a52dec_opt = get_option('a52dec').require(gpl_allowed, error_message: ''' Plugin a52dec explicitly required via options but GPL-licensed plugins disabled via options. Pass option -Dgpl=enabled to Meson to allow GPL-licensed plugins to be built. ''') a52dec_sources = [ 'gsta52dec.c', ] a52dec_headers = [ 'gsta52dec.h', ] doc_sources = [] foreach s: a52dec_sources + a52dec_headers doc_sources += meson.current_source_dir() / s endforeach plugin_sources += { 'a52dec': pathsep.join(doc_sources) } a52_dep = cc.find_library('a52', required : get_option('a52dec')) if a52_dep.found() have_a52_h = cc.has_header_symbol('a52dec/a52.h', 'a52_init', prefix : '#include ') if have_a52_h a52dec = library('gsta52dec', a52dec_sources, c_args : ugly_args, include_directories : [configinc], dependencies : [gstaudio_dep, orc_dep, a52_dep], install : true, install_dir : plugins_install_dir, ) plugins += [a52dec] elif a52dec_opt.enabled() error('a52dec plugin enabled but a52.h not found') endif endif