libxml_dep = dependency('libxml-2.0', version : '>= 2.9.2', required : get_option('ttml')) pango_dep = dependency('pango', required : get_option('ttml')) cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', required : get_option('ttml')) pangocairo_dep = dependency('pangocairo', required : get_option('ttml')) ttmlsubs_sources = [ 'subtitle.c', 'subtitlemeta.c', 'gstttmlparse.c', 'ttmlparse.c', 'gstttmlrender.c', 'gstttmlelement.c', 'gstttmlplugin.c', ] ttmlsubs_headers = [ 'gstttmlelements.h', 'subtitlemeta.h', 'gstttmlparse.h', 'subtitle.h', 'gstttmlrender.h', 'ttmlparse.h', ] doc_sources = [] foreach s: ttmlsubs_sources + ttmlsubs_headers doc_sources += meson.current_source_dir() / s endforeach plugin_sources += { 'ttmlsubs': pathsep.join(doc_sources) } if libxml_dep.found() and pango_dep.found() and cairo_dep.found() and pangocairo_dep.found() gstttmlsubs = library('gstttmlsubs', ttmlsubs_sources, c_args : gst_plugins_bad_args + cc.get_supported_arguments(['-Wno-aggregate-return']), include_directories : [configinc], dependencies : [gstvideo_dep, libxml_dep, pango_dep, cairo_dep, pangocairo_dep, libm], install : true, install_dir : plugins_install_dir, ) plugins += [gstttmlsubs] endif