n'.join([line for line in note.body.split('\n')]) obj = { 'body': body, 'type': note.type, 'resolvable': note.resolvable, } if new_discussion: new_discussion.notes.create(obj) else: new_discussion = new_mr.discussions.create(obj) if not note.resolvable or note.resolved: new_discussion.resolved = True new_discussion.save() fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) print(f"New MR available at: {bold(new_mr_url)}\n") return new_mr def push_branch(self, branch): fprint( f"-> Pushing branch {branch} to remote {self.gl.user.username}...") if self.git("push", "--no-verify", self.gl.user.username, branch, interaction_message=f"pushing {branch} to {self.gl.user.username} with:\n " f" `$git push {self.gl.user.username} {branch}`") == "SKIP": fprint(yellow("'SKIPPED' (couldn't push)"), nested=False) return False fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) return True def create_branch_for_mr(self, branch, project, mr): remote_name = project.name + '-' + self.gl.user.username remote_branch = f"{MONOREPO_REMOTE_NAME}/{MONOREPO_BRANCH}" if self.use_branch_if_exists: try: self.git("checkout", branch) self.git("show", remote_branch + "..", call=True) if self.dry_run: fprint("Dry run... not creating MR") return True cont = input('\n Create MR [y/n]? ') if cont.strip().lower() != 'y': fprint("Cancelled") return False return self.push_branch(branch) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: pass self.git("remote", "add", remote_name, f"{URL}{self.gl.user.username}/{project.name}.git", can_fail=True) self.git("fetch", remote_name) if self.git("checkout", remote_branch, "-b", branch, interaction_message=f"checking out branch with `git checkout {remote_branch} -b {branch}`") == "SKIP": fprint( bold(f"{red('SKIPPED')} (couldn't checkout)\n"), nested=False) return False # unset upstream to avoid to push to main (ie push.default = tracking) self.git("branch", branch, "--unset-upstream") for commit in reversed([c for c in mr.commits()]): if self.git("cherry-pick", commit.id, interaction_message=f"cherry-picking {commit.id} onto {branch} with:\n " f" `$ git cherry-pick {commit.id}`", revert_operation=["cherry-pick", "--abort"]) == "SKIP": fprint( f"{yellow('SKIPPED')} (couldn't cherry-pick).", nested=False) return False self.git("show", remote_branch + "..", call=True) if self.dry_run: fprint("Dry run... not creating MR\n") return True cont = input('\n Create MR [y/n]? ') if cont.strip().lower() != 'y': fprint(f"{red('Cancelled')}\n", nested=False) return False return self.push_branch(branch) def move_mrs(self, from_projects, to_project): failed_mrs = [] found_mr = None for from_project in from_projects: with nested(f'{bold(from_project.path_with_namespace)}'): fprint(f'Fetching mrs') mrs = [mr for mr in from_project.mergerequests.list( all=True, author_id=self.gl.user.id) if mr.author['username'] == self.gl.user.username and mr.state == "opened"] if not mrs: fprint(f"{yellow(' None')}\n", nested=False) continue fprint(f"{green(' DONE')}\n", nested=False) for mr in mrs: if self.mr: if self.mr != mr.iid: continue found_mr = True fprint( f'Moving {mr.source_branch} "{mr.title}": {URL}{from_project.path_with_namespace}/merge_requests/{mr.iid}... ') if mr.source_branch in self.skipped_branches: print(f"{yellow('SKIPPED')} (blacklisted branch)") failed_mrs.append( f"{URL}{from_project.path_with_namespace}/merge_requests/{mr.iid}") continue if self.list_mrs_only: fprint("\n"f"List only: {yellow('SKIPPED')}\n") continue with nested(f'{bold(from_project.path_with_namespace)}: {mr.iid}'): new_mr = self.recreate_mr(from_project, to_project, mr) if not new_mr: if not self.dry_run: failed_mrs.append( f"{URL}{from_project.path_with_namespace}/merge_requests/{mr.iid}") else: fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) self.close_mr(from_project, to_project, mr, new_mr) fprint( f"\n{yellow('DONE')} with {from_project.path_with_namespace}\n\n", nested=False) if self.mr and not found_mr: sys.exit( bold(red(f"\n==> Couldn't find MR {self.mr} in {self.modules[0]}\n"))) for mr in failed_mrs: fprint(f"Didn't move MR: {mr}\n") def close_mr(self, project, to_project, mr, new_mr): if new_mr: new_mr_url = f"{URL}/{to_project.path_with_namespace}/-/merge_requests/{new_mr.iid}" else: new_mr_url = None mr_url = f"{URL}/{project.path_with_namespace}/-/merge_requests/{mr.iid}" cont = input(f'\n Close old MR {mr_url} "{bold(mr.title)}" ? [y/n]') if cont.strip().lower() != 'y': fprint(f"{yellow('Not closing old MR')}\n") else: obj = None if new_mr_url: obj = {'body': f"Moved to: {new_mr_url}"} else: ret = input( f"Write a comment to add while closing MR {mr.iid} '{bold(mr.title)}':\n\n").strip() if ret: obj = {'body': ret} if self.dry_run: fprint(f"{bold('Dry run, not closing')}\n", nested=False) else: if obj: mr.discussions.create(obj) mr.state_event = 'close' mr.save() fprint( f'Old MR {mr_url} "{bold(mr.title)}" {yellow("CLOSED")}\n') def setup_repo(self): fprint(f"Setting up '{bold(ROOT_DIR)}'...") try: out = self.git("status", "--porcelain") if out: fprint("\n" + red('Git repository is not clean:') + "\n```\n" + out + "\n```\n") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: exit( f"Git repository{ROOT_DIR} is not clean. Clean it up before running {sys.argv[0]}\n ({e})") self.git('remote', 'add', MONOREPO_REMOTE_NAME, MONOREPO_REMOTE, can_fail=True) self.git('fetch', MONOREPO_REMOTE_NAME) self.git('remote', 'add', self.gl.user.username, f"git@gitlab.freedesktop.org:{self.gl.user.username}/gstreamer.git", can_fail=True) self.git('fetch', self.gl.user.username, interaction_message=f"Setup your fork of {URL}gstreamer/gstreamer as remote called {self.gl.user.username}") fprint(f"{green(' OK')}\n", nested=False) try: git_rename_limit = int(self.git("config", "merge.renameLimit")) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: git_rename_limit = 0 if int(git_rename_limit) < 999999: self.git_rename_limit = git_rename_limit fprint( "-> Setting git rename limit to 999999 so we can properly cherry-pick between repos\n") self.git("config", "merge.renameLimit", "999999") def main(): mover = GstMRMover() PARSER.parse_args(namespace=mover) mover.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()