# -*- Mode: Python -*- # vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4 # # gst-python - Python bindings for GStreamer # Copyright (C) 2024 Collabora Ltd # Author: Olivier CrĂȘte # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import overrides_hack overrides_hack from common import TestCase import unittest import sys import gi gi.require_version("GLib", "2.0") gi.require_version("Gst", "1.0") gi.require_version("GstAnalytics", "1.0") gi.require_version("GstVideo", "1.0") from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gst from gi.repository import GstAnalytics from gi.repository import GstVideo Gst.init(None) class TestAnalyticsODMtd(TestCase): def test(self): buf = Gst.Buffer() self.assertIsNotNone(buf) meta = GstAnalytics.buffer_add_analytics_relation_meta(buf) self.assertIsNotNone(meta) m2 = GstAnalytics.buffer_get_analytics_relation_meta(buf) self.assertEqual(meta, m2) qk = GLib.quark_from_string("testQuark") (ret, mtd) = meta.add_od_mtd(qk, 10, 20, 30, 40, 0.3) self.assertTrue(ret) self.assertIsNotNone(mtd) (ret, mtd) = meta.get_od_mtd(0) self.assertTrue(ret) self.assertIsNotNone(mtd) # Ensure there is no mtd 1, only 0 (ret, _) = meta.get_mtd(1, GstAnalytics.MTD_TYPE_ANY) self.assertFalse(ret) # The is only one od mtd (ret, _) = meta.get_od_mtd(1) self.assertFalse(ret) # There is no Class mtd (ret, _) = meta.get_cls_mtd(0) self.assertFalse(ret) # meta and m2 should return the same tuple self.assertEqual(meta.get_od_mtd(0)[1].get_location(), m2.get_od_mtd(0)[1].get_location()) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_obj_type(), qk) location = meta.get_od_mtd(0)[1].get_location() self.assertEqual(location[1], 10) self.assertEqual(location[2], 20) self.assertEqual(location[3], 30) self.assertEqual(location[4], 40) self.assertAlmostEqual(location[5], 0.3, 3) class TestAnalyticsClsMtd(TestCase): def test(self): buf = Gst.Buffer() self.assertIsNotNone(buf) meta = GstAnalytics.buffer_add_analytics_relation_meta(buf) self.assertIsNotNone(meta) qks = (GLib.quark_from_string("q1"), GLib.quark_from_string("q2"), GLib.quark_from_string("q3")) (ret, mtd) = meta.add_cls_mtd([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], qks) self.assertTrue(ret) self.assertIsNotNone(mtd) cnt = mtd.get_length() self.assertEqual(cnt, 3) for i in range(cnt): self.assertEqual(mtd.get_index_by_quark(qks[i]), i) self.assertAlmostEqual(mtd.get_level(i), (i + 1) / 10, 7) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_quark(i), qks[i]) class TestAnalyticsTrackingMtd(TestCase): def test(self): buf = Gst.Buffer() self.assertIsNotNone(buf) meta = GstAnalytics.buffer_add_analytics_relation_meta(buf) self.assertIsNotNone(meta) (ret, mtd) = meta.add_tracking_mtd(1, 10) self.assertTrue(ret) rets = mtd.get_info() self.assertFalse(rets.tracking_lost) self.assertEqual(rets.tracking_first_seen, 10) self.assertEqual(rets.tracking_last_seen, 10) mtd.update_last_seen(20) rets = mtd.get_info() self.assertEqual(rets.tracking_first_seen, 10) self.assertEqual(rets.tracking_last_seen, 20) mtd.set_lost() rets = mtd.get_info() self.assertTrue(rets.tracking_lost) class TestAnalyticsSegmentationMtd(TestCase): def test(self): buf = Gst.Buffer() self.assertIsNotNone(buf) meta = GstAnalytics.buffer_add_analytics_relation_meta(buf) self.assertIsNotNone(meta) mask_buf = Gst.Buffer.new_allocate(None, 100, None) GstVideo.buffer_add_video_meta(mask_buf, GstVideo.VideoFrameFlags.NONE, GstVideo.VideoFormat.GRAY8, 10, 10) (ret, mtd) = meta.add_segmentation_mtd(mask_buf, GstAnalytics.SegmentationType.SEMANTIC, [7, 4, 2], 0, 0, 7, 13) self.assertTrue(ret) self.assertEqual((mask_buf, 0, 0, 7, 13), mtd.get_mask()) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_region_count(), 3) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_region_id(0), 7) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_region_id(1), 4) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_region_id(2), 2) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_region_index(1), (False, 0)) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_region_index(7), (True, 0)) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_region_index(4), (True, 1)) self.assertEqual(mtd.get_region_index(2), (True, 2))