project('gstreamer-vaapi', 'c', version : '1.20.0', meson_version : '>= 0.59', default_options : [ 'warning_level=1', 'buildtype=debugoptimized' ]) if get_option('default_library') == 'static' error('GStreamer-VAAPI plugin not supported with `static` builds yet.') endif gst_version = meson.project_version() version_arr = gst_version.split('.') gst_version_major = version_arr[0].to_int() gst_version_minor = version_arr[1].to_int() gst_version_micro = version_arr[2].to_int() if version_arr.length() == 4 gst_version_nano = version_arr[3].to_int() else gst_version_nano = 0 endif libva_req = ['>= 0.39.0', '!= 0.99.0'] glib_req = '>= 2.44.0' libwayland_req = '>= 1.11.0' libdrm_req = '>= 2.4.98' gst_req = '>= @0@.@1@.0'.format(gst_version_major, gst_version_minor) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') if cc.has_link_argument('-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions') add_project_link_arguments('-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions', language : 'c') endif # Symbol visibility if cc.has_argument('-fvisibility=hidden') add_project_arguments('-fvisibility=hidden', language: 'c') endif # Disable strict aliasing if cc.has_argument('-fno-strict-aliasing') add_project_arguments('-fno-strict-aliasing', language: 'c') endif # Mandatory GST deps libm = cc.find_library('m', required : false) gst_dep = dependency('gstreamer-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gstreamer', 'gst_dep']) gstbase_dep = dependency('gstreamer-base-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gstreamer', 'gst_base_dep']) gstpbutils_dep = dependency('gstreamer-pbutils-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-base', 'pbutils_dep']) gstallocators_dep = dependency('gstreamer-allocators-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-base', 'allocators_dep']) gstvideo_dep = dependency('gstreamer-video-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-base', 'video_dep']) gstcodecparsers_dep = dependency('gstreamer-codecparsers-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-bad', 'gstcodecparsers_dep']) gstgl_dep = dependency('gstreamer-gl-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-base', 'gstgl_dep'], required: false) gstglproto_dep = dependency('', required : false) gstglx11_dep = dependency('', required : false) gstglwayland_dep = dependency('', required : false) gstglegl_dep = dependency('', required : false) # Disable compiler warnings for unused variables and args if gst debug system is disabled if gst_dep.type_name() == 'internal' gst_debug_disabled = not subproject('gstreamer').get_variable('gst_debug') else # We can't check that in the case of subprojects as we won't # be able to build against an internal dependency (which is not built yet) gst_debug_disabled = cc.has_header_symbol('gst/gstconfig.h', 'GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG', dependencies: gst_dep) endif if gst_debug_disabled message('GStreamer debug system is disabled') add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments(['-Wno-unused']), language: 'c') else message('GStreamer debug system is enabled') endif # Other deps gmodule_dep = dependency('gmodule-2.0', required: false) libva_dep = dependency('libva', version: libva_req) libva_drm_dep = dependency('libva-drm', version: libva_req, required: false) libva_wayland_dep = dependency('libva-wayland', version: libva_req, required: false) libva_x11_dep = dependency('libva-x11', version: libva_req, required: false) libdrm_dep = dependency('libdrm', version: libdrm_req, required: false, fallback: ['libdrm', 'ext_libdrm']) libudev_dep = dependency('libudev', required: false) egl_dep = dependency('egl', required: false) gl_dep = dependency('gl', required: false) glesv2_dep = dependency('glesv2', required: false) gstcheck_dep = dependency('gstreamer-check-1.0', version : gst_req, required : get_option('tests'), fallback : ['gstreamer', 'gst_check_dep']) libdl_dep = cc.find_library('dl', required: false) wayland_client_dep = dependency('wayland-client', version: libwayland_req, required: false) wayland_protocols_dep = dependency('wayland-protocols', version: '>= 1.15', required: false) wayland_scanner_bin = find_program('wayland-scanner', required: false) x11_dep = dependency('x11', required: false) xrandr_dep = dependency('xrandr', required: false) # some of the examples can use GTK+-3 gtk_dep = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version : '>= 3.10', required : get_option('examples')) GLES_VERSION_MASK = gl_dep.found() ? 