#include "All.h" #include "WAVInputSource.h" #include IO_HEADER_FILE #include "MACLib.h" #include "GlobalFunctions.h" struct RIFF_HEADER { char cRIFF[4]; // the characters 'RIFF' indicating that it's a RIFF file unsigned long nBytes; // the number of bytes following this header }; struct DATA_TYPE_ID_HEADER { char cDataTypeID[4]; // should equal 'WAVE' for a WAV file }; struct WAV_FORMAT_HEADER { unsigned short nFormatTag; // the format of the WAV...should equal 1 for a PCM file unsigned short nChannels; // the number of channels unsigned long nSamplesPerSecond; // the number of samples per second unsigned long nBytesPerSecond; // the bytes per second unsigned short nBlockAlign; // block alignment unsigned short nBitsPerSample; // the number of bits per sample }; struct RIFF_CHUNK_HEADER { char cChunkLabel[4]; // should equal "data" indicating the data chunk unsigned long nChunkBytes; // the bytes of the chunk }; CInputSource * CreateInputSource(const char * pSourceName, WAVEFORMATEX * pwfeSource, int * pTotalBlocks, int * pHeaderBytes, int * pTerminatingBytes, int * pErrorCode) { // error check the parameters if ((pSourceName == NULL) || (strlen(pSourceName) == 0)) { if (pErrorCode) *pErrorCode = ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; return NULL; } // Removed bad code which avoid compressing of files if extention is not standard #if 0 // get the extension const char * pExtension = &pSourceName[strlen(pSourceName)]; while ((pExtension > pSourceName) && (*pExtension != '.')) pExtension--; // create the proper input source if (_stricmp(pExtension, ".wav") == 0) { if (pErrorCode) *pErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif return new CWAVInputSource(pSourceName, pwfeSource, pTotalBlocks, pHeaderBytes, pTerminatingBytes, pErrorCode); #if 0 } else { if (pErrorCode) *pErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE; return NULL; } #endif } CWAVInputSource::CWAVInputSource(CIO * pIO, WAVEFORMATEX * pwfeSource, int * pTotalBlocks, int * pHeaderBytes, int * pTerminatingBytes, int * pErrorCode) : CInputSource(pIO, pwfeSource, pTotalBlocks, pHeaderBytes, pTerminatingBytes, pErrorCode) { m_bIsValid = FALSE; if (pIO == NULL || pwfeSource == NULL) { if (pErrorCode) *pErrorCode = ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; return; } m_spIO.Assign(pIO, FALSE, FALSE); int nRetVal = AnalyzeSource(); if (nRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // fill in the parameters if (pwfeSource) memcpy(pwfeSource, &m_wfeSource, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); if (pTotalBlocks) *pTotalBlocks = m_nDataBytes / m_wfeSource.nBlockAlign; if (pHeaderBytes) *pHeaderBytes = m_nHeaderBytes; if (pTerminatingBytes) *pTerminatingBytes = m_nTerminatingBytes; m_bIsValid = TRUE; } if (pErrorCode) *pErrorCode = nRetVal; } CWAVInputSource::CWAVInputSource(const char * pSourceName, WAVEFORMATEX * pwfeSource, int * pTotalBlocks, int * pHeaderBytes, int * pTerminatingBytes, int * pErrorCode) : CInputSource(pSourceName, pwfeSource, pTotalBlocks, pHeaderBytes, pTerminatingBytes, pErrorCode) { m_bIsValid = FALSE; if (pSourceName == NULL || pwfeSource == NULL) { if (pErrorCode) *pErrorCode = ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; return; } m_spIO.Assign(new IO_CLASS_NAME); if (m_spIO->Open(pSourceName) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_spIO.Delete(); if (pErrorCode) *pErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE; return; } int nRetVal = AnalyzeSource(); if (nRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // fill in the parameters if (pwfeSource) memcpy(pwfeSource, &m_wfeSource, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); if (pTotalBlocks) *pTotalBlocks = m_nDataBytes / m_wfeSource.nBlockAlign; if (pHeaderBytes) *pHeaderBytes = m_nHeaderBytes; if (pTerminatingBytes) *pTerminatingBytes = m_nTerminatingBytes; m_bIsValid = TRUE; } if (pErrorCode) *pErrorCode = nRetVal; } CWAVInputSource::~CWAVInputSource() { } int CWAVInputSource::AnalyzeSource() { // seek to the beginning (just in case) m_spIO->Seek(0, FILE_BEGIN); // get the file size m_nFileBytes = m_spIO->GetSize(); // get the RIFF header RIFF_HEADER RIFFHeader; RETURN_ON_ERROR(ReadSafe(m_spIO, &RIFFHeader, sizeof(RIFFHeader))) // make sure the RIFF header is valid if (!