GstValue GValue implementations specific to GStreamer will transform four characters into a host-endiannness guint32 fourcc: guint32 fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('M','J','P','G'); @a: the first component @b: the second component @c: the third component @d: the fourth component Creates a fourcc from an input string. The input string should consisnt of at least four characters (this is not checked for!). guint32 fourcc = GST_STR_FOURCC("MJPG"); @f: a string with four characters Can be used to properly output a fourcc (a guint32) value in a printf()-style text message. printf ("fourcc: %" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT "\n", GST_FOURCC_ARGS (fcc)); Can be used to properly output a fourcc (a guint32) value in a printf()-style text message. printf ("fourcc: %" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT "\n", GST_FOURCC_ARGS (fcc)); @fourcc: the fourcc value to print Checks if the give GValue contains a FOURCC value. @x: the #GValue to check Checks if the give GValue contains a INT_RANGE value. @x: the #GValue to check Checks if the give GValue contains a DOUBLE_RANGE value. @x: the #GValue to check Checks if the give GValue contains a LIST value. @x: the #GValue to check Checks if the give GValue contains a CAPS value. @x: the #GValue to check Checks if the give GValue contains a FRACTION value. @x: the #GValue to check @x: @value: Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (gst_value_compare()) is lesser than the second one. Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (gst_value_compare()) is equal to the second one. Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (gst_value_compare()) is greater than the second one. Indicates that the comparison function (gst_value_compare()) can not determine a order for the two provided values. @value1: @value2: @Returns: one of GST_VALUE_LESS_THAN, GST_VALUE_EQUAL, GST_VALUE_GREATER_THAN or GST_VALUE_UNORDERED @value1: @Returns: @dest: @s: @Returns: @dest: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @dest: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @dest: @minuend: @subtrahend: @Returns: @type: @compare: @serialize: @deserialize: @value: @Returns: @table: @dest: @src: @value: @Returns: @dest: @src: @Returns: @value: @append_value: @value: @prepend_value: @dest: @value1: @value2: @value: @Returns: @value: @index: @Returns: @value: @fourcc: @value: @Returns: @value: @start: @end: @value: @Returns: @value: @Returns: @value: @start: @end: @value: @Returns: @value: @Returns: @value: @Returns: @value: @caps: @calue: @value: @Returns: @value: @Returns: @value: @numerator: @denominator: @v: @v: @b: @v: @b: @product: @factor1: @factor2: @Returns: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @dest: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @type1: @type2: @func: @dest: @minuend: @subtrahend: @Returns: @minuend: @subtrahend: @Returns: @minuend_type: @subtrahend_type: @func: @dest: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @type1: @type2: @func: