// // Notice Regarding Standards. AMD does not provide a license or sublicense to // any Intellectual Property Rights relating to any standards, including but not // limited to any audio and/or video codec technologies such as MPEG-2, MPEG-4; // AVC/H.264; HEVC/H.265; AAC decode/FFMPEG; AAC encode/FFMPEG; VC-1; and MP3 // (collectively, the "Media Technologies"). For clarity, you will pay any // royalties due for such third party technologies, which may include the Media // Technologies that are owed as a result of AMD providing the Software to you. // // MIT license // // Copyright (c) 2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #ifndef AMF_Surface_h #define AMF_Surface_h #pragma once #include "Data.h" #include "Plane.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning( push ) #pragma warning(disable : 4263) #pragma warning(disable : 4264) #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) namespace amf { #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum AMF_SURFACE_FORMAT { AMF_SURFACE_UNKNOWN = 0, AMF_SURFACE_NV12, ///< 1 - planar 4:2:0 Y width x height + packed UV width/2 x height/2 - 8 bit per component AMF_SURFACE_YV12, ///< 2 - planar 4:2:0 Y width x height + V width/2 x height/2 + U width/2 x height/2 - 8 bit per component AMF_SURFACE_BGRA, ///< 3 - packed 4:4:4 - 8 bit per component AMF_SURFACE_ARGB, ///< 4 - packed 4:4:4 - 8 bit per component AMF_SURFACE_RGBA, ///< 5 - packed 4:4:4 - 8 bit per component AMF_SURFACE_GRAY8, ///< 6 - single component - 8 bit AMF_SURFACE_YUV420P, ///< 7 - planar 4:2:0 Y width x height + U width/2 x height/2 + V width/2 x height/2 - 8 bit per component AMF_SURFACE_U8V8, ///< 8 - packed double component - 8 bit per component AMF_SURFACE_YUY2, ///< 9 - packed 4:2:2 Byte 0=8-bit Y'0; Byte 1=8-bit Cb; Byte 2=8-bit Y'1; Byte 3=8-bit Cr AMF_SURFACE_P010, ///< 10 - planar 4:2:0 Y width x height + packed UV width/2 x height/2 - 10 bit per component (16 allocated, upper 10 bits are used) AMF_SURFACE_RGBA_F16, ///< 11 - packed 4:4:4 - 16 bit per component float AMF_SURFACE_UYVY, ///< 12 - packed 4:2:2 the similar to YUY2 but Y and UV swapped: Byte 0=8-bit Cb; Byte 1=8-bit Y'0; Byte 2=8-bit Cr Byte 3=8-bit Y'1; (used the same DX/CL/Vulkan storage as YUY2) AMF_SURFACE_R10G10B10A2, ///< 13 - packed 4:4:4 to 4 bytes, 10 bit per RGB component, 2 bits per A AMF_SURFACE_Y210, ///< 14 - packed 4:2:2 - Word 0=10-bit Y'0; Word 1=10-bit Cb; Word 2=10-bit Y'1; Word 3=10-bit Cr AMF_SURFACE_AYUV, ///< 15 - packed 4:4:4 - 8 bit per component YUVA AMF_SURFACE_Y410, ///< 16 - packed 4:4:4 - 10 bit per YUV component, 2 bits per A, AVYU AMF_SURFACE_Y416, ///< 16 - packed 4:4:4 - 16 bit per component 4 bytes, AVYU AMF_SURFACE_GRAY32, ///< 17 - single component - 32 bit AMF_SURFACE_FIRST = AMF_SURFACE_NV12, AMF_SURFACE_LAST = AMF_SURFACE_GRAY32 } AMF_SURFACE_FORMAT; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AMF_SURFACE_USAGE translates to D3D11_BIND_FLAG or VkImageUsageFlags // bit mask //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_BITS { // D3D11 D3D12 Vulkan AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_DEFAULT = 0x80000000, // will apply default D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT| VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_NONE = 0x00000000, // 0, D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE, 0 AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_SHADER_RESOURCE = 0x00000001, // D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE, D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET = 0x00000002, // D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_RENDER_TARGET, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_UNORDERED_ACCESS = 0x00000004, // D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS, D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_UNORDERED_ACCESS, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC = 0x00000008, // D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST = 0x00000010, // D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_LINEAR = 0x00000020 } AMF_SURFACE_USAGE_BITS; typedef amf_flags AMF_SURFACE_USAGE; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(_WIN32) AMF_WEAK GUID AMFFormatGUID = { 0x8cd592d0, 0x8063, 0x4af8, {0xa7, 0xd0, 0x32, 0x5b, 0xc5, 0xf7, 0x48, 0xab}}; // UINT(AMF_SURFACE_FORMAT), default - AMF_SURFACE_UNKNOWN; to be set on ID3D11Texture2D objects when used natively (i.e. force UYVY on DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2 texture) #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // frame