GstScheduler An abstract class for plugable schedulers. This is a base class for custom schedulers. Get the parent #GstElement of this scheduler. @sched: the scheduler to query. @sched: @disabled: @elements: @num_elements: @entry: @cothreaded_elements: @schedule: Handy macro to check for a non NULL scheduler. The next block of statements will only be axecuted if the scheduler is not NULL. @sched: the scheduler to query. Fast macro to add an element to the scheduler. @sched: The scheduler to add the element to. @element: The element to add to the scheduler. Fast macro to remove an element from the scheduler. @sched: The scheduler to remove the element from. @element: The element to remove from the scheduler. Fast macro to enable the element in the scheduler. @sched: The scheduler. @element: The element to activate. Fast macro to disable the element. @sched: The scheduler. @element: The element to disable. Fast macro to lock a given element. @sched: The scheduler. @element: The element to lock. Fast macro to unlock a given element. @sched: The scheduler. @element: The element to unlock. Fast macro to connect two pads. @sched: The scheduler. @srcpad: The source pad. @sinkpad: The sink pad. Fast macro to disconnect two pads. @sched: The scheduler. @srcpad: The source pad. @sinkpad: The sink pad. Fast macro to perform one iteration of the scheduler. @sched: The scheduler to iterate. @parent: @Returns: @sched: @element: @sched: @element: @sched: @element: @sched: @element: @sched: @srcpad: @sinkpad: @sched: @srcpad: @sinkpad: @sched: @padlist: @Returns: @sched: @Returns: @sched: