// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator. // Any changes made will be lost if regenerated. namespace Gst.RtspServer { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #region Autogenerated code public partial class RTSPStream : GLib.Object { public RTSPStream (IntPtr raw) : base(raw) {} [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_new(uint idx, IntPtr payloader, IntPtr pad); public RTSPStream (uint idx, Gst.Element payloader, Gst.Pad pad) : base (IntPtr.Zero) { if (GetType () != typeof (RTSPStream)) { var vals = new List (); var names = new List (); CreateNativeObject (names.ToArray (), vals.ToArray ()); return; } Raw = gst_rtsp_stream_new(idx, payloader == null ? IntPtr.Zero : payloader.Handle, pad == null ? IntPtr.Zero : pad.Handle); } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_control(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_control(IntPtr raw, IntPtr control); [GLib.Property ("control")] public string Control { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_control(Handle); string ret = GLib.Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree(raw_ret); return ret; } set { IntPtr native_value = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (value); gst_rtsp_stream_set_control(Handle, native_value); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_rtsp_stream_get_profiles(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_profiles(IntPtr raw, int profiles); [GLib.Property ("profiles")] public Gst.Rtsp.RTSPProfile Profiles { get { int raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_profiles(Handle); Gst.Rtsp.RTSPProfile ret = (Gst.Rtsp.RTSPProfile) raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_profiles(Handle, (int) value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_rtsp_stream_get_protocols(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_protocols(IntPtr raw, int protocols); [GLib.Property ("protocols")] public Gst.Rtsp.RTSPLowerTrans Protocols { get { int raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_protocols(Handle); Gst.Rtsp.RTSPLowerTrans ret = (Gst.Rtsp.RTSPLowerTrans) raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_protocols(Handle, (int) value); } } [GLib.Signal("new-rtp-encoder")] public event Gst.RtspServer.NewRtpEncoderHandler NewRtpEncoder { add { this.AddSignalHandler ("new-rtp-encoder", value, typeof (Gst.RtspServer.NewRtpEncoderArgs)); } remove { this.RemoveSignalHandler ("new-rtp-encoder", value); } } [GLib.Signal("new-rtcp-encoder")] public event Gst.RtspServer.NewRtcpEncoderHandler NewRtcpEncoder { add { this.AddSignalHandler ("new-rtcp-encoder", value, typeof (Gst.RtspServer.NewRtcpEncoderArgs)); } remove { this.RemoveSignalHandler ("new-rtcp-encoder", value); } } [GLib.Signal("new-rtp-rtcp-decoder")] public event Gst.RtspServer.NewRtpRtcpDecoderHandler NewRtpRtcpDecoder { add { this.AddSignalHandler ("new-rtp-rtcp-decoder", value, typeof (Gst.RtspServer.NewRtpRtcpDecoderArgs)); } remove { this.RemoveSignalHandler ("new-rtp-rtcp-decoder", value); } } static NewRtcpEncoderNativeDelegate NewRtcpEncoder_cb_delegate; static NewRtcpEncoderNativeDelegate NewRtcpEncoderVMCallback { get { if (NewRtcpEncoder_cb_delegate == null) NewRtcpEncoder_cb_delegate = new NewRtcpEncoderNativeDelegate (NewRtcpEncoder_cb); return NewRtcpEncoder_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideNewRtcpEncoder (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideNewRtcpEncoder (gtype, NewRtcpEncoderVMCallback); } static void OverrideNewRtcpEncoder (GLib.GType gtype, NewRtcpEncoderNativeDelegate callback) { OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "new-rtcp-encoder", callback); } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate void NewRtcpEncoderNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr _object); static void NewRtcpEncoder_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr _object) { try { RTSPStream __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as RTSPStream; __obj.OnNewRtcpEncoder (GLib.Object.GetObject(_object) as Gst.Element); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false); } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStream), ConnectionMethod="OverrideNewRtcpEncoder")] protected virtual void OnNewRtcpEncoder (Gst.Element _object) { InternalNewRtcpEncoder (_object); } private void InternalNewRtcpEncoder (Gst.Element _object) { GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty; GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2); GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2]; vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this); inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]); vals [1] = new GLib.Value (_object); inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]); g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret); foreach (GLib.Value v in vals) v.Dispose (); } static NewRtpEncoderNativeDelegate NewRtpEncoder_cb_delegate; static NewRtpEncoderNativeDelegate NewRtpEncoderVMCallback { get { if (NewRtpEncoder_cb_delegate == null) NewRtpEncoder_cb_delegate = new NewRtpEncoderNativeDelegate (NewRtpEncoder_cb); return NewRtpEncoder_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideNewRtpEncoder (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideNewRtpEncoder (gtype, NewRtpEncoderVMCallback); } static void OverrideNewRtpEncoder (GLib.GType gtype, NewRtpEncoderNativeDelegate callback) { OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "new-rtp-encoder", callback); } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate void NewRtpEncoderNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr _object); static void NewRtpEncoder_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr _object) { try { RTSPStream __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as RTSPStream; __obj.OnNewRtpEncoder (GLib.Object.GetObject(_object) as Gst.Element); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false); } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStream), ConnectionMethod="OverrideNewRtpEncoder")] protected virtual void OnNewRtpEncoder (Gst.Element _object) { InternalNewRtpEncoder (_object); } private void InternalNewRtpEncoder (Gst.Element _object) { GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty; GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2); GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2]; vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this); inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]); vals [1] = new GLib.Value (_object); inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]); g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret); foreach (GLib.Value v in vals) v.Dispose (); } static NewRtpRtcpDecoderNativeDelegate NewRtpRtcpDecoder_cb_delegate; static NewRtpRtcpDecoderNativeDelegate NewRtpRtcpDecoderVMCallback { get { if (NewRtpRtcpDecoder_cb_delegate == null) NewRtpRtcpDecoder_cb_delegate = new NewRtpRtcpDecoderNativeDelegate (NewRtpRtcpDecoder_cb); return NewRtpRtcpDecoder_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideNewRtpRtcpDecoder (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideNewRtpRtcpDecoder (gtype, NewRtpRtcpDecoderVMCallback); } static void OverrideNewRtpRtcpDecoder (GLib.GType gtype, NewRtpRtcpDecoderNativeDelegate callback) { OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "new-rtp-rtcp-decoder", callback); } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate void NewRtpRtcpDecoderNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr _object); static void NewRtpRtcpDecoder_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr _object) { try { RTSPStream __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as RTSPStream; __obj.OnNewRtpRtcpDecoder (GLib.Object.GetObject(_object) as Gst.Element); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false); } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStream), ConnectionMethod="OverrideNewRtpRtcpDecoder")] protected virtual void OnNewRtpRtcpDecoder (Gst.Element _object) { InternalNewRtpRtcpDecoder (_object); } private void InternalNewRtpRtcpDecoder (Gst.Element _object) { GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty; GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2); GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2]; vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this); inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]); vals [1] = new GLib.Value (_object); inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]); g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret); foreach (GLib.Value v in vals) v.Dispose (); } // Internal representation of the wrapped structure ABI. static GLib.AbiStruct _class_abi = null; static public new GLib.AbiStruct class_abi { get { if (_class_abi == null) _class_abi = new GLib.AbiStruct (new List{ new GLib.AbiField("_gst_reserved" , GLib.Object.class_abi.Fields , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) * 4 // _gst_reserved , null , null , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), }); return _class_abi; } } // End of the ABI representation. [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_type(); public static new GLib.GType GType { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_type(); GLib.GType ret = new GLib.GType(raw_ret); return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_add_multicast_client_address(IntPtr raw, IntPtr destination, uint rtp_port, uint rtcp_port, int family); public bool AddMulticastClientAddress(string destination, uint rtp_port, uint rtcp_port, GLib.SocketFamily family) { IntPtr native_destination = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (destination); bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_add_multicast_client_address(Handle, native_destination, rtp_port, rtcp_port, (int) family); bool ret = raw_ret; GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_destination); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_add_transport(IntPtr raw, IntPtr trans); public bool AddTransport(Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStreamTransport trans) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_add_transport(Handle, trans == null ? IntPtr.Zero : trans.Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_allocate_udp_sockets(IntPtr raw, int family, IntPtr transport, bool use_client_settings); public bool AllocateUdpSockets(GLib.SocketFamily family, Gst.Rtsp.RTSPTransport transport, bool use_client_settings) { IntPtr native_transport = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (transport); bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_allocate_udp_sockets(Handle, (int) family, native_transport, use_client_settings); bool ret = raw_ret; Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_transport); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_complete_stream(IntPtr raw, IntPtr transport); public bool CompleteStream(Gst.Rtsp.RTSPTransport transport) { IntPtr native_transport = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (transport); bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_complete_stream(Handle, native_transport); bool ret = raw_ret; Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_transport); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_address_pool(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_address_pool(IntPtr raw, IntPtr pool); public Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddressPool AddressPool { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_address_pool(Handle); Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddressPool ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddressPool; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_address_pool(Handle, value == null ? IntPtr.Zero : value.Handle); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint gst_rtsp_stream_get_buffer_size(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_buffer_size(IntPtr raw, uint size); public uint BufferSize { get { uint raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_buffer_size(Handle); uint ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_buffer_size(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_caps(IntPtr raw); public Gst.Caps Caps { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_caps(Handle); Gst.Caps ret = raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Caps) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (raw_ret, typeof (Gst.Caps), true); return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ushort gst_rtsp_stream_get_current_seqnum(IntPtr raw); public ushort CurrentSeqnum { get { ushort raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_current_seqnum(Handle); ushort ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_rtsp_stream_get_dscp_qos(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_dscp_qos(IntPtr raw, int dscp_qos); public int DscpQos { get { int raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_dscp_qos(Handle); int ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_dscp_qos(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint gst_rtsp_stream_get_index(IntPtr raw); public uint Index { get { uint raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_index(Handle); uint ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_joined_bin(IntPtr raw); public Gst.Bin JoinedBin { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_joined_bin(Handle); Gst.Bin ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Bin; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint gst_rtsp_stream_get_max_mcast_ttl(IntPtr raw); public uint MaxMcastTtl { get { uint raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_max_mcast_ttl(Handle); uint ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint gst_rtsp_stream_get_mtu(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_mtu(IntPtr raw, uint mtu); public uint Mtu { get { uint raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_mtu(Handle); uint ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_mtu(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_multicast_address(IntPtr raw, int family); public Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddress GetMulticastAddress(GLib.SocketFamily family) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_multicast_address(Handle, (int) family); Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddress ret = Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddress.New (raw_ret); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_multicast_client_addresses(IntPtr raw); public string MulticastClientAddresses { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_multicast_client_addresses(Handle); string ret = GLib.Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree(raw_ret); return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_multicast_iface(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_multicast_iface(IntPtr raw, IntPtr multicast_iface); public string MulticastIface { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_multicast_iface(Handle); string ret = GLib.Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree(raw_ret); return ret; } set { IntPtr native_value = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (value); gst_rtsp_stream_set_multicast_iface(Handle, native_value); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint gst_rtsp_stream_get_pt(IntPtr raw); public uint Pt { get { uint raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_pt(Handle); uint ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_rtsp_stream_get_publish_clock_mode(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_publish_clock_mode(IntPtr raw, int mode); public Gst.RtspServer.RTSPPublishClockMode PublishClockMode { get { int raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_publish_clock_mode(Handle); Gst.RtspServer.RTSPPublishClockMode ret = (Gst.RtspServer.RTSPPublishClockMode) raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_publish_clock_mode(Handle, (int) value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_get_rate_control(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_rate_control(IntPtr raw, bool enabled); public bool RateControl { get { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_rate_control(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_rate_control(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_get_rates(IntPtr