/* GStreamer media licenses utility functions * Copyright (C) 2011 Tim-Philipp Müller * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * SECTION:gsttaglicenses * @short_description: utility functions for Creative Commons licenses * @see_also: #GstTagList * * Provides information about Creative Commons media licenses, which are * often expressed in media files as a license URI in tags. Also useful * for applications creating media files, in case the user wants to license * the content under a Creative Commons license. */ /* FIXME: add API to check obsolete-ness / replace-by */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "tag.h" #include "licenses-tables.dat" #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT ensure_debug_category() static GstDebugCategory * ensure_debug_category (void) { static gsize cat_gonce = 0; if (g_once_init_enter (&cat_gonce)) { gsize cat_done; cat_done = (gsize) _gst_debug_category_new ("tag-licenses", 0, "GstTag licenses"); g_once_init_leave (&cat_gonce, cat_done); } return (GstDebugCategory *) cat_gonce; } #else #define ensure_debug_category() /* NOOP */ #endif /* GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Translations * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef ENABLE_NLS static GVariant * gst_tag_get_license_translations_dictionary (void) { static gsize var_gonce = 0; if (g_once_init_enter (&var_gonce)) { const gchar *dict_path; GVariant *var = NULL; GError *err = NULL; gchar *data; gsize len; /* for gst-uninstalled */ dict_path = g_getenv ("GST_TAG_LICENSE_TRANSLATIONS_DICT"); if (dict_path == NULL) dict_path = LICENSE_TRANSLATIONS_PATH; GST_INFO ("Loading license translations from '%s'", dict_path); if (g_file_get_contents (dict_path, &data, &len, &err)) { var = g_variant_new_from_data (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sa{ss}}"), data, len, TRUE, (GDestroyNotify) g_free, data); } else { GST_WARNING ("Could not load translation dictionary %s", err->message); g_error_free (err); var = g_variant_new_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("{sa{ss}}"), NULL, 0); } g_once_init_leave (&var_gonce, (gsize) var); } return (GVariant *) var_gonce; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NLS static gboolean gst_variant_lookup_string_value (GVariant * dict, const gchar * lang, const gchar ** translation) { GVariant *trans; trans = g_variant_lookup_value (dict, lang, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("s")); if (trans == NULL) return FALSE; *translation = g_variant_get_string (trans, NULL); /* string will stay valid */ g_variant_unref (trans); GST_TRACE ("Result: '%s' for language '%s'", *translation, lang); return TRUE; } #endif static const gchar * gst_license_str_translate (const gchar * s) { #ifdef ENABLE_NLS GVariant *v, *dict, *trans; v = gst_tag_get_license_translations_dictionary (); g_assert (v != NULL); dict = g_variant_lookup_value (v, s, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{ss}")); if (dict != NULL) { const gchar *const *lang; const gchar *env_lang; /* for unit tests */ if ((env_lang = g_getenv ("GST_TAG_LICENSE_TRANSLATIONS_LANG"))) { if (gst_variant_lookup_string_value (dict, env_lang, &s)) GST_TRACE ("Result: '%s' for forced language '%s'", s, env_lang); goto beach; } lang = g_get_language_names (); while (lang != NULL && *lang != NULL) { GST_TRACE ("Looking up '%s' for language '%s'", s, *lang); trans = g_variant_lookup_value (dict, *lang, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("s")); if (trans != NULL) { s = g_variant_get_string (trans, NULL); /* s will stay valid */ g_variant_unref (trans); GST_TRACE ("Result: '%s'", s); break; } GST_TRACE ("No result for '%s' for language '%s'", s, *lang); ++lang; } beach: g_variant_unref (dict); } else { GST_WARNING ("No dict for string '%s'", s); } #endif return s; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * License handling * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define