1 : 0 if glesv2_dep.found() if (cc.has_header('GLES2/gl2.h', dependencies: glesv2_dep) and cc.has_header('GLES2/gl2ext.h', dependencies: glesv2_dep)) GLES_VERSION_MASK += 4 endif if (cc.has_header('GLES3/gl3.h', dependencies: glesv2_dep) and cc.has_header('GLES3/gl3ext.h', dependencies: glesv2_dep) and cc.has_header('GLES2/gl2ext.h', dependencies: glesv2_dep)) GLES_VERSION_MASK += 8 endif endif USE_ENCODERS = get_option('with_encoders') != 'no' USE_VP9_ENCODER = USE_ENCODERS and cc.has_header('va/va_enc_vp9.h', dependencies: libva_dep, prefix: '#include ') USE_AV1_DECODER = cc.has_header('va/va_dec_av1.h', dependencies: libva_dep, prefix: '#include ') USE_DRM = libva_drm_dep.found() and libdrm_dep.found() and libudev_dep.found() and get_option('with_drm') != 'no' USE_EGL = gmodule_dep.found() and egl_dep.found() and GLES_VERSION_MASK != 0 and get_option('with_egl') != 'no' USE_WAYLAND = libva_wayland_dep.found() and wayland_client_dep.found() and wayland_protocols_dep.found() and wayland_scanner_bin.found() and get_option('with_wayland') != 'no' and USE_DRM USE_X11 = libva_x11_dep.found() and x11_dep.found() and get_option('with_x11') != 'no' USE_GLX = gl_dep.found() and libdl_dep.found() and get_option('with_glx') != 'no' and USE_X11 if get_option('with_wayland') == 'yes' and not USE_DRM error('DRM support is required to enable Wayland support') endif if not (USE_DRM or USE_X11 or USE_WAYLAND) error('No renderer API found (it is requried either DRM, X11 and/or WAYLAND)') endif if gstgl_dep.found() gstglproto_dep = dependency('gstreamer-gl-prototypes-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-base', 'gstglproto_dep'], required: true) # Behind specific checks because meson fails at optional dependencies with a # fallback to the same subproject. On the first failure, meson will never # check the system again even if the fallback never existed. # Last checked with meson 0.54.3 if USE_X11 gstglx11_dep = dependency('gstreamer-gl-x11-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-base', 'gstglx11_dep'], required: true) endif if USE_WAYLAND gstglwayland_dep = dependency('gstreamer-gl-wayland-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-base', 'gstglwayland_dep'], required: true) endif if USE_EGL gstglegl_dep = dependency('gstreamer-gl-egl-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gst-plugins-base', 'gstglegl_dep'], required: true) endif endif driverdir = libva_dep.get_variable('driverdir') if driverdir == '' driverdir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir'), 'dri') endif cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set_quoted('GST_API_VERSION_S', '@0@.@1@'.format(gst_version_major, gst_version_minor)) cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE', 'gstreamer-vaapi') cdata.set_quoted('VERSION', '@0@'.format(gst_version)) cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', '@0@'.format(gst_version)) cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', 'GStreamer VA-API Plug-ins') cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_STRING', 'GStreamer VA-API Plug-ins @0@'.format(gst_version)) cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', get_option('package-origin')) cdata.set_quoted('VA_DRIVERS_PATH', '@0@'.format(driverdir)) cdata.set10('USE_DRM', USE_DRM) cdata.set10('USE_EGL', USE_EGL) cdata.set10('USE_ENCODERS', USE_ENCODERS) cdata.set10('USE_GLX', USE_GLX) cdata.set10('USE_VP9_ENCODER', USE_VP9_ENCODER) cdata.set10('USE_AV1_DECODER', USE_AV1_DECODER) cdata.set10('USE_WAYLAND', USE_WAYLAND) cdata.set10('USE_X11', USE_X11) cdata.set10('HAVE_XKBLIB', cc.has_header('X11/XKBlib.h', dependencies: x11_dep)) cdata.set10('HAVE_XRANDR', xrandr_dep.found()) cdata.set10('USE_GST_GL_HELPERS', gstgl_dep.found()) cdata.set('USE_GLES_VERSION_MASK', GLES_VERSION_MASK) api_version = '1.0' soversion = 0 # maintaining compatibility with the previous libtool versioning # current = minor * 100 + micro curversion = gst_version_minor * 100 + gst_version_micro libversion = '@0@.@1@.0'.format(soversion, curversion) osxversion = curversion + 1 plugins_install_dir = '@0@/gstreamer-1.0'.format(get_option('libdir')) gstreamer_vaapi_args = ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H'] configinc = include_directories('.') libsinc = include_directories('gst-libs') plugins = [] subdir('gst-libs') subdir('gst') subdir('tests') subdir('docs') # Set release date if gst_version_nano == 0 extract_release_date = find_program('scripts/') run_result = run_command(extract_release_date, gst_version, files('gstreamer-vaapi.doap'), check: true) release_date = run_result.stdout().strip() cdata.set_quoted('GST_PACKAGE_RELEASE_DATETIME', release_date) message('Package release date: ' + release_date) endif if gmodule_dep.version().version_compare('< 2.67.4') cdata.set('g_memdup2(ptr,sz)', '(G_LIKELY(((guint64)(sz)) < G_MAXUINT)) ? g_memdup(ptr,sz) : (g_abort(),NULL)') endif configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: cdata)