raw, out double rate, out double applied_rate); public bool GetRates(out double rate, out double applied_rate) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_rates(Handle, out rate, out applied_rate); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint gst_rtsp_stream_get_retransmission_pt(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_retransmission_pt(IntPtr raw, uint rtx_pt); public uint RetransmissionPt { get { uint raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_retransmission_pt(Handle); uint ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_retransmission_pt(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_rtsp_stream_get_retransmission_time(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_retransmission_time(IntPtr raw, ulong time); public ulong RetransmissionTime { get { ulong raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_retransmission_time(Handle); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_retransmission_time(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtcp_multicast_socket(IntPtr raw, int family); public GLib.Socket GetRtcpMulticastSocket(GLib.SocketFamily family) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtcp_multicast_socket(Handle, (int) family); GLib.Socket ret = raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (GLib.Socket) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (raw_ret, typeof (GLib.Socket), true); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtcp_socket(IntPtr raw, int family); public GLib.Socket GetRtcpSocket(GLib.SocketFamily family) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtcp_socket(Handle, (int) family); GLib.Socket ret = raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (GLib.Socket) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (raw_ret, typeof (GLib.Socket), true); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtp_multicast_socket(IntPtr raw, int family); public GLib.Socket GetRtpMulticastSocket(GLib.SocketFamily family) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtp_multicast_socket(Handle, (int) family); GLib.Socket ret = raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (GLib.Socket) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (raw_ret, typeof (GLib.Socket), true); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtp_socket(IntPtr raw, int family); public GLib.Socket GetRtpSocket(GLib.SocketFamily family) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtp_socket(Handle, (int) family); GLib.Socket ret = raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (GLib.Socket) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (raw_ret, typeof (GLib.Socket), true); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtpinfo(IntPtr raw, out uint rtptime, out uint seq, out uint clock_rate, out ulong running_time); public bool GetRtpinfo(out uint rtptime, out uint seq, out uint clock_rate, out ulong running_time) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtpinfo(Handle, out rtptime, out seq, out clock_rate, out running_time); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtpsession(IntPtr raw); public GLib.Object Rtpsession { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_rtpsession(Handle); GLib.Object ret = GLib.Object.GetObject (raw_ret); return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_get_server_port(IntPtr raw, IntPtr server_port, int family); public Gst.Rtsp.RTSPRange GetServerPort(GLib.SocketFamily family) { Gst.Rtsp.RTSPRange server_port; IntPtr native_server_port = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (Gst.Rtsp.RTSPRange))); gst_rtsp_stream_get_server_port(Handle, native_server_port, (int) family); server_port = Gst.Rtsp.RTSPRange.New (native_server_port); Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_server_port); return server_port; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_sinkpad(IntPtr raw); public Gst.Pad Sinkpad { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_sinkpad(Handle); Gst.Pad ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Pad; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_srcpad(IntPtr raw); public Gst.Pad Srcpad { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_srcpad(Handle); Gst.Pad ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Pad; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_get_srtp_encoder(IntPtr raw); public Gst.Element SrtpEncoder { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_srtp_encoder(Handle); Gst.Element ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Element; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_get_ssrc(IntPtr raw, out uint ssrc); public uint Ssrc { get { uint ssrc; gst_rtsp_stream_get_ssrc(Handle, out ssrc); return ssrc; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_get_ulpfec_enabled(IntPtr raw); public bool UlpfecEnabled { get { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_ulpfec_enabled(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint gst_rtsp_stream_get_ulpfec_percentage(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_ulpfec_percentage(IntPtr raw, uint percentage); public uint UlpfecPercentage { get { uint raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_ulpfec_percentage(Handle); uint ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_ulpfec_percentage(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern uint gst_rtsp_stream_get_ulpfec_pt(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_ulpfec_pt(IntPtr