// // Notice Regarding Standards. AMD does not provide a license or sublicense to // any Intellectual Property Rights relating to any standards, including but not // limited to any audio and/or video codec technologies such as MPEG-2, MPEG-4; // AVC/H.264; HEVC/H.265; AAC decode/FFMPEG; AAC encode/FFMPEG; VC-1; and MP3 // (collectively, the "Media Technologies"). For clarity, you will pay any // royalties due for such third party technologies, which may include the Media // Technologies that are owed as a result of AMD providing the Software to you. // // MIT license // // Copyright (c) 2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #ifndef AMFPreAnalysis_h #define AMFPreAnalysis_h #pragma once #define AMFPreAnalysis L"AMFPreAnalysis" enum AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_ENUM { AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_LOW = 0, AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_MEDIUM = 1, AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_HIGH = 2 }; enum AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_ENUM { AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_LOW = 0, AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_MEDIUM = 1, AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_HIGH = 2 }; enum AMF_PA_ACTIVITY_TYPE_ENUM { AMF_PA_ACTIVITY_Y = 0, AMF_PA_ACTIVITY_YUV = 1 }; enum AMF_PA_CAQ_STRENGTH_ENUM { AMF_PA_CAQ_STRENGTH_LOW = 0, AMF_PA_CAQ_STRENGTH_MEDIUM = 1, AMF_PA_CAQ_STRENGTH_HIGH = 2 }; // PA object properties #define AMF_PA_ENGINE_TYPE L"PAEngineType" // AMF_MEMORY_TYPE (Host, DX11, OpenCL, Vulkan, Auto default : UNKNOWN (Auto))" - determines how the object is initialized and what kernels to use // by default it is Auto (DX11, OpenCL and Vulkan are currently available) #define AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_ENABLE L"PASceneChangeDetectionEnable" // bool (default : True) - Enable Scene Change Detection GPU algorithm #define AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY L"PASceneChangeDetectionSensitivity" // AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_ENUM (default : Medium) - Scene Change Detection Sensitivity #define AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECTION_ENABLE L"PAStaticSceneDetectionEnable" // bool (default : True) - Enable Skip Detection GPU algorithm #define AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY L"PAStaticSceneDetectionSensitivity" // AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECTION_SENSITIVITY_ENUM (default : High) - Allowable absolute difference between pixels (sample counts) #define AMF_PA_FRAME_SAD_ENABLE L"PAFrameSadEnable" // bool (default : True) - Enable Frame SAD algorithm #define AMF_PA_ACTIVITY_TYPE L"PAActivityType" // AMF_PA_ACTIVITY_TYPE_ENUM (default : Calculate on Y) - Block activity calculation mode #define AMF_PA_LTR_ENABLE L"PALongTermReferenceEnable" // bool (default : True) - Enable Automatic Long Term Reference frame management /////////////////////////////////////////// // the following properties are available // only through the Encoder - trying to // access/set them when PA is standalone // will fail #define AMF_PA_INITIAL_QP_AFTER_SCENE_CHANGE L"PAInitialQPAfterSceneChange" // amf_uint64 (default : 0) Values: [0, 51] - Base QP to be used immediately after scene change. If this value is not set, PA will choose a proper QP value #define AMF_PA_MAX_QP_BEFORE_FORCE_SKIP L"PAMaxQPBeforeForceSkip" // amf_uint64 (default : 35) Values: [0, 51] - When a static scene is detected, a skip frame is inserted only if the previous encoded frame average QP <= this value #define AMF_PA_CAQ_STRENGTH L"PACAQStrength" // AMF_PA_CAQ_STRENGTH_ENUM (default : Medium) - Content Adaptive Quantization (CAQ) strength ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // properties set by PA on output buffer interface #define AMF_PA_ACTIVITY_MAP L"PAActivityMap" // AMFInterface* -> AMFSurface*; Values: int32 - When PA is standalone, there will be a 2D Activity map generated for each frame #define AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECT L"PASceneChangeDetect" // bool - True/False - available if AMF_PA_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_ENABLE was set to True #define AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECT L"PAStaticSceneDetect" // bool - True/False - available if AMF_PA_STATIC_SCENE_DETECTION_ENABLE was set to True #endif //#ifndef AMFPreAnalysis_h