#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import glob import json import os import platform import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import pathlib import signal from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import PurePath, Path from sys import exit from typing import Any from scripts.common import get_meson from scripts.common import git from scripts.common import win32_get_short_path_name from scripts.common import get_wine_shortpath SCRIPTDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PREFIX_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'prefix') # Look for the following build dirs: `build` `_build` `builddir` DEFAULT_BUILDDIR = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'build') if not os.path.exists(DEFAULT_BUILDDIR): DEFAULT_BUILDDIR = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, '_build') if not os.path.exists(DEFAULT_BUILDDIR): DEFAULT_BUILDDIR = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'builddir') TYPELIB_REG = re.compile(r'.*\.typelib$') SHAREDLIB_REG = re.compile(r'\.so|\.dylib|\.dll') # libdir is expanded from option of the same name listed in the `meson # introspect --buildoptions` output. GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE = r'.*/{libdir}/gstreamer-1.0/[^/]+$' GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG = None BC_RC = ''' BASH_COMPLETION_SCRIPTS="{bash_completions}" BASH_COMPLETION_PATHS="{bash_completions_paths}" for p in $BASH_COMPLETION_PATHS; do for f in $BASH_COMPLETION_SCRIPTS; do [ -f "$p/$f" ] && . "$p/$f" done done ''' BASH_COMPLETION_PATHS = [SCRIPTDIR + '/subprojects/gstreamer/data/bash-completion/completions'] BASH_COMPLETION_PATHS += [SCRIPTDIR + '/subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/data/bash-completion/completions'] def str_to_bool(value: Any) -> bool: """Return whether the provided string (or any value really) represents true. Otherwise false. Just like plugin server stringToBoolean. """ if not value: return False return str(value).lower() in ("y", "yes", "t", "true", "on", "1") def listify(o): if isinstance(o, str): return [o] if isinstance(o, list): return o raise AssertionError('Object {!r} must be a string or a list'.format(o)) def stringify(o): if isinstance(o, str): return o if isinstance(o, list): if len(o) == 1: return o[0] raise AssertionError('Did not expect object {!r} to have more than one element'.format(o)) raise AssertionError('Object {!r} must be a string or a list'.format(o)) def prepend_env_var(env, var, value, sysroot): if var is None: return if value.startswith(sysroot): value = value[len(sysroot):] # Try not to exceed maximum length limits for env vars on Windows if os.name == 'nt': value = win32_get_short_path_name(value) env_val = env.get(var, '') val = os.pathsep + value + os.pathsep # Don't add the same value twice if val in env_val or env_val.startswith(value + os.pathsep): return env[var] = val + env_val env[var] = env[var].replace(os.pathsep + os.pathsep, os.pathsep).strip(os.pathsep) def get_target_install_filename(target, filename): ''' Checks whether this file is one of the files installed by the target ''' basename = os.path.basename(filename) for install_filename in listify(target['install_filename']): if install_filename.endswith(basename): return install_filename return None def get_pkgconfig_variable_from_pcfile(pcfile, varname): variables = {} substre = re.compile(r'\$\{[^${}]+\}') with pcfile.open('r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: if '=' not in line: continue key, value = line[:-1].split('=', 1) subst = {} for each in substre.findall(value): substkey = each[2:-1] subst[each] = variables.get(substkey, '') for k, v in subst.items(): value = value.replace(k, v) variables[key] = value return variables.get(varname, '') @lru_cache() def get_pkgconfig_variable(builddir, pcname, varname): ''' Parsing isn't perfect, but it's good enough. ''' pcfile = Path(builddir) / 'meson-private' / (pcname + '.pc') if pcfile.is_file(): return get_pkgconfig_variable_from_pcfile(pcfile, varname) return subprocess.check_output(['pkg-config', pcname, '--variable=' + varname], universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf-8') def is_gio_module(target, filename, builddir): if target['type'] != 'shared module': return False install_filename = get_target_install_filename(target, filename) if not install_filename: return False giomoduledir = PurePath(get_pkgconfig_variable(builddir, 'gio-2.0', 'giomoduledir')) fpath = PurePath(install_filename) if fpath.parent != giomoduledir: return False return True def is_library_target_and_not_plugin(target, filename): ''' Don't add plugins to PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH because: 1. We don't need to 2. It causes us to exceed the PATH length limit on Windows and Wine ''' if target['type'] != 'shared library': return False # Check if this output of that target is a shared library if not SHAREDLIB_REG.search(filename): return False # Check if it's installed to the gstreamer plugin location install_filename = get_target_install_filename(target, filename) if not install_filename: return False global GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG if GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG is None: GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG = re.compile(GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE) if GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG.search(install_filename.replace('\\', '/')): return False return True def is_binary_target_and_in_path(target, filename, bindir): if target['type'] != 'executable': return False # Check if this file installed by this target is installed to bindir install_filename = get_target_install_filename(target, filename) if not install_filename: return False fpath = PurePath(install_filename) if fpath.parent != bindir: return False return True def get_wine_subprocess_env(options, env): with open(os.path.join(options.builddir, 'meson-info', 'intro-buildoptions.json')) as f: buildoptions = json.load(f) prefix, = [o for o in buildoptions if o['name'] == 'prefix'] path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix['value'], 'bin')) prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", path, options.sysroot) wine_path = get_wine_shortpath( options.wine.split(' '), [path] + env.get('WINEPATH', '').split(';') ) if options.winepath: wine_path += ';' + options.winepath env['WINEPATH'] = wine_path env['WINEDEBUG'] = 'fixme-all' return env def setup_gdb(options): python_paths = set() if not shutil.which('gdb'): return python_paths bdir = pathlib.Path(options.builddir).resolve() for libpath, gdb_path in [ (os.path.join("subprojects", "gstreamer", "gst"), os.path.join("subprojects", "gstreamer", "libs", "gst", "helpers")), (os.path.join("subprojects", "glib", "gobject"), None), (os.path.join("subprojects", "glib", "glib"), None)]: if not gdb_path: gdb_path = libpath autoload_path = (pathlib.Path(bdir) / 'gdb-auto-load').joinpath(*bdir.parts[1:]) / libpath autoload_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for gdb_helper in glob.glob(str(bdir / gdb_path / "*-gdb.py")): python_paths.add(str(bdir / gdb_path)) python_paths.add(os.path.join(options.srcdir, gdb_path)) try: if os.name == 'nt': shutil.copy(gdb_helper, str(autoload_path / os.path.basename(gdb_helper))) else: os.symlink(gdb_helper, str(autoload_path / os.path.basename(gdb_helper))) except (FileExistsError, shutil.SameFileError): pass gdbinit_line = 'add-auto-load-scripts-directory {}\n'.format(bdir / 'gdb-auto-load') try: with open(os.path.join(options.srcdir, '.gdbinit'), 'r') as f: if gdbinit_line in f.readlines(): return python_paths except FileNotFoundError: pass with open(os.path.join(options.srcdir, '.gdbinit'), 'a') as f: f.write(gdbinit_line) return python_paths def is_bash_completion_available(options): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects/gstreamer/data/bash-completion/helpers/gst')) def get_subprocess_env(options, gst_version): env = os.environ.copy() env["CURRENT_GST"] = os.path.normpath(SCRIPTDIR) env["GST_VERSION"] = gst_version prepend_env_var(env, "GST_VALIDATE_SCENARIOS_PATH", os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/data/scenarios" % SCRIPTDIR), options.sysroot) env["GST_VALIDATE_PLUGIN_PATH"] = os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/plugins" % options.builddir) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_VALIDATE_APPS_DIR", os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-editing-services/tests/validate" % SCRIPTDIR), options.sysroot) env["GST_ENV"] = gst_version env["GST_REGISTRY"] = os.path.normpath(options.builddir + "/registry.dat") prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/tools" % options.builddir), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_VALIDATE_SCENARIOS_PATH", os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-examples/webrtc/check/validate/scenarios" % SCRIPTDIR), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_VALIDATE_APPS_DIR", os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gst-examples/webrtc/check/validate/apps" % SCRIPTDIR), options.sysroot) if