raw, uint pt); public uint UlpfecPt { get { uint raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_get_ulpfec_pt(Handle); uint ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_ulpfec_pt(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_handle_keymgmt(IntPtr raw, IntPtr keymgmt); public bool HandleKeymgmt(string keymgmt) { IntPtr native_keymgmt = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (keymgmt); bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_handle_keymgmt(Handle, native_keymgmt); bool ret = raw_ret; GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_keymgmt); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_has_control(IntPtr raw, IntPtr control); public bool HasControl(string control) { IntPtr native_control = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (control); bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_has_control(Handle, native_control); bool ret = raw_ret; GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_control); return ret; } public bool HasControl() { return HasControl (null); } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_is_bind_mcast_address(IntPtr raw); public bool IsBindMcastAddress { get { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_is_bind_mcast_address(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_is_blocking(IntPtr raw); public bool IsBlocking { get { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_is_blocking(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_is_client_side(IntPtr raw); public bool IsClientSide { get { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_is_client_side(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_is_complete(IntPtr raw); public bool IsComplete { get { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_is_complete(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_is_receiver(IntPtr raw); public bool IsReceiver { get { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_is_receiver(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_is_sender(IntPtr raw); public bool IsSender { get { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_is_sender(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_is_transport_supported(IntPtr raw, IntPtr transport); public bool IsTransportSupported(Gst.Rtsp.RTSPTransport transport) { IntPtr native_transport = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (transport); bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_is_transport_supported(Handle, native_transport); bool ret = raw_ret; Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_transport); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_join_bin(IntPtr raw, IntPtr bin, IntPtr rtpbin, int state); public bool JoinBin(Gst.Bin bin, Gst.Element rtpbin, Gst.State state) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_join_bin(Handle, bin == null ? IntPtr.Zero : bin.Handle, rtpbin == null ? IntPtr.Zero : rtpbin.Handle, (int) state); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_leave_bin(IntPtr raw, IntPtr bin, IntPtr rtpbin); public bool LeaveBin(Gst.Bin bin, Gst.Element rtpbin) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_leave_bin(Handle, bin == null ? IntPtr.Zero : bin.Handle, rtpbin == null ? IntPtr.Zero : rtpbin.Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_query_position(IntPtr raw, out long position); public bool QueryPosition(out long position) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_query_position(Handle, out position); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_query_stop(IntPtr raw, out long stop); public bool QueryStop(out long stop) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_query_stop(Handle, out stop); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_rtsp_stream_recv_rtcp(IntPtr raw, IntPtr buffer); public Gst.FlowReturn RecvRtcp(Gst.Buffer buffer) { buffer.Owned = false; int raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_recv_rtcp(Handle, buffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : buffer.Handle); Gst.FlowReturn ret = (Gst.FlowReturn) raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_rtsp_stream_recv_rtp(IntPtr raw, IntPtr buffer); public Gst.FlowReturn RecvRtp(Gst.Buffer buffer) { buffer.Owned = false; int raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_recv_rtp(Handle, buffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : buffer.Handle); Gst.FlowReturn ret = (Gst.FlowReturn) raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_remove_transport(IntPtr raw, IntPtr trans); public bool RemoveTransport(Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStreamTransport trans) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_remove_transport(Handle, trans == null ? IntPtr.Zero : trans.Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_request_aux_receiver(IntPtr raw, uint sessid); public Gst.Element RequestAuxReceiver(uint sessid) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_request_aux_receiver(Handle, sessid); Gst.Element ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Element; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_request_aux_sender(IntPtr raw, uint sessid); public Gst.Element RequestAuxSender(uint sessid) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_request_aux_sender(Handle, sessid); Gst.Element ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Element; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_request_ulpfec_decoder(IntPtr raw, IntPtr rtpbin, uint sessid); public Gst.Element RequestUlpfecDecoder(Gst.Element rtpbin, uint sessid) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_request_ulpfec_decoder(Handle, rtpbin == null ? IntPtr.Zero : rtpbin.Handle, sessid); Gst.Element ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Element; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_request_ulpfec_encoder(IntPtr raw, uint sessid); public Gst.Element RequestUlpfecEncoder(uint sessid) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_request_ulpfec_encoder(Handle, sessid); Gst.Element ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Element; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_reserve_address(IntPtr raw, IntPtr address, uint port, uint n_ports, uint ttl); public Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddress ReserveAddress(string address, uint port, uint n_ports, uint ttl) { IntPtr native_address = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (address); IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_reserve_address(Handle, native_address, port, n_ports, ttl); Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddress ret = Gst.RtspServer.RTSPAddress.New (raw_ret); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_address); return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_seekable(IntPtr raw); public bool Seekable() { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_seekable(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_bind_mcast_address(IntPtr raw, bool bind_mcast_addr); public bool BindMcastAddress { set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_bind_mcast_address(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_set_blocked(IntPtr raw, bool blocked); public bool SetBlocked(bool blocked) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_set_blocked(Handle, blocked); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_client_side(IntPtr raw, bool client_side); public bool ClientSide { set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_client_side(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_set_max_mcast_ttl(IntPtr raw, uint ttl); public bool SetMaxMcastTtl(uint ttl) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_set_max_mcast_ttl(Handle, ttl); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_pt_map(IntPtr raw, uint pt, IntPtr caps); public void SetPtMap(uint pt, Gst.Caps caps) { gst_rtsp_stream_set_pt_map(Handle, pt, caps == null ? IntPtr.Zero : caps.Handle); } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_set_seqnum_offset(IntPtr raw, ushort seqnum); public ushort SeqnumOffset { set { gst_rtsp_stream_set_seqnum_offset(Handle, value); } } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_stream_transport_filter(IntPtr raw, Gst.RtspServerSharp.RTSPStreamTransportFilterFuncNative func, IntPtr user_data); public Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStreamTransport[] TransportFilter(Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStreamTransportFilterFunc func) { Gst.RtspServerSharp.RTSPStreamTransportFilterFuncWrapper func_wrapper = new Gst.RtspServerSharp.RTSPStreamTransportFilterFuncWrapper (func); IntPtr raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_transport_filter(Handle, func_wrapper.NativeDelegate, IntPtr.Zero); Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStreamTransport[] ret = (Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStreamTransport[]) GLib.Marshaller.ListPtrToArray (raw_ret, typeof(GLib.List), true, true, typeof(Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStreamTransport)); return ret; } public Gst.RtspServer.RTSPStreamTransport[] TransportFilter() { return TransportFilter (null); } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_unblock_linked(IntPtr raw); public bool UnblockLinked() { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_unblock_linked(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_rtsp_stream_unblock_rtcp(IntPtr raw); public void UnblockRtcp() { gst_rtsp_stream_unblock_rtcp(Handle); } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_update_crypto(IntPtr raw, uint ssrc, IntPtr crypto); public bool UpdateCrypto(uint ssrc, Gst.Caps crypto) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_update_crypto(Handle, ssrc, crypto == null ? IntPtr.Zero : crypto.Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } public bool UpdateCrypto(uint ssrc) { return UpdateCrypto (ssrc, null); } [DllImport("gstrtspserver-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_rtsp_stream_verify_mcast_ttl(IntPtr raw, uint ttl); public bool VerifyMcastTtl(uint ttl) { bool raw_ret = gst_rtsp_stream_verify_mcast_ttl(Handle, ttl); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } static RTSPStream () { GtkSharp.GstreamerSharp.ObjectManager.Initialize (); } // Internal representation of the wrapped structure ABI. static GLib.AbiStruct _abi_info = null; static public new GLib.AbiStruct abi_info { get { if (_abi_info == null) _abi_info = new GLib.AbiStruct (new List{ new GLib.AbiField("priv" , GLib.Object.abi_info.Fields , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // priv , null , "_gst_reserved" , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), new GLib.AbiField("_gst_reserved" , -1 , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) * 4 // _gst_reserved , "priv" , null , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), }); return _abi_info; } } // End of the ABI representation. #endregion } }