CC_LICENSE_REF_PREFIX "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/" /* is this license 'generic' (and a base for any of the supported * jurisdictions), or jurisdiction-specific only? */ #define JURISDICTION_GENERIC (G_GUINT64_CONSTANT (1) << 63) static const gchar jurisdictions[] = "ar\000at\000au\000be\000bg\000br\000ca\000ch\000cl\000cn\000co\000de\000" "dk\000es\000fi\000fr\000hr\000hu\000il\000in\000it\000jp\000kr\000mk\000" "mt\000mx\000my\000nl\000pe\000pl\000pt\000scotland\000se\000si\000tw\000" "uk\000us\000za"; /** * gst_tag_get_licenses: * * Returns a list of known license references (in form of URIs). This is * useful for UIs to build a list of available licenses for tagging purposes * (e.g. to tag an audio track appropriately in a video or audio editor, or * an image in a camera application). * * Returns: NULL-terminated array of license strings. Free with g_strfreev() * when no longer needed. * * Since: 0.10.36 */ gchar ** gst_tag_get_licenses (void) { GPtrArray *arr; int i; arr = g_ptr_array_new (); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (licenses); ++i) { const gchar *jurs; gboolean is_generic; guint64 jbits; gchar *ref; jbits = licenses[i].jurisdictions; is_generic = (jbits & JURISDICTION_GENERIC) != 0; if (is_generic) { ref = g_strconcat (CC_LICENSE_REF_PREFIX, licenses[i].ref, NULL); GST_LOG ("Adding %2d %s (generic)", i, ref); g_ptr_array_add (arr, ref); jbits &= ~JURISDICTION_GENERIC; } jurs = jurisdictions; while (jbits != 0) { if ((jbits & 1)) { ref = g_strconcat (CC_LICENSE_REF_PREFIX, licenses[i].ref, jurs, "/", NULL); GST_LOG ("Adding %2d %s (%s: %s)", i, ref, (is_generic) ? "derived" : "specific", jurs); g_ptr_array_add (arr, ref); } g_assert (jurs < (jurisdictions + sizeof (jurisdictions))); jurs += strlen (jurs) + 1; jbits >>= 1; } } g_ptr_array_add (arr, NULL); return (gchar **) g_ptr_array_free (arr, FALSE); } static gint gst_tag_get_license_idx (const gchar * license_ref, const gchar ** jurisdiction) { const gchar *ref, *jur_suffix; int i; GST_TRACE ("Looking up '%s'", license_ref); if (!g_str_has_prefix (license_ref, CC_LICENSE_REF_PREFIX)) { GST_WARNING ("unknown license prefix in ref '%s'", license_ref); return -1; } if (jurisdiction != NULL) *jurisdiction = NULL; ref = license_ref + sizeof (CC_LICENSE_REF_PREFIX) - 1; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (licenses); ++i) { guint64 jbits = licenses[i].jurisdictions; const gchar *jurs, *lref = licenses[i].ref; gsize lref_len = strlen (lref); /* table should have "foo/bar/" with trailing slash */ g_assert (lref[lref_len - 1] == '/'); if ((jbits & JURISDICTION_GENERIC)) { GST_TRACE ("[%2d] %s checking generic match", i, licenses[i].ref); /* exact match? */ if (strcmp (ref, lref) == 0) return i; /* exact match but without the trailing slash in ref? */ if (strncmp (ref, lref, lref_len - 1) == 0 && ref[lref_len - 1] == '\0') return i; } if (!g_str_has_prefix (ref, lref)) continue; GST_TRACE ("[%2d] %s checking jurisdictions", i, licenses[i].ref); jbits &= ~JURISDICTION_GENERIC; jur_suffix = ref + lref_len; if (*jur_suffix == '\0') continue; jurs = jurisdictions; while (jbits != 0) { guint jur_len = strlen (jurs); if ((jbits & 1)) { if (strncmp (jur_suffix, jurs, jur_len) == 0 && (jur_suffix[jur_len] == '\0' || jur_suffix[jur_len] == '/')) { GST_LOG ("matched %s to %s with jurisdiction %s (idx %d)", license_ref, licenses[i].ref, jurs, i); if (jurisdiction != NULL) *jurisdiction = jurs; return i; } } g_assert (jurs < (jurisdictions + sizeof (jurisdictions))); jurs += jur_len + 1; jbits >>= 1; } } GST_WARNING ("unhandled license ref '%s'", license_ref); return -1; } /** * gst_tag_get_license_flags: * @license_ref: a license reference string in form of a URI, * e.g. "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/" * * Get the flags of a license, which describe most of the features of * a license in their most general form. * * Returns: the flags of the license, or 0 if the license is unknown * * Since: 0.10.36 */ GstTagLicenseFlags gst_tag_get_license_flags (const gchar * license_ref) { int idx; g_return_val_if_fail (license_ref != NULL, 0); idx = gst_tag_get_license_idx (license_ref, NULL); return (idx < 0) ? 