options.wine: return get_wine_subprocess_env(options, env) prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'meson'), options.sysroot) env["GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH"] = "" env["GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER"] = os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gstreamer/libs/gst/helpers/gst-plugin-scanner" % options.builddir) env["GST_PTP_HELPER"] = os.path.normpath( "%s/subprojects/gstreamer/libs/gst/helpers/ptp/gst-ptp-helper" % options.builddir) if os.name == 'nt': lib_path_envvar = 'PATH' elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': # DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is stripped when new shells are spawned and can # cause issues with runtime linker resolution, so only set it when # using --only-environment lib_path_envvar = None if options.only_environment: lib_path_envvar = 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' else: lib_path_envvar = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' prepend_env_var(env, "GST_PLUGIN_PATH", os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'subprojects', 'gst-python', 'plugin'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_PLUGIN_PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib', 'gstreamer-1.0'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_PLUGIN_PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'libnice', 'gst'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GST_VALIDATE_SCENARIOS_PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'share', 'gstreamer-1.0', 'validate', 'scenarios'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "GI_TYPELIB_PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib', 'lib', 'girepository-1.0'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), options.sysroot) # gst-indent-1.0 prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gst-indent', 'src'), options.sysroot) # gst-indent (FIXME: remove or move into gst-indent module) prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'scripts'), options.sysroot) # tools: gst-launch-1.0, gst-inspect-1.0 prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gstreamer', 'tools'), options.sysroot) # plugin scanner and generator prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gstreamer', 'docs'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gst-plugins-base', 'tools'), options.sysroot) # Library and binary search paths prepend_env_var(env, "PATH", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'bin'), options.sysroot) if lib_path_envvar != 'PATH': prepend_env_var(env, lib_path_envvar, os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib'), options.sysroot) prepend_env_var(env, lib_path_envvar, os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'lib64'), options.sysroot) elif 'QMAKE' in os.environ: # There's no RPATH on Windows, so we need to set PATH for the qt5 DLLs prepend_env_var(env, 'PATH', os.path.dirname(os.environ['QMAKE']), options.sysroot) meson = get_meson() targets_s = subprocess.check_output(meson + ['introspect', options.builddir, '--targets']) targets = json.loads(targets_s.decode()) paths = set() mono_paths = set() srcdir_path = pathlib.Path(options.srcdir) build_options_s = subprocess.check_output(meson + ['introspect', options.builddir, '--buildoptions']) build_options = json.loads(build_options_s.decode()) libdir, = [o['value'] for o in build_options if o['name'] == 'libdir'] libdir = PurePath(libdir) prefix, = [o['value'] for o in build_options if o['name'] == 'prefix'] bindir, = [o['value'] for o in build_options if o['name'] == 'bindir'] prefix = PurePath(prefix) bindir = prefix / bindir global GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE = GSTPLUGIN_FILEPATH_REG_TEMPLATE.format(libdir=libdir.as_posix()) for target in targets: filenames = listify(target['filename']) if not target['installed']: continue for filename in filenames: root = os.path.dirname(filename) if srcdir_path / "subprojects/gst-devtools/validate/plugins" in (srcdir_path / root).parents: continue if filename.endswith('.dll'): mono_paths.add(os.path.join(options.builddir, root)) if TYPELIB_REG.search(filename): prepend_env_var(env, "GI_TYPELIB_PATH", os.path.join(options.builddir, root), options.sysroot) elif is_library_target_and_not_plugin(target, filename): prepend_env_var(env, lib_path_envvar, os.path.join(options.builddir, root), options.sysroot) elif