%{ #include #include #include #include "../gstparse.h" #include "types.h" #define YYDEBUG 1 #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 #define YYPARSE_PARAM pgraph static int yylex (void *lvalp); static int yyerror (const char *s); %} %union { gchar *s; GValue *v; graph_t *g; connection_t *c; property_t *p; element_t *e; } %token IDENTIFIER %token CONNECTION BCONNECTION FCONNECTION %token VALUE %type id %type graph bin %type element %type

property_value value %type connection rconnection %left '{' '}' '(' ')' %left '!' '=' %left ',' %left '.' %pure_parser %start graph %% id: IDENTIFIER ; value: VALUE { $$ = g_new0 (property_t, 1); $$->value = $1; } ; property_value: id '=' value { $$ = $3; $$->name = $1; } ; element: id { static int i = 0; $$ = g_new0 (element_t, 1); $$->type = $1; $$->index = ++i; } ; graph: /* empty */ { $$ = g_new0 (graph_t, 1); *((graph_t**) pgraph) = $$; } | graph element { GList *l; $$ = $1; l = $$->connections_pending; $$->elements = g_list_append ($$->elements, $2); $$->current = $2; if (!$$->first) $$->first = $$->current; while (l) { ((connection_t*) l->data)->sink_index = $$->current->index; l = g_list_next (l); } if ($$->connections_pending) { g_list_free ($$->connections_pending); $$->connections_pending = NULL; } } | graph bin { GList *l; $$ = $1; l = $$->connections_pending; *((graph_t**) pgraph) = $$; $$->bins = g_list_append ($$->bins, $2); $2->parent = $$; $$->current = $2->first; if (!$$->first) $$->first = $$->current; while (l) { ((connection_t*) l->data)->sink_index = $$->current->index; l = g_list_next (l); } if ($$->connections_pending) { g_list_free ($$->connections_pending); $$->connections_pending = NULL; } $$->current = $2->current; } | graph connection { $$ = $1; $$->connections = g_list_append ($$->connections, $2); if ($$->current) $2->src_index = $$->current->index; if (!$2->sink_name) $$->connections_pending = g_list_append ($$->connections_pending, $2); } | graph property_value { $$ = $1; if (!$$->current) { fprintf (stderr, "error: property value assignments must be preceded by an element definition\n"); YYABORT; } $$->current->property_values = g_list_append ($$->current->property_values, $2); } ; bin: '{' graph '}' { $$ = $2; $$->current_bin_type = "thread"; } | id '.' '(' graph ')' { $$ = $4; $$->current_bin_type = $1; } ; connection: CONNECTION | rconnection ; rconnection: '!' { $$ = g_new0 (connection_t, 1); } | BCONNECTION { $$ = $1; } | FCONNECTION { $$ = $1; } | id ',' rconnection ',' id { $$ = $3; $$->src_pads = g_list_prepend ($$->src_pads, $1); $$->sink_pads = g_list_append ($$->sink_pads, $5); } ; %% extern FILE *_gst_parse_yyin; int _gst_parse_yylex (YYSTYPE *lvalp); static int yylex (void *lvalp) { return _gst_parse_yylex ((YYSTYPE*) lvalp); } static int yyerror (const char *s) { fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", s); return -1; } int _gst_parse_yy_scan_string (char*); graph_t * _gst_parse_launch (const gchar *str, GError **error) { graph_t *g = NULL; gchar *dstr; g_return_val_if_fail (str != NULL, NULL); dstr = g_strdup (str); _gst_parse_yy_scan_string (dstr); #ifdef DEBUG _gst_parse_yydebug = 1; #endif if (yyparse (&g) != 0) { g_set_error (error, GST_PARSE_ERROR, GST_PARSE_ERROR_SYNTAX, "Invalid syntax"); g_free (dstr); return NULL; } g_assert (g != NULL); g_free (dstr); /* if the toplevel only contains one bin, make that bin top-level */ if (g->elements == NULL && g->bins && g->bins->next == NULL) { g = (graph_t*)g->bins->data; g_free (g->parent); g->parent = NULL; } return g; }