#include #include #include #include typedef struct _launch_delayed_pad launch_delayed_pad; struct _launch_delayed_pad { gchar *name; GstPad *peer; }; void launch_newpad(GstElement *element,GstPad *pad,launch_delayed_pad *peer) { gst_info("have NEW_PAD signal\n"); // if it matches, connect it if (!strcmp(gst_pad_get_name(pad),peer->name)) { gst_pad_connect(pad,peer->peer); gst_info("delayed connect of '%s' to '%s'\n", gst_pad_get_name(pad),gst_pad_get_name(peer->peer)); } } void parse(int argc,char *argv[],GstElement *parent,gint offset,gchar endchar) { gint i = offset; gchar *plugin; GstElement *element = NULL, *prevelement; GstPad *prevpad = NULL,*nextpad; gchar *prevpadname = NULL,*nextpadname = NULL; gchar *ptr; gint len; launch_delayed_pad *delayed; gst_info("at offset %d, argc is %d\n",i,argc); // loop through all the arguments while (i < argc) { // first is the plugin name plugin = argv[i++]; gst_info("plugin is \"%s\"\n",plugin); // record previous element prevelement = element; // create the element and add it to the parent element = gst_elementfactory_make(plugin,plugin); gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(parent),element); // connect it to the previous if there is one if (nextpadname != NULL) { // grab the pad of this element nextpad = gst_element_get_pad(element,nextpadname); g_return_if_fail(nextpad != NULL); // check to see if the pad exists yet, connect it if it does if (prevpad != NULL) { gst_pad_connect(prevpad,nextpad); gst_info("wired '%s' to '%s'\n", gst_pad_get_name(prevpad),gst_pad_get_name(nextpad)); } // otherwise we have to attach and wait for it to show else { delayed = g_new0(launch_delayed_pad,1); delayed->name = prevpadname; delayed->peer = nextpad; gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(prevelement),"new_pad", launch_newpad,delayed); } } // then come all the other things while (i < argc) { // snag the length in advance; len = strlen(argv[i]); // if it's just a connection, pick the 'src' pad and move on if ((ptr = strchr(argv[i],'!')) != 0) { // if there's a previous pad name if (ptr != argv[i]) { ptr[0] = '\0'; prevpadname = argv[i]; prevpad = gst_element_get_pad(element,prevpadname); } else prevpad = gst_element_get_pad(element,"src"); // if there's a next pad name if (((ptr - argv[i]) + 1) < len) { nextpadname = ptr + 1; } else nextpadname = "sink"; i++; break; } else { gst_info("have unknown argument '%s'\n",argv[i]); gtk_object_set(GTK_OBJECT(element),"location",argv[i],NULL); i++; } } } } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { GstElement *pipeline; gst_init(&argc,&argv); pipeline = gst_thread_new("launch"); parse(argc,argv,pipeline,1,0); gst_element_set_state(pipeline,GST_STATE_READY); gst_element_set_state(pipeline,GST_STATE_PLAYING); gst_main(); return 0; }