/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2015 Matthew Waters * Copyright (C) 2023 Seungha Yang * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "gstqt6d3d11videoitem.h" #include "gstqsg6d3d11node.h" GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_EXTERN (gst_qt6_d3d11_debug); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_qt6_d3d11_debug void GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy::InvalidateRef (void) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock); item = nullptr; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy::SetSink (GstElement * sink) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock); if (!item) return; item->setSink (sink); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy::SetCaps (GstCaps * caps) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock); if (!item) return; item->setCaps (caps); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy::SetBuffer (GstBuffer * buffer) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock); if (!item) return; item->setBuffer (buffer); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy::SetForceAspectRatio (bool force) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock); if (!item) return item->setForceAspectRatio (force); } gint64 GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy::AdapterLuid () { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock); if (!item) return 0; return item->AdapterLuid (); } GstQt6D3D11VideoItem * GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy::Item (void) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock); return item; } GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::GstQt6D3D11VideoItem () { g_weak_ref_init (&sink_, nullptr); connect (this, &QQuickItem::windowChanged, this, &GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::handleWindowChanged); proxy_ = QSharedPointer < GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy > (new GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy (this)); setFlag (ItemHasContents, true); setAcceptedMouseButtons (Qt::AllButtons); setAcceptHoverEvents (true); setAcceptTouchEvents (true); gst_video_info_init (&info_); GST_DEBUG ("%p New Qt6 Video Item", this); } GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::~GstQt6D3D11VideoItem () { GST_DEBUG ("%p Destroying Qt6 Video Item", this); proxy_->InvalidateRef (); proxy_.clear (); gst_clear_buffer (&buffer_); gst_clear_caps (&caps_); g_weak_ref_clear (&sink_); } QSharedPointer < GstQt6D3D11VideoItemProxy > GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::Proxy (void) { return proxy_; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::setSink (GstElement * sink) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); g_weak_ref_set (&sink_, sink); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::setCaps (GstCaps * caps) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); guint num, den; gst_caps_replace (&caps_, caps); gst_video_info_from_caps (&info_, caps); gst_video_calculate_display_ratio (&num, &den, info_.width, info_.height, info_.par_n, info_.par_d, 1, 1); display_width_ = info_.width; display_height_ = info_.height; if (display_width_ % num == 0) { display_height_ = gst_util_uint64_scale_int (display_width_, den, num); } else { display_width_ = gst_util_uint64_scale_int (display_height_, num, den); } update_par_ = true; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::setBuffer (GstBuffer * buffer) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); gst_buffer_replace (&buffer_, buffer); if (this->window_) QMetaObject::invokeMethod (this->window_, "update", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::setForceAspectRatio (bool force) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); if (force != force_aspect_ratio_) update_par_ = true; force_aspect_ratio_ = force; } gint64 GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::AdapterLuid (void) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); if (!qt_device_) return 0; return luid_; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::handleWindowChanged (QQuickWindow * window) { if (window) { connect (window, &QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing, this, &GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::onBeforeSynchronizing, Qt::DirectConnection); connect (window, &QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInvalidated, this, &GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::onSceneGraphInvalidated, Qt::DirectConnection); } else { gst_clear_object (&qt_device_); window_ = nullptr; } node_ = nullptr; } QSGNode * GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::updatePaintNode (QSGNode * old_node, UpdatePaintNodeData * data) { if (!qt_device_) return old_node; GstQSG6D3D11Node *new_node = static_cast < GstQSG6D3D11Node * >(old_node); GstVideoRectangle src, dst, result; std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); GST_TRACE ("%p updatePaintNode", this); if (!new_node) new_node = new GstQSG6D3D11Node (this, qt_device_); if (force_aspect_ratio_ && caps_) { src.w = display_width_; src.h = display_height_; dst.x = boundingRect ().x (); dst.y = boundingRect ().y (); dst.w = boundingRect ().width (); dst.h = boundingRect ().height (); gst_video_sink_center_rect (src, dst, &result, TRUE); } else { result.x = boundingRect ().x (); result.y = boundingRect ().y (); result.w = boundingRect ().width (); result.h = boundingRect ().height (); } new_node->setRect (QRectF (result.x, result.y, result.w, result.h)); node_ = new_node; if (caps_ || !force_aspect_ratio_) update_par_ = false; else update_par_ = true; return new_node; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::onBeforeSynchronizing (void) { QSGRendererInterface *iface; QQuickWindow *window; ID3D11Device *device; std::unique_lock < std::mutex > lk (lock_); if (window_) return; GST_DEBUG ("%p Scene graph initialized", this); window = this->window (); if (!window) { GST_WARNING ("Initialized scene graph has no associated window"); return; } iface = window->rendererInterface (); if (!iface) { GST_WARNING ("Couldn't get renderer interface"); return; } if (iface->graphicsApi () != QSGRendererInterface::Direct3D11) { GST_WARNING ("Not a d3d11 api"); return; } device = reinterpret_cast < ID3D11Device * >(iface->getResource (window, QSGRendererInterface::DeviceResource)); if (!device) { GST_WARNING ("Couldn't get d3d11 device"); return; } qt_device_ = gst_d3d11_device_new_wrapped (device); g_object_get (qt_device_, "adapter-luid", &luid_, nullptr); window_ = window; lk.unlock (); connect (window, &QQuickWindow::beforeRendering, this, &GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::onBeforeRendering, Qt::DirectConnection); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::onSceneGraphInvalidated (void) { std::unique_lock < std::mutex > lk (lock_); GST_DEBUG ("%p Scene graph invalidated", this); gst_clear_object (&qt_device_); window_ = nullptr; node_ = nullptr; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::onBeforeRendering (void) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); if (update_par_ && caps_ && node_) { GstVideoRectangle src, dst, result; GST_DEBUG ("Updating node rect"); if (force_aspect_ratio_ && caps_) { src.w = display_width_; src.h = display_height_; dst.x = boundingRect ().x (); dst.y = boundingRect ().y (); dst.w = boundingRect ().width (); dst.h = boundingRect ().height (); gst_video_sink_center_rect (src, dst, &result, TRUE); } else { result.x = boundingRect ().x (); result.y = boundingRect ().y (); result.w = boundingRect ().width (); result.h = boundingRect ().height (); } node_->setRect (QRectF (result.x, result.y, result.w, result.h)); update_par_ = false; } if (node_) { node_->SetCaps (caps_); node_->SetBuffer (buffer_); } return; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::hoverEnterEvent (QHoverEvent * event) { mouse_hovering_ = true; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::hoverLeaveEvent (QHoverEvent * event) { mouse_hovering_ = false; } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::fitStreamToAllocatedSize (GstVideoRectangle * result) { if (force_aspect_ratio_) { GstVideoRectangle src, dst; src.x = 0; src.y = 0; src.w = display_width_; src.h = display_height_; dst.x = 0; dst.y = 0; dst.w = width (); dst.h = height (); gst_video_sink_center_rect (src, dst, result, TRUE); } else { result->x = 0; result->y = 0; result->w = width (); result->h = height (); } } QPointF GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::mapPointToStreamSize (QPointF pos) { gdouble stream_width, stream_height; GstVideoRectangle result; double stream_x, stream_y; double x, y; fitStreamToAllocatedSize (&result); stream_width = (gdouble) GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&info_); stream_height = (gdouble) GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&info_); x = pos.x (); y = pos.y (); /* from display coordinates to stream coordinates */ if (result.w > 0) stream_x = (x - result.x) / result.w * stream_width; else stream_x = 0.; /* clip to stream size */ stream_x = CLAMP (stream_x, 0., stream_width); /* same for y-axis */ if (result.h > 0) stream_y = (y - result.y) / result.h * stream_height; else stream_y = 0.; stream_y = CLAMP (stream_y, 0., stream_height); return QPointF (stream_x, stream_y); } static GstNavigationModifierType translateModifiers (Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { return (GstNavigationModifierType) ( ((modifiers & Qt::KeyboardModifier::ShiftModifier) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_SHIFT_MASK : 0) | ((modifiers & Qt::KeyboardModifier::ControlModifier) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_CONTROL_MASK : 0) | ((modifiers & Qt:: KeyboardModifier::AltModifier) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_MOD1_MASK : 0) | ((modifiers & Qt:: KeyboardModifier::MetaModifier) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_META_MASK : 0)); } static GstNavigationModifierType translateMouseButtons (Qt::MouseButtons buttons) { return (GstNavigationModifierType) ( ((buttons & Qt::LeftButton) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_BUTTON1_MASK : 0) | ((buttons & Qt::RightButton) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_BUTTON2_MASK : 0) | ((buttons & Qt::MiddleButton) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_BUTTON3_MASK : 0) | ((buttons & Qt::BackButton) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_BUTTON4_MASK : 0) | ((buttons & Qt::ForwardButton) ? GST_NAVIGATION_MODIFIER_BUTTON5_MASK : 0)); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::hoverMoveEvent (QHoverEvent * event) { if (!mouse_hovering_) return; if (event->position () == event->oldPos ()) return; std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); if (GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&info_) == GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) return; GstElement *sink = (GstElement *) g_weak_ref_get (&sink_); if (!sink) return; auto pos = mapPointToStreamSize (event->position ()); gst_navigation_send_event_simple (GST_NAVIGATION (sink), gst_navigation_event_new_mouse_move (pos.x (), pos.y (), translateModifiers (event->modifiers ()))); gst_object_unref (sink); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::touchEvent (QTouchEvent * event) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); if (GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&info_) == GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) return; GstElement *sink = (GstElement *) g_weak_ref_get (&sink_); if (!sink) return; if (event->type () == QEvent::TouchCancel) { gst_navigation_send_event_simple (GST_NAVIGATION (sink), gst_navigation_event_new_touch_cancel (translateModifiers (event->modifiers ()))); } else { const QList < QTouchEvent::TouchPoint > points = event->points (); gboolean sent_event = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < points.count (); i++) { GstEvent *nav_event; QPointF pos = mapPointToStreamSize (points[i].position ()); switch (points[i].state ()) { case QEventPoint::Pressed: nav_event = gst_navigation_event_new_touch_down ((guint) points[i].id (), pos.x (), pos.y (), (gdouble) points[i].pressure (), translateModifiers (event->modifiers ())); break; case QEventPoint::Updated: nav_event = gst_navigation_event_new_touch_motion ((guint) points[i].id (), pos.x (), pos.y (), (gdouble) points[i].pressure (), translateModifiers (event->modifiers ())); break; case QEventPoint::Released: nav_event = gst_navigation_event_new_touch_up ((guint) points[i].id (), pos.x (), pos.y (), translateModifiers (event->modifiers ())); break; /* Don't send an event if the point did not change */ default: nav_event = nullptr; break; } if (nav_event) { gst_navigation_send_event_simple (GST_NAVIGATION (sink), nav_event); sent_event = TRUE; } } /* Group simultaneous touch events with a frame event */ if (sent_event) { gst_navigation_send_event_simple (GST_NAVIGATION (sink), gst_navigation_event_new_touch_frame (translateModifiers (event->modifiers ()))); } } gst_object_unref (sink); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::sendMouseEvent (QMouseEvent * event, gboolean is_press) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); if (GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&info_) == GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) return; GstElement *sink = (GstElement *) g_weak_ref_get (&sink_); if (!sink) return; gint button = 0; switch (event->button ()) { case Qt::LeftButton: button = 1; break; case Qt::RightButton: button = 2; break; case Qt::MiddleButton: button = 3; default: break; } auto pos = mapPointToStreamSize (event->pos ()); GstEvent *navi; GstNavigationModifierType type = (GstNavigationModifierType) (translateModifiers (event->modifiers ()) | translateMouseButtons (event->buttons ())); if (is_press) { navi = gst_navigation_event_new_mouse_button_press (button, pos.x (), pos.y (), type); } else { navi = gst_navigation_event_new_mouse_button_release (button, pos.x (), pos.y (), type); } gst_navigation_send_event_simple (GST_NAVIGATION (sink), navi); gst_object_unref (sink); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent * event) { sendMouseEvent (event, TRUE); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent * event) { sendMouseEvent (event, FALSE); } void GstQt6D3D11VideoItem::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent * event) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (lock_); if (GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&info_) == GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) return; GstElement *sink = (GstElement *) g_weak_ref_get (&sink_); if (!sink) return; auto pos = mapPointToStreamSize (event->position ()); auto delta = event->angleDelta (); GstNavigationModifierType type = (GstNavigationModifierType) (translateModifiers (event->modifiers ()) | translateMouseButtons (event->buttons ())); gst_navigation_send_event_simple (GST_NAVIGATION (sink), gst_navigation_event_new_mouse_scroll (pos.x (), pos.y (), delta.x (), delta.y (), type)); gst_object_unref (sink); } void gst_qt6_d3d11_video_item_init_once (void) { GST_D3D11_CALL_ONCE_BEGIN { qmlRegisterType < GstQt6D3D11VideoItem > ("org.freedesktop.gstreamer.Qt6D3D11VideoItem", 1, 0, "GstD3D11Qt6VideoItem"); } GST_D3D11_CALL_ONCE_END; }