#!/bin/bash # vi: sw=2 ts=4 # Shameless copy of the script from gnome-shell # https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/blob/main/.gitlab-ci/build-toolbox-image.sh?ref_type=heads set -e die() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } check_image_base() { local base=$( skopeo inspect docker://$TOOLBOX_IMAGE 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.Labels["org.opencontainers.image.base.name"]') [[ "$base" == "$BASE_CI_IMAGE" ]] } build_container() { echo Building $TOOLBOX_IMAGE from $BASE_CI_IMAGE export BUILDAH_ISOLATION=chroot export BUILDAH_FORMAT=docker local build_cntr=$(buildah from $BASE_CI_IMAGE) local build_mnt=$(buildah mount $build_cntr) [[ -n "$build_mnt" && -n "$build_cntr" ]] || die "Failed to mount the container" # Copy pasted from github # https://github.com/containers/toolbox/blob/main/images/fedora/f39/extra-packages local extra_packages=( bash-completion bc bzip2 cracklib-dicts diffutils dnf-plugins-core findutils flatpak-spawn fpaste gawk-all-langpacks git glibc-gconv-extra gnupg2 gnupg2-smime gvfs-client hostname iproute iputils keyutils krb5-libs less lsof man-db man-pages mesa-dri-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers mtr nano-default-editor nss-mdns openssh-clients passwd pigz procps-ng psmisc rsync shadow-utils sudo tcpdump "time" traceroute tree unzip util-linux vte-profile vulkan-loader wget which whois words xorg-x11-xauth xz zip ) local our_extra_packages=( gdb ripgrep fish zsh ) # local debug_packages=( # glib2 # ) buildah run $build_cntr dnf -y swap coreutils-single coreutils-full buildah run $build_cntr dnf -y swap glibc-minimal-langpack glibc-all-langpacks buildah run $build_cntr dnf install -y "${extra_packages[@]}" buildah run $build_cntr dnf install -y "${our_extra_packages[@]}" # buildah run $build_cntr dnf debuginfo-install -y "${debug_packages[@]}" buildah run $build_cntr dnf clean all buildah run $build_cntr rm -rf /var/lib/cache/dnf # random uid uid="10043" name="containeruser" buildah run $build_cntr -- groupadd $name -g $uid buildah run $build_cntr -- useradd -u $uid -g $uid -ms /bin/bash $name buildah run $build_cntr -- usermod -aG wheel $name buildah run $build_cntr -- bash -c "echo $name ALL=\(ALL\) NOPASSWD:ALL > /etc/sudoers.d/$name" buildah run $build_cntr -- chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/$name # Remove the hardcoded HOME env var that ci-templates adds # https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gstreamer/-/issues/2433#note_2243222 # Also add the OCI labels that toolbox expects, to advertize that image is compatible # Additionally add a non-root default user buildah config --env HOME- \ --user $name \ --label com.github.containers.toolbox=true \ --label org.opencontainers.image.base.name=$BASE_CI_IMAGE \ $build_cntr buildah commit $build_cntr $TOOLBOX_IMAGE buildah tag $TOOLBOX_IMAGE $TOOLBOX_LATEST } BASE_CI_IMAGE="$1" TOOLBOX_BRANCH="$2" GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH="$3" TOOLBOX_IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$FDO_REPO_SUFFIX:gst-toolbox-${TOOLBOX_BRANCH}" # push an unversioned tag to make it easier to use. # ex. pull foobar:toolbox-main TOOLBOX_LATEST="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$FDO_REPO_SUFFIX:gst-toolbox-${GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH}" [[ -n "$BASE_CI_IMAGE" && -n "$TOOLBOX_BRANCH" && -n "$GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" ]] || die "Usage: $(basename $0) BASE_CI_IMAGE TOOLBOX TAG GST_UPSTREAM_BRANCH" [[ -n "$CI_REGISTRY" && -n "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" && -n "$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD" ]] || die "Insufficient information to log in." podman login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY if ! check_image_base; then build_container podman push "$TOOLBOX_IMAGE" podman push "$TOOLBOX_LATEST" fi echo "Create your toolbox with either of the following commands" echo " $ toolbox create gst-toolbox --image $TOOLBOX_LATEST" echo " $ toolbox create gst-toolbox-$TOOLBOX_BRANCH --image $TOOLBOX_IMAGE"