%{ #include "../gst_private.h" #include #include #include #include "types.h" #include "../gstinfo.h" #include "../gsturi.h" #include "grammar.tab.h" #ifdef malloc #undef malloc #endif #ifdef free #undef free #endif #ifdef realloc #undef realloc #endif #define malloc g_malloc #define free g_free #define realloc g_realloc /* Override the default ECHO so as to avoid fortify warnings. Ignore the embedded-NUL case for now. We know yytext is NUL-terminated. */ #define ECHO g_fprintf(yyout, "%s", yytext) #ifdef G_HAVE_ISO_VARARGS #define PRINT(...) GST_CAT_DEBUG (GST_CAT_PIPELINE, "flex: " __VA_ARGS__) #elif defined(G_HAVE_GNUC_VARARGS) #define PRINT(args...) GST_CAT_DEBUG (GST_CAT_PIPELINE, "flex: " args) #else static inline void PRINT (const char *format, ...) { va_list varargs; va_start (varargs, format); GST_CAT_LEVEL_LOG_valist (GST_CAT_PIPELINE, GST_LEVEL_DEBUG, NULL, format, varargs); va_end (varargs); } #endif %} _operator [(){}.!:,;=] _identifier [[:alnum:]_][[:alnum:]\-_%:]* _char ("\\".)|([^[:space:]]) _string {_char}+|("\""([^\"]|"\\\"")*"\"")|("'"([^']|"\\\'")*"'") _assign [[:space:]]*"="[[:space:]]* _protocol [[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]+-\.]* _url ({_protocol}"://"{_string}|["."{_identifier}]?"/"{_string})|({_protocol}"://") /* we must do this here, because nearly everything matches a {_string} */ _assignment {_identifier}{_assign}{_string} _preset @preset{_assign}{_string} /* get pad/element references and stuff with dots right */ _padref "."{_identifier} _ref {_identifier}"."{_identifier}? _binref {_identifier}[[:space:]]*"."[[:space:]]*"(" /* links */ _mimechar [[:alnum:]-] _mimetype {_mimechar}+"/"{_mimechar}+ _capschar ("\\".)|([^\;!]) _capsstring {_capschar}+ _caps {_mimetype}(","[^!]|{_capsstring})* _link ([!:][[:space:]]*{_caps}([[:space:]]*(";"[[:space:]]*{_caps})*[[:space:]]*)*[!:])|([!:]) %x value %option noyywrap %option nounput %option reentrant %option bison-bridge %option never-interactive %option noinput %% {_assignment} { /* "=" */ PRINT ("ASSIGNMENT: %s", yytext); yylval->ss = gst_parse_strdup (yytext); BEGIN (INITIAL); return ASSIGNMENT; } {_preset} { gchar *pos = yytext; while (*pos && (*pos != '=')) pos++; while (*pos && g_ascii_isspace (*pos)) pos++; PRINT ("PRESET: %s", &pos[1]); yylval->ss = gst_parse_strdup (&pos[1]); BEGIN (INITIAL); return PRESET; } {_padref} { yytext++; PRINT ("PADREF: %s", yytext); yylval->ss = gst_parse_strdup (yytext); BEGIN (INITIAL); return PADREF; } {_ref} { PRINT ("REF: %s", yytext); yylval->ss = gst_parse_strdup (yytext); BEGIN (INITIAL); return REF; } {_binref} { gchar *pos = yytext; while (!g_ascii_isspace (*pos) && (*pos != '.')) pos++; *pos = '\0'; PRINT ("BINREF: %s", yytext); yylval->ss = gst_parse_strdup (yytext); BEGIN (INITIAL); return BINREF; } {_identifier} { PRINT ("IDENTIFIER: %s", yytext); yylval->ss = gst_parse_strdup (yytext); BEGIN (INITIAL); return IDENTIFIER; } {_link} { gchar *c = yytext; gchar op; gboolean link_all; PRINT ("LINK: %s", yytext); /* First char is a link operator */ link_all = (*c == ':'); c++; if (*c) { while (g_ascii_isspace (*c)) c++; c = yylval->ss = gst_parse_strdup (c); while (*c) c++; /* Last non-space char is a link operator */ op = *--c; if (op != '!' && op != ':') g_assert_not_reached (); if (op == ':') link_all = TRUE; /* Walk backward past whitespaces - what remains * is a filter caps string, or empty */ while (g_ascii_isspace (*--c)); *++c = '\0'; } else { yylval->ss = NULL; } BEGIN (INITIAL); return link_all ? LINK_ALL : LINK; } {_url} { PRINT ("URL: %s", yytext); yylval->ss = g_strdup (yytext); gst_parse_unescape (yylval->ss); BEGIN (INITIAL); return PARSE_URL; } {_operator} { PRINT ("OPERATOR: [%s]", yytext); return *yytext; } [[:space:]]+ { PRINT ("SPACE: [%s]", yytext); } . { PRINT ("Invalid Lexer element: %s\n", yytext); return *yytext; } %%