.TH "GStreamer" "1" "September 2002" .SH "NAME" gst\-md5 \- get an md5sum of a GStreamer pipeline through md5sink .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBgst\-md5sum\fR \fI[OPTION...]\fR PARTIAL\-PIPELINE\-DESCRIPTION .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP \fIgst\-md5sum\fP is a tool that is used to get an md5 sum of a basic \fIGStreamer\fP pipeline. In theory, running gst-md5 filesrc location=music.mp3 should print out the same md5sum as md5sum music.mp3 Make sure the pipeline given is a partial one, to which a sink still needs to be connected. See other docs, examples, and the source for description on how to create a PARTIAL\-PIPELINE\-DESCRIPTION. . .SH "OPTIONS" .l \fIgst\-md5\fP accepts the following options: .TP 8 .B \-\-help Print help synopsis and available FLAGS .TP 8 .B \-v Output verbose information .TP 8 .B \-\-gst\-info\-mask=FLAGS \fIGStreamer\fP info flags to set (list with \-\-help) .TP 8 .B \-\-gst\-debug\-mask=FLAGS \fIGStreamer\fP debugging flags to set (list with \-\-help) .TP 8 .B \-\-gst\-mask=FLAGS \fIGStreamer\fP info and debugging flags to set (list with \-\-help) .TP 8 .B \-\-gst\-plugin\-spew \fIGStreamer\fP info flags to set Enable printout of errors while loading \fIGStreamer\fP plugins .TP 8 .B \-\-gst\-plugin\-path=PATH Add directories separated with ':' to the plugin search path .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR gst\-launch (1) .SH "AUTHOR" The GStreamer team at http://gstreamer.net/