# Introduction This is a collection of design documents, formerly maintained in various different locations and formats, now grouped together and converted to commonmark. # Contributing ## Style We will follow the commonmark specification. We *should* try to follow this [style guide](http://www.cirosantilli.com/markdown-style-guide/#about), but are still [evaluating solutions](https://github.com/jgm/cmark/issues/131) for *stable* automatic formatting. 80 columns line width is thus not yet enforced, but strongly suggested. # Build a web portal from the sources ## Install dependencies * Follow [hotdoc's installation guide](https://people.collabora.com/~meh/hotdoc_hotdoc/html/installing.html), preferably in a virtualenv. * We *experimentally* use the hotdoc C extension to include functions by name, follow the steps outlined [here](https://github.com/hotdoc/hotdoc_c_extension) * Build the portal: ``` make ``` * And browse it: ``` gio open built_doc/html/index.html ``` ## Licensing The content of this module comes from a number of different sources and is licensed in different ways: ### Tutorial source code All tutorial code is licensed under any of the following licenses (your choice): - 2-clause BSD license ("simplified BSD license") (`LICENSE.BSD`) - MIT license (`LICENSE.MIT`) - LGPL v2.1 (`LICENSE.LGPL-2.1`) This means developers have maximum flexibility and can pick the right license for any derivative work. ### Application Developer Manual and Plugin Writer's Guide These are licensed under the [Open Publication License v1.0][op-license] (`LICENSE.OPL`), for historical reasons. [op-license]: http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/ ### Documentation Mostly licensed under the [Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-4.0 license][cc-by-sa-4.0], but some parts of the documentation may still be licensed differently (e.g. LGPLv2.1) for historical reasons. [cc-by-sa-4.0]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/