is_binary_target_and_in_path(target, filename, bindir): paths.add(os.path.join(options.builddir, root)) elif is_gio_module(target, filename, options.builddir): prepend_env_var(env, 'GIO_EXTRA_MODULES', os.path.join(options.builddir, root), options.sysroot) # Search for the Plugin paths file either in the build directory root # or check if gstreamer is a subproject of another project for sub_directories in [[], ['subprojects', 'gstreamer']]: plugin_paths = os.path.join(options.builddir, *sub_directories, 'GstPluginsPath.json') if os.path.exists(plugin_paths): with open(plugin_paths) as f: for plugin_path in json.load(f): prepend_env_var(env, 'GST_PLUGIN_PATH', plugin_path, options.sysroot) break # Sort to iterate in a consistent order (`set`s and `hash`es are randomized) for p in sorted(paths): prepend_env_var(env, 'PATH', p, options.sysroot) if os.name != 'nt': for p in sorted(mono_paths): prepend_env_var(env, "MONO_PATH", p, options.sysroot) presets = set() encoding_targets = set() python_dirs = setup_gdb(options) overrides_dirs = set() if '--installed' in subprocess.check_output(meson + ['introspect', '-h']).decode(): installed_s = subprocess.check_output(meson + ['introspect', options.builddir, '--installed']) for path, installpath in json.loads(installed_s.decode()).items(): installpath_parts = pathlib.Path(installpath).parts # We want to add all python modules to the PYTHONPATH # in a manner consistent with the way they would be imported: # For example if the source path /home/meh/foo/bar.py # is to be installed in /usr/lib/python/site-packages/foo/bar.py, # we want to add /home/meh to the PYTHONPATH. # This will only work for projects where the paths to be installed # mirror the installed directory layout, for example if the path # is /home/meh/baz/bar.py and the install path is # /usr/lib/site-packages/foo/bar.py , we will not add anything # to PYTHONPATH, but the current approach works with pygobject # and gst-python at least. py_package = None if 'site-packages' in installpath_parts: py_package = 'site-packages' elif 'dist-packages' in installpath_parts: py_package = 'dist-packages' if py_package: install_subpath = os.path.join(*installpath_parts[installpath_parts.index(py_package) + 1:]) if path.endswith(install_subpath): if os.path.commonprefix(["gi/overrides", install_subpath]): overrides_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(path)) else: python_dirs.add(path[:len(install_subpath) * -1]) if path.endswith('.prs'): presets.add(os.path.dirname(path)) elif path.endswith('.gep'): encoding_targets.add( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), '..'))) for p in sorted(presets): prepend_env_var(env, 'GST_PRESET_PATH', p, options.sysroot) for t in sorted(encoding_targets): prepend_env_var(env, 'GST_ENCODING_TARGET_PATH', t, options.sysroot) # Check if meson has generated -uninstalled pkgconfig files meson_uninstalled = pathlib.Path(options.builddir) / 'meson-uninstalled' if meson_uninstalled.is_dir(): prepend_env_var(env, 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH', str(meson_uninstalled), options.sysroot) for python_dir in sorted(python_dirs): prepend_env_var(env, 'PYTHONPATH', python_dir, options.sysroot) for python_dir in sorted(overrides_dirs): prepend_env_var(env, '_GI_OVERRIDES_PATH', python_dir, options.sysroot) mesonpath = os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, "meson") if os.path.join(mesonpath): # Add meson/ into PYTHONPATH if we are using a local meson prepend_env_var(env, 'PYTHONPATH', mesonpath, options.sysroot) # Ensure that gst-python/gi is used first prepend_env_var(env, "PYTHONPATH", os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'subprojects', 'gst-python'), options.sysroot) # For devhelp books if 'XDG_DATA_DIRS' not in env or not env['XDG_DATA_DIRS']: # Preserve default paths when empty prepend_env_var(env, 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', '/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/', '') prepend_env_var(env, 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', os.path.join(options.builddir, 'subprojects', 'gst-docs', 'GStreamer-doc'), options.sysroot) if 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS' not in env or not env['XDG_CONFIG_DIRS']: # Preserve default paths when empty prepend_env_var(env, 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', '/etc/local/xdg:/etc/xdg', '') prepend_env_var(env, "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS", os.path.join(PREFIX_DIR, 'etc', 'xdg'), options.sysroot) return env def get_windows_shell(): command = ['powershell.exe', '-noprofile', '-executionpolicy', 'bypass', '-file', os.path.join(SCRIPTDIR, 'data', 'misc', 'cmd_or_ps.ps1')] result = subprocess.check_output(command) return result.decode().strip() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="gst-env") parser.add_argument("--builddir", default=DEFAULT_BUILDDIR, help="The meson build directory") parser.add_argument("--srcdir", default=SCRIPTDIR, help="The top level source directory") parser.add_argument("--sysroot", default='', help="The sysroot path used during cross-compilation") parser.add_argument("--wine", default='', help="Build a wine env based on specified wine command") parser.add_argument("--winepath", default='', help="Extra path to set to WINEPATH.") parser.add_argument("--only-environment", action='store_true', default=False, help="Do not start a shell, only print required environment.") options, args = parser.parse_known_args() if not os.path.exists(options.builddir): print("GStreamer not built in %s\n\nBuild it and try again" % options.builddir) exit(1) options.builddir = os.path.abspath(options.builddir) if not os.path.exists(options.srcdir): print("The specified source dir does not exist" % options.srcdir) exit(1) # The following incantation will retrieve the current branch name. try: gst_version = git("rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", repository_path=options.srcdir).strip('\n') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: gst_version = "unknown" if options.wine: gst_version += '-' + os.path.basename(options.wine) env = get_subprocess_env(options, gst_version) if os.name == 'nt': shell = get_windows_shell() if shell in ['powershell.exe', 'pwsh.exe']: new_args = [shell, '-NoLogo'] if not args: prompt = 'function global:prompt { "[' + gst_version + '"+"] PS " + $PWD + "> "}' new_args += ['-NoExit', '-Command', prompt] else: new_args += ['-NonInteractive', '-Command'] + args args = new_args else: new_args = [os.environ.get("COMSPEC", r"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe")] if not args: new_args += ['/k', 'prompt [{}] $P$G'.format(gst_version)] else: new_args += ['/c', 'start', '/b', '/wait'] + args args = new_args if not args: if os.name != 'nt': args = [os.environ.get("SHELL", os.path.realpath("/bin/sh"))] prompt_export = f'export PS1="[{gst_version}] $PS1"' if args[0].endswith('bash') and not str_to_bool(os.environ.get("GST_BUILD_DISABLE_PS1_OVERRIDE", r"FALSE")): # Let the GC remove the tmp file tmprc = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') bashrc = os.path.expanduser('~/.bashrc') if os.path.exists(bashrc): with open(bashrc, 'r') as src: shutil.copyfileobj(src, tmprc) tmprc.write('\n' + prompt_export) tmprc.flush() if is_bash_completion_available(options): bash_completions_files = [] for p in BASH_COMPLETION_PATHS: if os.path.exists(p): bash_completions_files += os.listdir(path=p) bc_rc = BC_RC.format(bash_completions=' '.join(bash_completions_files), bash_completions_paths=' '.join(BASH_COMPLETION_PATHS)) tmprc.write(bc_rc) tmprc.flush() args.append("--rcfile") args.append(tmprc.name) elif args[0].endswith('fish'): prompt_export = None # FIXME # Ignore SIGINT while using fish as the shell to make it behave # like other shells such as bash and zsh. # See: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-build/issues/18 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda x, y: True) # Set the prompt args.append('--init-command') prompt_cmd = '''functions --copy fish_prompt original_fish_prompt function fish_prompt echo -n '[{}] '(original_fish_prompt) end'''.format(gst_version) args.append(prompt_cmd) elif args[0].endswith('zsh'): prompt_export = f'export PROMPT="[{gst_version}] $PROMPT"' tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # Let the GC remove the tmp file tmprc = open(os.path.join(tmpdir.name, '.zshrc'), 'w') zshrc = os.path.expanduser('~/.zshrc') if os.path.exists(zshrc): with open(zshrc, 'r') as src: shutil.copyfileobj(src, tmprc) tmprc.write('\n' + prompt_export) tmprc.flush() env['ZDOTDIR'] = tmpdir.name try: if options.only_environment: for name, value in env.items(): print('{}={}'.format(name, shlex.quote(value))) print('export {}'.format(name)) if prompt_export: print(prompt_export) else: if os.environ.get("CI_PROJECT_NAME"): print("Ignoring SIGINT when running on the CI," " as we get spurious sigint in there for some reason.") signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) exit(subprocess.call(args, close_fds=False, env=env)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: exit(e.returncode)