type //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum AMF_FRAME_TYPE { // flags AMF_FRAME_STEREO_FLAG = 0x10000000, AMF_FRAME_LEFT_FLAG = AMF_FRAME_STEREO_FLAG | 0x20000000, AMF_FRAME_RIGHT_FLAG = AMF_FRAME_STEREO_FLAG | 0x40000000, AMF_FRAME_BOTH_FLAG = AMF_FRAME_LEFT_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_RIGHT_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG = 0x01000000, AMF_FRAME_FIELD_FLAG = 0x02000000, AMF_FRAME_EVEN_FLAG = 0x04000000, AMF_FRAME_ODD_FLAG = 0x08000000, // values AMF_FRAME_UNKNOWN =-1, AMF_FRAME_PROGRESSIVE = 0, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_EVEN_FIRST = AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_EVEN_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_ODD_FIRST = AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_ODD_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_FIELD_SINGLE_EVEN = AMF_FRAME_FIELD_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_EVEN_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_FIELD_SINGLE_ODD = AMF_FRAME_FIELD_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_ODD_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_STEREO_LEFT = AMF_FRAME_LEFT_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_STEREO_RIGHT = AMF_FRAME_RIGHT_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_STEREO_BOTH = AMF_FRAME_BOTH_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_EVEN_FIRST_STEREO_LEFT = AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_EVEN_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_LEFT_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_EVEN_FIRST_STEREO_RIGHT = AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_EVEN_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_RIGHT_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_EVEN_FIRST_STEREO_BOTH = AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_EVEN_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_BOTH_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_ODD_FIRST_STEREO_LEFT = AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_ODD_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_LEFT_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_ODD_FIRST_STEREO_RIGHT = AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_ODD_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_RIGHT_FLAG, AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_ODD_FIRST_STEREO_BOTH = AMF_FRAME_INTERLEAVED_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_ODD_FLAG | AMF_FRAME_BOTH_FLAG, } AMF_FRAME_TYPE; typedef enum AMF_ROTATION_ENUM { AMF_ROTATION_NONE = 0, AMF_ROTATION_90 = 1, AMF_ROTATION_180 = 2, AMF_ROTATION_270 = 3, } AMF_ROTATION_ENUM; #define AMF_SURFACE_ROTATION L"Rotation" // amf_int64(AMF_ROTATION_ENUM); default = AMF_ROTATION_NONE, can be set on surfaces //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AMFSurfaceObserver interface - callback; is called before internal release resources. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(__cplusplus) class AMFSurface; class AMF_NO_VTABLE AMFSurfaceObserver { public: virtual void AMF_STD_CALL OnSurfaceDataRelease(AMFSurface* pSurface) = 0; }; #else // #if defined(__cplusplus) typedef struct AMFSurface AMFSurface; typedef struct AMFSurfaceObserver AMFSurfaceObserver; typedef struct AMFSurfaceObserverVtbl { void (AMF_STD_CALL *OnSurfaceDataRelease)(AMFSurfaceObserver* pThis, AMFSurface* pSurface); } AMFSurfaceObserverVtbl; struct AMFSurfaceObserver { const AMFSurfaceObserverVtbl *pVtbl; }; #endif // #if defined(__cplusplus) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AMFSurface interface //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(__cplusplus) class AMF_NO_VTABLE AMFSurface : public AMFData { public: AMF_DECLARE_IID(0x3075dbe3, 0x8718, 0x4cfa, 0x86, 0xfb, 0x21, 0x14, 0xc0, 0xa5, 0xa4, 0x51) virtual AMF_SURFACE_FORMAT AMF_STD_CALL GetFormat() = 0; // do not store planes outside. should be used together with Surface virtual amf_size AMF_STD_CALL GetPlanesCount() = 0; virtual AMFPlane* AMF_STD_CALL GetPlaneAt(amf_size index) = 0; virtual AMFPlane* AMF_STD_CALL GetPlane(AMF_PLANE_TYPE type) = 0; virtual AMF_FRAME_TYPE AMF_STD_CALL GetFrameType() = 0; virtual void AMF_STD_CALL SetFrameType(AMF_FRAME_TYPE type) = 0; virtual AMF_RESULT AMF_STD_CALL SetCrop(amf_int32 x,amf_int32 y, amf_int32 width, amf_int32 height) = 0; virtual AMF_RESULT AMF_STD_CALL CopySurfaceRegion(AMFSurface* pDest, amf_int32 dstX, amf_int32 dstY, amf_int32 srcX, amf_int32 srcY, amf_int32 width, amf_int32 height) = 