(RIFFHeader.cRIFF[0] == 'R' && RIFFHeader.cRIFF[1] == 'I' && RIFFHeader.cRIFF[2] == 'F' && RIFFHeader.cRIFF[3] == 'F')) return ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE; // read the data type header DATA_TYPE_ID_HEADER DataTypeIDHeader; RETURN_ON_ERROR(ReadSafe(m_spIO, &DataTypeIDHeader, sizeof(DataTypeIDHeader))) // make sure it's the right data type if (!(DataTypeIDHeader.cDataTypeID[0] == 'W' && DataTypeIDHeader.cDataTypeID[1] == 'A' && DataTypeIDHeader.cDataTypeID[2] == 'V' && DataTypeIDHeader.cDataTypeID[3] == 'E')) return ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE; // find the 'fmt ' chunk RIFF_CHUNK_HEADER RIFFChunkHeader; RETURN_ON_ERROR(ReadSafe(m_spIO, &RIFFChunkHeader, sizeof(RIFFChunkHeader))) while (!(RIFFChunkHeader.cChunkLabel[0] == 'f' && RIFFChunkHeader.cChunkLabel[1] == 'm' && RIFFChunkHeader.cChunkLabel[2] == 't' && RIFFChunkHeader.cChunkLabel[3] == ' ')) { // move the file pointer to the end of this chunk m_spIO->Seek(RIFFChunkHeader.nChunkBytes, FILE_CURRENT); // check again for the data chunk RETURN_ON_ERROR(ReadSafe(m_spIO, &RIFFChunkHeader, sizeof(RIFFChunkHeader))) } // read the format info WAV_FORMAT_HEADER WAVFormatHeader; RETURN_ON_ERROR(ReadSafe(m_spIO, &WAVFormatHeader, sizeof(WAVFormatHeader))) // error check the header to see if we support it if (WAVFormatHeader.nFormatTag != 1) return ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE; // copy the format information to the WAVEFORMATEX passed in FillWaveFormatEx(&m_wfeSource, WAVFormatHeader.nSamplesPerSecond, WAVFormatHeader.nBitsPerSample, WAVFormatHeader.nChannels); // skip over any extra data in the header int nWAVFormatHeaderExtra = RIFFChunkHeader.nChunkBytes - sizeof(WAVFormatHeader); if (nWAVFormatHeaderExtra < 0) return ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE; else //m_spIO->Seek(nWAVFormatHeaderExtra, FILE_CURRENT); // find the data chunk RETURN_ON_ERROR(ReadSafe(m_spIO, &RIFFChunkHeader, sizeof(RIFFChunkHeader))) while (!(RIFFChunkHeader.cChunkLabel[0] == 'd' && RIFFChunkHeader.cChunkLabel[1] == 'a' && RIFFChunkHeader.cChunkLabel[2] == 't' && RIFFChunkHeader.cChunkLabel[3] == 'a')) { // move the file pointer to the end of this chunk m_spIO->Seek(RIFFChunkHeader.nChunkBytes, FILE_CURRENT); // check again for the data chunk RETURN_ON_ERROR(ReadSafe(m_spIO, &RIFFChunkHeader, sizeof(RIFFChunkHeader))) } // we're at the data block m_nHeaderBytes = m_spIO->GetPosition(); m_nDataBytes = RIFFChunkHeader.nChunkBytes; if (m_nDataBytes < 0) m_nDataBytes = m_nFileBytes - m_nHeaderBytes; // make sure the data bytes is a whole number of blocks if ((m_nDataBytes % m_wfeSource.nBlockAlign) != 0) return ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE; // calculate the terminating byts m_nTerminatingBytes = m_nFileBytes - m_nDataBytes - m_nHeaderBytes; // we made it this far, everything must be cool return ERROR_SUCCESS; } int CWAVInputSource::GetData(unsigned char * pBuffer, int nBlocks, int * pBlocksRetrieved) { if (!m_bIsValid) return ERROR_UNDEFINED; int nBytes = (m_wfeSource.nBlockAlign * nBlocks); unsigned int nBytesRead = 0; if (m_spIO->Read(pBuffer, nBytes, &nBytesRead) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_IO_READ; if (pBlocksRetrieved) *pBlocksRetrieved = (nBytesRead / m_wfeSource.nBlockAlign); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } int CWAVInputSource::GetHeaderData(unsigned char * pBuffer) { if (!m_bIsValid) return ERROR_UNDEFINED; int nRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_nHeaderBytes > 0) { int nOriginalFileLocation = m_spIO->GetPosition(); m_spIO->Seek(0, FILE_BEGIN); unsigned int nBytesRead = 0; int nReadRetVal = m_spIO->Read(pBuffer, m_nHeaderBytes, &nBytesRead); if ((nReadRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (m_nHeaderBytes != int(nBytesRead))) { nRetVal = ERROR_UNDEFINED; } m_spIO->Seek(nOriginalFileLocation, FILE_BEGIN); } return nRetVal; } int CWAVInputSource::GetTerminatingData(unsigned char * pBuffer) { if (!m_bIsValid) return ERROR_UNDEFINED; int nRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_nTerminatingBytes > 0) { int nOriginalFileLocation = m_spIO->GetPosition(); m_spIO->Seek(-m_nTerminatingBytes, FILE_END); unsigned int nBytesRead = 0; int nReadRetVal = m_spIO->Read(pBuffer, m_nTerminatingBytes, &nBytesRead); if ((nReadRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (m_nTerminatingBytes != int(nBytesRead))) { nRetVal = ERROR_UNDEFINED; } m_spIO->Seek(nOriginalFileLocation, FILE_BEGIN); } return nRetVal; }