include ../Rules tests_pass = thread1 thread2 thread3 thread4 thread5 threade threadf signal1 159852 threadg threadi-123775 tests_fail = 159566 signal3 # threadh # signal2 shows a genuine bug but is erratic in that it manages to survive # half of the time; so we ignore it tests_ignore = queue threadb threadc threadd staticrec threadi-nfy1 threadi-nfy2 signal2 thread1_SOURCES = thread.c thread1_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=1 $(AM_CFLAGS) thread2_SOURCES = thread.c thread2_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=2 $(AM_CFLAGS) thread3_SOURCES = thread.c thread3_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=3 $(AM_CFLAGS) thread4_SOURCES = thread.c thread4_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=4 $(AM_CFLAGS) thread5_SOURCES = thread.c thread5_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=5 $(AM_CFLAGS) signal1_SOURCES = signals.c signal1_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=1 $(AM_CFLAGS) signal2_SOURCES = signals.c signal2_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=2 $(AM_CFLAGS) signal3_SOURCES = signals.c signal3_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=3 $(AM_CFLAGS) threadi_123775_SOURCES = threadi.c threadi_123775_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=123775 $(AM_CFLAGS) threadi_nfy1_SOURCES = threadi.c threadi_nfy1_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=999998 $(AM_CFLAGS) threadi_nfy2_SOURCES = threadi.c threadi_nfy2_CFLAGS = -DTESTNUM=999999 $(AM_CFLAGS)