0; // Observer management #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Woverloaded-virtual" #endif virtual void AMF_STD_CALL AddObserver(AMFSurfaceObserver* pObserver) = 0; virtual void AMF_STD_CALL RemoveObserver(AMFSurfaceObserver* pObserver) = 0; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // smart pointer //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef AMFInterfacePtr_T AMFSurfacePtr; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #else // #if defined(__cplusplus) AMF_DECLARE_IID(AMFSurface, 0x3075dbe3, 0x8718, 0x4cfa, 0x86, 0xfb, 0x21, 0x14, 0xc0, 0xa5, 0xa4, 0x51) typedef struct AMFSurfaceVtbl { // AMFInterface interface amf_long (AMF_STD_CALL *Acquire)(AMFSurface* pThis); amf_long (AMF_STD_CALL *Release)(AMFSurface* pThis); enum AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *QueryInterface)(AMFSurface* pThis, const struct AMFGuid *interfaceID, void** ppInterface); // AMFPropertyStorage interface AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *SetProperty)(AMFSurface* pThis, const wchar_t* name, AMFVariantStruct value); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *GetProperty)(AMFSurface* pThis, const wchar_t* name, AMFVariantStruct* pValue); amf_bool (AMF_STD_CALL *HasProperty)(AMFSurface* pThis, const wchar_t* name); amf_size (AMF_STD_CALL *GetPropertyCount)(AMFSurface* pThis); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *GetPropertyAt)(AMFSurface* pThis, amf_size index, wchar_t* name, amf_size nameSize, AMFVariantStruct* pValue); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *Clear)(AMFSurface* pThis); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *AddTo)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMFPropertyStorage* pDest, amf_bool overwrite, amf_bool deep); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *CopyTo)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMFPropertyStorage* pDest, amf_bool deep); void (AMF_STD_CALL *AddObserver)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMFPropertyStorageObserver* pObserver); void (AMF_STD_CALL *RemoveObserver)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMFPropertyStorageObserver* pObserver); // AMFData interface AMF_MEMORY_TYPE (AMF_STD_CALL *GetMemoryType)(AMFSurface* pThis); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *Duplicate)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMF_MEMORY_TYPE type, AMFData** ppData); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *Convert)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMF_MEMORY_TYPE type); // optimal interop if possilble. Copy through host memory if needed AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *Interop)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMF_MEMORY_TYPE type); // only optimal interop if possilble. No copy through host memory for GPU objects AMF_DATA_TYPE (AMF_STD_CALL *GetDataType)(AMFSurface* pThis); amf_bool (AMF_STD_CALL *IsReusable)(AMFSurface* pThis); void (AMF_STD_CALL *SetPts)(AMFSurface* pThis, amf_pts pts); amf_pts (AMF_STD_CALL *GetPts)(AMFSurface* pThis); void (AMF_STD_CALL *SetDuration)(AMFSurface* pThis, amf_pts duration); amf_pts (AMF_STD_CALL *GetDuration)(AMFSurface* pThis); // AMFSurface interface AMF_SURFACE_FORMAT (AMF_STD_CALL *GetFormat)(AMFSurface* pThis); // do not store planes outside. should be used together with Surface amf_size (AMF_STD_CALL *GetPlanesCount)(AMFSurface* pThis); AMFPlane* (AMF_STD_CALL *GetPlaneAt)(AMFSurface* pThis, amf_size index); AMFPlane* (AMF_STD_CALL *GetPlane)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMF_PLANE_TYPE type); AMF_FRAME_TYPE (AMF_STD_CALL *GetFrameType)(AMFSurface* pThis); void (AMF_STD_CALL *SetFrameType)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMF_FRAME_TYPE type); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *SetCrop)(AMFSurface* pThis, amf_int32 x,amf_int32 y, amf_int32 width, amf_int32 height); AMF_RESULT (AMF_STD_CALL *CopySurfaceRegion)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMFSurface* pDest, amf_int32 dstX, amf_int32 dstY, amf_int32 srcX, amf_int32 srcY, amf_int32 width, amf_int32 height); // Observer management void (AMF_STD_CALL *AddObserver_Surface)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMFSurfaceObserver* pObserver); void (AMF_STD_CALL *RemoveObserver_Surface)(AMFSurface* pThis, AMFSurfaceObserver* pObserver); } AMFSurfaceVtbl; struct AMFSurface { const AMFSurfaceVtbl *pVtbl; }; #endif // #if defined(__cplusplus) #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning( pop ) #endif #endif //#ifndef AMF_Surface_h