Fake Sink Sink Black hole for data Erik Walthinsen <omega@cse.ogi.edu>, Wim Taymans <wim@fluendo.com>, Mr. 'frag-me-more' Vanderwingo <wingo@fluendo.com>
sink sink always ANY sink sink preroll-queue-len guint Preroll queue length Number of buffers to queue during preroll RW 0 sync gboolean Sync Sync on the clock RW FALSE max-lateness gint64 Max Lateness Maximum number of nanoseconds that a buffer can be late before it is dropped (-1 unlimited) RW -1 qos gboolean Qos Generate Quality-of-Service events upstream RW FALSE async gboolean Async Go asynchronously to PAUSED RW TRUE ts-offset gint64 TS Offset Timestamp offset in nanoseconds RW 0 last-buffer GstBuffer Last Buffer The last buffer received in the sink R blocksize guint Block size Size in bytes to pull per buffer (0 = default) RW 4096 render-delay guint64 Render Delay Additional render delay of the sink in nanoseconds RW 0 state-error GstFakeSinkStateError State Error Generate a state change error RW 0 silent gboolean Silent Don't produce last_message events RW FALSE dump gboolean Dump Dump buffer contents to stdout RW FALSE signal-handoffs gboolean Signal handoffs Send a signal before unreffing the buffer RW FALSE last-message gchararray Last Message The message describing current status R NULL can-activate-push gboolean Can activate push Can activate in push mode RW TRUE can-activate-pull gboolean Can activate pull Can activate in pull mode RW FALSE num-buffers gint num-buffers Number of buffers to accept going EOS RW -1 handoff void GstFakeSink GstBuffer GstPad preroll-handoff void GstFakeSink GstBuffer GstPad