using System; using static System.Diagnostics.Debug; using Gst; using WebSocketSharp; using Gst.WebRTC; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using Gst.Sdp; using System.Text; using GLib; namespace GstWebRTCDemo { class WebRtcClient : IDisposable { const string SERVER = "wss://"; const string PIPELINE_DESC = @"webrtcbin name=sendrecv videotestsrc pattern=ball ! videoconvert ! queue ! vp8enc deadline=1 ! rtpvp8pay ! queue ! application/x-rtp,media=video,encoding-name=VP8,payload=97 ! sendrecv. audiotestsrc wave=red-noise ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! queue ! opusenc ! rtpopuspay ! queue ! application/x-rtp,media=audio,encoding-name=OPUS,payload=96 ! sendrecv."; readonly int _id; readonly int _peerId; readonly string _server; readonly WebSocket _conn; Pipeline pipe; Element webrtc; bool terminate; public WebRtcClient(int id, int peerId, string server = SERVER) { _id = id; _peerId = peerId; _server = server; _conn = new WebSocket(_server); _conn.SslConfiguration.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = validatCert; _conn.OnOpen += OnOpen; _conn.OnError += OnError; _conn.OnMessage += OnMessage; _conn.OnClose += OnClose; pipe = (Pipeline)Parse.Launch(PIPELINE_DESC); } bool validatCert(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; } public void Connect() { _conn.ConnectAsync(); } void SetupCall() { _conn.Send($"SESSION {_peerId}"); } void OnClose(object sender, CloseEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Closed: " + e.Reason); terminate = true; } void OnError(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Error " + e.Message); terminate = true; } void OnOpen(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var ws = sender as WebSocket; ws.SendAsync($"HELLO {_id}", (b) => Console.WriteLine($"Opened {b}")); } void OnMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs args) { var msg = args.Data; switch (msg) { case "HELLO": SetupCall(); break; case "SESSION_OK": StartPipeline(); break; default: if (msg.StartsWith("ERROR")) { Console.WriteLine(msg); terminate = true; } else { HandleSdp(msg); } break; } } void StartPipeline() { webrtc = pipe.GetByName("sendrecv"); Assert(webrtc != null); webrtc.Connect("on-negotiation-needed", OnNegotiationNeeded); webrtc.Connect("on-ice-candidate", OnIceCandidate); webrtc.Connect("pad-added", OnIncomingStream); pipe.SetState(State.Playing); Console.WriteLine("Playing"); } #region Webrtc signal handlers #region Incoming stream void OnIncomingStream(object o, GLib.SignalArgs args) { var pad = args.Args[0] as Pad; if (pad.Direction != PadDirection.Src) return; var decodebin = ElementFactory.Make("decodebin"); decodebin.Connect("pad-added", OnIncomingDecodebinStream); pipe.Add(decodebin); decodebin.SyncStateWithParent(); webrtc.Link(decodebin); } void OnIncomingDecodebinStream(object o, SignalArgs args) { var pad = (Pad)args.Args[0]; if (!pad.HasCurrentCaps) { Console.WriteLine($"{pad.Name} has no caps, ignoring"); return; } var caps = pad.CurrentCaps; Assert(!caps.IsEmpty); Structure s = caps[0]; var name = s.Name; if (name.StartsWith("video")) { var q = ElementFactory.Make("queue"); var conv = ElementFactory.Make("videoconvert"); var sink = ElementFactory.Make("autovideosink"); pipe.Add(q, conv, sink); pipe.SyncChildrenStates(); pad.Link(q.GetStaticPad("sink")); Element.Link(q, conv, sink); } else if (name.StartsWith("audio")) { var q = ElementFactory.Make("queue"); var conv = ElementFactory.Make("audioconvert"); var resample = ElementFactory.Make("audioresample"); var sink = ElementFactory.Make("autoaudiosink"); pipe.Add(q, conv, resample, sink); pipe.SyncChildrenStates(); pad.Link(q.GetStaticPad("sink")); Element.Link(q, conv, resample, sink); } } #endregion void OnIceCandidate(object o, GLib.SignalArgs args) { var index = (uint)args.Args[0]; var cand = (string)args.Args[1]; var obj = new { ice = new { sdpMLineIndex = index, candidate = cand } }; var iceMsg = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); _conn.SendAsync(iceMsg, (b) => { } ); } void OnNegotiationNeeded(object o, GLib.SignalArgs args) { var webRtc = o as Element; Assert(webRtc != null, "not a webrtc object"); Promise promise = new Promise(OnOfferCreated, webrtc.Handle, null); // webRtc.Handle, null); Structure structure = new Structure("struct"); webrtc.Emit("create-offer", structure, promise); } void OnOfferCreated(Promise promise) { promise.Wait(); var reply = promise.RetrieveReply(); var gval = reply.GetValue("offer"); WebRTCSessionDescription offer = (WebRTCSessionDescription)gval.Val; promise = new Promise(); webrtc.Emit("set-local-description", offer, promise); promise.Interrupt(); SendSdpOffer(offer) ; } #endregion void SendSdpOffer(WebRTCSessionDescription offer) { var text = offer.Sdp.AsText(); var obj = new { sdp = new { type = "offer", sdp = text } }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); Console.Write(json); _conn.SendAsync(json, (b) => Console.WriteLine($"Send offer completed {b}")); } void HandleSdp(string message) { var msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message); if (msg.sdp != null) { var sdp = msg.sdp; if (sdp.type != null && sdp.type != "answer") { throw new Exception("Not an answer"); } string sdpAns = sdp.sdp; Console.WriteLine($"received answer:\n{sdpAns}"); SDPMessage.New(out SDPMessage sdpMsg); SDPMessage.ParseBuffer(ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(sdpAns), (uint)sdpAns.Length, sdpMsg); var answer = WebRTCSessionDescription.New(WebRTCSDPType.Answer, sdpMsg); var promise = new Promise(); webrtc.Emit("set-remote-description", answer, promise); } else if ( != null) { var ice =; string candidate = ice.candidate; uint sdpMLineIndex = ice.sdpMLineIndex; webrtc.Emit("add-ice-candidate", sdpMLineIndex, candidate); } } public void Run() { // Wait until error, EOS or State Change var bus = pipe.Bus; do { var msg = bus.TimedPopFiltered (Gst.Constants.SECOND, MessageType.Error | MessageType.Eos | MessageType.StateChanged); // Parse message if (msg != null) { switch (msg.Type) { case MessageType.Error: string debug; GLib.GException exc; msg.ParseError (out exc, out debug); Console.WriteLine ("Error received from element {0}: {1}", msg.Src.Name, exc.Message); Console.WriteLine ("Debugging information: {0}", debug != null ? debug : "none"); terminate = true; break; case MessageType.Eos: Console.WriteLine ("End-Of-Stream reached.\n"); terminate = true; break; case MessageType.StateChanged: // We are only interested in state-changed messages from the pipeline if (msg.Src == pipe) { State oldState, newState, pendingState; msg.ParseStateChanged (out oldState, out newState, out pendingState); Console.WriteLine ("Pipeline state changed from {0} to {1}:", Element.StateGetName (oldState), Element.StateGetName (newState)); } break; default: // We should not reach here because we only asked for ERRORs, EOS and STATE_CHANGED Console.WriteLine ("Unexpected message received."); break; } } } while (!terminate); } public void Dispose() { ((IDisposable)_conn).Dispose(); pipe.SetState(State.Null); pipe.Dispose(); } } static class WebRtcSendRcv { const string SERVER = "wss://"; static Random random = new Random(); public static void Main(string[] args) { // Initialize GStreamer Gst.Application.Init (ref args); if (args.Length == 0) throw new Exception("need peerId"); int peerId = Int32.Parse(args[0]); var server = (args.Length > 1) ? args[1] : SERVER; var ourId = random.Next(100, 10000); Console.WriteLine($"PeerId:{peerId} OurId:{ourId} "); var c = new WebRtcClient(ourId, peerId, server); c.Connect(); c.Run(); c.Dispose(); } } }