0 : licenses[idx].flags; } /** * gst_tag_get_license_nick: * @license_ref: a license reference string in form of a URI, * e.g. "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/" * * Get the nick name of a license, which is a short (untranslated) string * such as e.g. "CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 UK". * * Returns: the nick name of the license, or NULL if the license is unknown * * Since: 0.10.36 */ const gchar * gst_tag_get_license_nick (const gchar * license_ref) { GstTagLicenseFlags flags; const gchar *creator_prefix, *res; gchar *nick, *c; g_return_val_if_fail (license_ref != NULL, NULL); flags = gst_tag_get_license_flags (license_ref); if ((flags & GST_TAG_LICENSE_CREATIVE_COMMONS_LICENSE)) { creator_prefix = "CC "; } else if ((flags & GST_TAG_LICENSE_FREE_SOFTWARE_FOUNDATION_LICENSE)) { creator_prefix = "FSF "; } else if (g_str_has_suffix (license_ref, "publicdomain/")) { creator_prefix = ""; } else { return NULL; } nick = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", creator_prefix, license_ref + sizeof (CC_LICENSE_REF_PREFIX) - 1); g_strdelimit (nick, "/", ' '); g_strchomp (nick); for (c = nick; *c != '\0'; ++c) *c = g_ascii_toupper (*c); GST_LOG ("%s => nick %s", license_ref, nick); res = g_intern_string (nick); /* for convenience */ g_free (nick); return res; } /** * gst_tag_get_license_title: * @license_ref: a license reference string in form of a URI, * e.g. "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/" * * Get the title of a license, which is a short translated description * of the license's features (generally not very pretty though). * * Returns: the title of the license, or NULL if the license is unknown or * no title is available. * * Since: 0.10.36 */ const gchar * gst_tag_get_license_title (const gchar * license_ref) { int idx; g_return_val_if_fail (license_ref != NULL, NULL); idx = gst_tag_get_license_idx (license_ref, NULL); if (idx < 0 || licenses[idx].title_idx < 0) return NULL; return gst_license_str_translate (&license_strings[licenses[idx].title_idx]); } /** * gst_tag_get_license_description: * @license_ref: a license reference string in form of a URI, * e.g. "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/" * * Get the description of a license, which is a translated description * of the license's main features. * * Returns: the description of the license, or NULL if the license is unknown * or a description is not available. * * Since: 0.10.36 */ const gchar * gst_tag_get_license_description (const gchar * license_ref) { int idx; g_return_val_if_fail (license_ref != NULL, NULL); idx = gst_tag_get_license_idx (license_ref, NULL); if (idx < 0 || licenses[idx].desc_idx < 0) return NULL; return gst_license_str_translate (&license_strings[licenses[idx].desc_idx]); } /** * gst_tag_get_license_jurisdiction: * @license_ref: a license reference string in form of a URI, * e.g. "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/" * * Get the jurisdiction code of a license. This is usually a two-letter * ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, but there is also the special case of Scotland, * for which no code exists and which is thus represented as "scotland". * * Known jurisdictions: ar, at, au, be, bg, br, ca, ch, cl, cn, co, de, * dk, es, fi, fr, hr, hu, il, in, it, jp, kr, mk, mt, mx, my, nl, pe, pl, * pt, scotland, se, si, tw, uk, us, za. * * Returns: the jurisdiction code of the license, or NULL if the license is * unknown or is not specific to a particular jurisdiction. * * Since: 0.10.36 */ const gchar * gst_tag_get_license_jurisdiction (const gchar * license_ref) { const gchar *jurisdiction; int idx; g_return_val_if_fail (license_ref != NULL, NULL); idx = gst_tag_get_license_idx (license_ref, &jurisdiction); return (idx < 0) ? NULL : jurisdiction; } /** * gst_tag_get_license_version: * @license_ref: a license reference string in form of a URI, * e.g. "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/" * * Get the version of a license. * * Returns: the version of the license, or NULL if the license is not known or * has no version * * Since: 0.10.36 */ const gchar * gst_tag_get_license_version (const gchar * license_ref) { int idx; g_return_val_if_fail (license_ref != NULL, NULL); idx = gst_tag_get_license_idx (license_ref, NULL); if (idx < 0) return NULL; #define LICENSE_FLAG_CC_OR_FSF \ (GST_TAG_LICENSE_CREATIVE_COMMONS_LICENSE|\ GST_TAG_LICENSE_FREE_SOFTWARE_FOUNDATION_LICENSE) /* e.g. publicdomain isn't versioned */ if (!(licenses[idx].flags & LICENSE_FLAG_CC_OR_FSF)) return NULL; /* KISS for now... */ if (strstr (licenses[idx].ref, "/1.0/")) return "1.0"; else if (strstr (licenses[idx].ref, "/2.0/")) return "2.0"; else if (strstr (licenses[idx].ref, "/2.1/")) return "2.1"; else if (strstr (licenses[idx].ref, "/2.5/")) return "2.5"; else if (strstr (licenses[idx].ref, "/3.0/")) return "3.0"; GST_ERROR ("Could not determine version for ref '%s'", license_ref); return NULL; } GType gst_tag_license_flags_get_type (void) { /* FIXME: we should really be using glib-mkenums for this.. */ #define C_FLAGS(v) ((guint) v) static gsize id = 0; static const GFlagsValue values[] = { {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_PERMITS_REPRODUCTION), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_PERMITS_REPRODUCTION", "permits-reproduction"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_PERMITS_DISTRIBUTION), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_PERMITS_DISTRIBUTION", "permits-distribution"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_PERMITS_DERIVATIVE_WORKS), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_PERMITS_DERIVATIVE_WORKS", "permits-derivative-works"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_PERMITS_SHARING), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_PERMITS_SHARING", "permits-sharing"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_NOTICE), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_NOTICE", "requires-notice"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_ATTRIBUTION), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_ATTRIBUTION", "requires-attributions"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_SHARE_ALIKE), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_SHARE_ALIKE", "requires-share-alike"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_SOURCE_CODE), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_SOURCE_CODE", "requires-source-code"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_COPYLEFT), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_COPYLEFT", "requires-copyleft"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_LESSER_COPYLEFT), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_REQUIRES_LESSER_COPYLEFT", "requires-lesser-copyleft"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_PROHIBITS_COMMERCIAL_USE), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_PROHIBITS_COMMERCIAL_USE", "prohibits-commercial-use"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_PROHIBITS_HIGH_INCOME_NATION_USE), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_PROHIBITS_HIGH_INCOME_NATION_USE", "prohibits-high-income-nation-use"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_CREATIVE_COMMONS_LICENSE), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_CREATIVE_COMMONS_LICENSE", "creative-commons-license"}, {C_FLAGS (GST_TAG_LICENSE_FREE_SOFTWARE_FOUNDATION_LICENSE), "GST_TAG_LICENSE_FREE_SOFTWARE_FOUNDATION_LICENSE", "free-software-foundation-license"}, {0, NULL, NULL} }; if (g_once_init_enter (&id)) { GType tmp = g_flags_register_static ("GstTagLicenseFlags", values); g_once_init_leave (&id, tmp); } return (GType) id; }