/* GStreamer Editing Services * Copyright (C) 2009 Edward Hervey * 2009 Nokia Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * SECTION:ges-timeline-object * @short_description: Base Class for objects in a #GESTimelineLayer * * A #GESTimelineObject is a 'natural' object which controls one or more * #GESTrackObject(s) in one or more #GESTrack(s). * * Keeps a reference to the #GESTrackObject(s) it created and * sets/updates their properties. */ #include "ges-timeline-object.h" #include "ges.h" #include "ges-internal.h" #include gboolean ges_timeline_object_fill_track_object_func (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackObject * trackobj, GstElement * gnlobj); gboolean ges_timeline_object_create_track_objects_func (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrack * track); void default_set_max_duration (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 maxduration); static void track_object_start_changed_cb (GESTrackObject * child, GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineObject * object); static void track_object_inpoint_changed_cb (GESTrackObject * child, GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineObject * object); static void track_object_duration_changed_cb (GESTrackObject * child, GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineObject * object); static void track_object_priority_changed_cb (GESTrackObject * child, GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineObject * object); static void update_height (GESTimelineObject * object); static gint sort_track_effects (gpointer a, gpointer b, GESTimelineObject * object); static void get_layer_priorities (GESTimelineLayer * layer, guint32 * layer_min_gnl_prio, guint32 * layer_max_gnl_prio); static gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_start_internal (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 start); static gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_inpoint_internal (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 inpoint); static gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_duration_internal (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 duration); static gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_priority_internal (GESTimelineObject * object, guint32 priority); static GESTimelineObject *ges_timeline_object_copy (GESTimelineObject * object, gboolean * deep); static void ges_extractable_interface_init (GESExtractableInterface * iface); static void ges_meta_container_interface_init (GESMetaContainerInterface * iface); G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GESTimelineObject, ges_timeline_object, G_TYPE_INITIALLY_UNOWNED, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GES_TYPE_EXTRACTABLE, ges_extractable_interface_init) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GES_TYPE_META_CONTAINER, ges_meta_container_interface_init)); /* Mapping of relationship between a TimelineObject and the TrackObjects * it controls * * NOTE : how do we make this public in the future ? */ typedef struct { GESTrackObject *object; gint64 start_offset; gint64 duration_offset; gint64 inpoint_offset; gint32 priority_offset; guint start_notifyid; guint duration_notifyid; guint inpoint_notifyid; guint priority_notifyid; /* track mapping ?? */ } ObjectMapping; enum { EFFECT_ADDED, EFFECT_REMOVED, TRACK_OBJECT_ADDED, TRACK_OBJECT_REMOVED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint ges_timeline_object_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; struct _GESTimelineObjectPrivate { /*< public > */ GESTimelineLayer *layer; /*< private > */ /* Set to TRUE when the timelineobject is doing updates of track object * properties so we don't end up in infinite property update loops */ gboolean ignore_notifies; gboolean is_moving; guint64 maxduration; GList *mappings; guint nb_effects; GESTrackObject *initiated_move; /* The formats supported by this TimelineObject */ GESTrackType supportedformats; GESAsset *asset; }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_START, PROP_INPOINT, PROP_DURATION, PROP_PRIORITY, PROP_HEIGHT, PROP_LAYER, PROP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS, PROP_MAX_DURATION, PROP_LAST }; static GParamSpec *properties[PROP_LAST]; static void ges_timeline_object_get_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GESTimelineObject *tobj = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_START: g_value_set_uint64 (value, tobj->start); break; case PROP_INPOINT: g_value_set_uint64 (value, tobj->inpoint); break; case PROP_DURATION: g_value_set_uint64 (value, tobj->duration); break; case PROP_PRIORITY: g_value_set_uint (value, tobj->priority); break; case PROP_HEIGHT: g_value_set_uint (value, tobj->height); break; case PROP_LAYER: g_value_set_object (value, tobj->priv->layer); break; case PROP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS: g_value_set_flags (value, tobj->priv->supportedformats); break; case PROP_MAX_DURATION: g_value_set_uint64 (value, tobj->priv->maxduration); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } } static void ges_timeline_object_set_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GESTimelineObject *tobj = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_START: ges_timeline_object_set_start_internal (tobj, g_value_get_uint64 (value)); break; case PROP_INPOINT: ges_timeline_object_set_inpoint_internal (tobj, g_value_get_uint64 (value)); break; case PROP_DURATION: ges_timeline_object_set_duration_internal (tobj, g_value_get_uint64 (value)); break; case PROP_PRIORITY: ges_timeline_object_set_priority_internal (tobj, g_value_get_uint (value)); break; case PROP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS: ges_timeline_object_set_supported_formats (tobj, g_value_get_flags (value)); break; case PROP_MAX_DURATION: ges_timeline_object_set_max_duration (tobj, g_value_get_uint64 (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } } static void ges_timeline_object_class_init (GESTimelineObjectClass * klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GESTimelineObjectPrivate)); object_class->get_property = ges_timeline_object_get_property; object_class->set_property = ges_timeline_object_set_property; klass->create_track_objects = ges_timeline_object_create_track_objects_func; klass->set_max_duration = default_set_max_duration; klass->track_object_added = NULL; klass->track_object_released = NULL; /** * GESTimelineObject:start: * * The position of the object in the #GESTimelineLayer (in nanoseconds). */ properties[PROP_START] = g_param_spec_uint64 ("start", "Start", "The position in the container", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_START, properties[PROP_START]); /** * GESTimelineObject:in-point: * * The in-point at which this #GESTimelineObject will start outputting data * from its contents (in nanoseconds). * * Ex : an in-point of 5 seconds means that the first outputted buffer will * be the one located 5 seconds in the controlled resource. */ properties[PROP_INPOINT] = g_param_spec_uint64 ("in-point", "In-point", "The in-point", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_INPOINT, properties[PROP_INPOINT]); /** * GESTimelineObject:duration: * * The duration (in nanoseconds) which will be used in the container #GESTrack * starting from 'in-point'. */ properties[PROP_DURATION] = g_param_spec_uint64 ("duration", "Duration", "The duration to use", 0, G_MAXUINT64, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DURATION, properties[PROP_DURATION]); /** * GESTimelineObject:priority: * * The layer priority of the timeline object. */ properties[PROP_PRIORITY] = g_param_spec_uint ("priority", "Priority", "The priority of the object", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_PRIORITY, properties[PROP_PRIORITY]); /** * GESTimelineObject:height: * * The span of layer priorities which this object occupies. */ properties[PROP_HEIGHT] = g_param_spec_uint ("height", "Height", "The span of priorities this object occupies", 0, G_MAXUINT, 1, G_PARAM_READABLE); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_HEIGHT, properties[PROP_HEIGHT]); /** * GESTimelineObject:supported-formats: * * The formats supported by the object. * * Since: 0.10.XX */ properties[PROP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS] = g_param_spec_flags ("supported-formats", "Supported formats", "Formats supported by the file", GES_TYPE_TRACK_TYPE, GES_TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO | GES_TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS, properties[PROP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS]); /** * GESTimelineObject:layer: * * The GESTimelineLayer where this object is being used. */ properties[PROP_LAYER] = g_param_spec_object ("layer", "Layer", "The GESTimelineLayer where this object is being used.", GES_TYPE_TIMELINE_LAYER, G_PARAM_READABLE); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_LAYER, properties[PROP_LAYER]); /** * GESTimelineObject::effect-added: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject * @effect: the #GESTrackEffect that was added. * * Will be emitted after an effect was added to the object. * * Since: 0.10.2 */ ges_timeline_object_signals[EFFECT_ADDED] = g_signal_new ("effect-added", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_generic, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GES_TYPE_TRACK_EFFECT); /** * GESTimelineObject::effect-removed: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject * @effect: the #GESTrackEffect that was added. * * Will be emitted after an effect was remove from the object. * * Since: 0.10.2 */ ges_timeline_object_signals[EFFECT_REMOVED] = g_signal_new ("effect-removed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_generic, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GES_TYPE_TRACK_EFFECT); /** * GESTimelineObject::track-object-added: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject * @tckobj: the #GESTrackObject that was added. * * Will be emitted after a track object was added to the object. * * Since: 0.10.2 */ ges_timeline_object_signals[TRACK_OBJECT_ADDED] = g_signal_new ("track-object-added", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_generic, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GES_TYPE_TRACK_OBJECT); /** * GESTimelineObject::track-object-removed: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject * @tckobj: the #GESTrackObject that was removed. * * Will be emitted after a track object was removed from @object. * * Since: 0.10.2 */ ges_timeline_object_signals[TRACK_OBJECT_REMOVED] = g_signal_new ("track-object-removed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_generic, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GES_TYPE_TRACK_OBJECT); /** * GESTimelineObject:max-duration: * * The maximum duration (in nanoseconds) of the #GESTimelineObject. * * Since: 0.10.XX */ g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MAX_DURATION, g_param_spec_uint64 ("max-duration", "Maximum duration", "The maximum duration of the object", 0, G_MAXUINT64, G_MAXUINT64, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); klass->need_fill_track = TRUE; klass->snaps = FALSE; } static void ges_timeline_object_init (GESTimelineObject * self) { self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, GES_TYPE_TIMELINE_OBJECT, GESTimelineObjectPrivate); self->duration = GST_SECOND; self->height = 1; self->trackobjects = NULL; self->priv->layer = NULL; self->priv->nb_effects = 0; self->priv->is_moving = FALSE; self->priv->maxduration = G_MAXUINT64; } static void extractable_set_asset (GESExtractable * extractable, GESAsset * asset) { GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT (extractable)->asset = asset; } static gboolean _register_metas (GESExtractableInterface * iface, GObjectClass * class, GESAsset * asset) { GESMetaContainer *container = GES_META_CONTAINER (asset); GParamSpecEnum *pspec = (GParamSpecEnum *) g_object_class_find_property (class, "supported-formats"); ges_meta_container_set_uint (container, GES_META_TIMELINE_OBJECT_SUPPORTED_FORMATS, pspec->default_value); return TRUE; } static void ges_extractable_interface_init (GESExtractableInterface * iface) { iface->set_asset = extractable_set_asset; iface->register_metas = _register_metas; } static void ges_meta_container_interface_init (GESMetaContainerInterface * iface) { } /** * ges_timeline_object_create_track_object: * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * @track: The #GESTrack to create a #GESTrackObject for. * * Creates a #GESTrackObject for the provided @track. The timeline object * keep a reference to the newly created trackobject, you therefore need to * call @ges_timeline_object_release_track_object when you are done with it. * * Returns: (transfer none): A #GESTrackObject. Returns NULL if the #GESTrackObject could not * be created. */ GESTrackObject * ges_timeline_object_create_track_object (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrack * track) { GESTimelineObjectClass *class; GESTrackObject *res; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TRACK (track), NULL); if (!(track->type & object->priv->supportedformats)) { GST_DEBUG ("We don't support this track format (supported: %i caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT ")", object->priv->supportedformats, ges_track_get_caps (track)); return NULL; } class = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object); if (G_UNLIKELY (class->create_track_object == NULL)) { GST_ERROR ("No 'create_track_object' implementation available"); return NULL; } res = class->create_track_object (object, track); return res; } /** * ges_timeline_object_create_track_objects: * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * @track: The #GESTrack to create each #GESTrackObject for. * * Creates all #GESTrackObjects supported by this object and adds them to the * provided track. The track is responsible for calling * #ges_timeline_release_track_object on these objects when it is finished * with them. * * Returns: %TRUE if each track object was created successfully, or %FALSE if an * error occured. */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_create_track_objects (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrack * track) { GESTimelineObjectClass *klass; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TRACK (track), FALSE); klass = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object); if (!(klass->create_track_objects)) { GST_WARNING ("no GESTimelineObject::create_track_objects implentation"); return FALSE; } return klass->create_track_objects (object, track); } /* Default implementation of default_set_max_duration */ void default_set_max_duration (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 maxduration) { GList *tmp; for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) g_object_set (tmp->data, "max-duration", maxduration, NULL); } /* * default implementation of GESTimelineObjectClass::create_track_objects */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_create_track_objects_func (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrack * track) { GESTrackObject *result; result = ges_timeline_object_create_track_object (object, track); if (!result) { GST_DEBUG ("Did not create track object"); return FALSE; } if (ges_timeline_object_add_track_object (object, result) == FALSE) return FALSE; return ges_track_add_object (track, result); } /** * ges_timeline_object_add_track_object: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @trobj: the GESTrackObject * * Add a track object to the timeline object. Should only be called by * subclasses implementing the create_track_objects (plural) vmethod. * * Takes a reference on @trobj. * * Returns: %TRUE on success, %FALSE on failure. */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_add_track_object (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackObject * trobj) { GList *tmp; gboolean is_effect; ObjectMapping *mapping; guint max_prio, min_prio; GESTimelineObjectClass *klass; GESTimelineObjectPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TRACK_OBJECT (trobj), FALSE); priv = object->priv; is_effect = GES_IS_TRACK_EFFECT (trobj); GST_LOG ("Got a TrackObject : %p , setting the timeline object as its" "creator. Is a TrackEffect %i", trobj, is_effect); if (!trobj) return FALSE; ges_track_object_set_timeline_object (trobj, object); g_object_ref (trobj); mapping = g_slice_new0 (ObjectMapping); mapping->object = trobj; priv->mappings = g_list_append (priv->mappings, mapping); GST_DEBUG ("Adding TrackObject to the list of controlled track objects"); /* We steal the initial reference */ GST_DEBUG ("Setting properties on newly created TrackObject"); mapping->priority_offset = priv->nb_effects; /* If the trackobject is an effect: * - We add it on top of the list of TrackEffect * - We put all TrackObject present in the TimelineObject * which are not TrackEffect on top of them * * FIXME: Let the full control over priorities to the user */ if (is_effect) { GST_DEBUG ("Moving non on top effect under other TrackObject-s, nb effects %i", priv->nb_effects); for (tmp = g_list_nth (object->trackobjects, priv->nb_effects); tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { GESTrackObject *tmpo = GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data); /* We make sure not to move the entire #TimelineObject */ ges_track_object_set_locked (tmpo, FALSE); ges_track_object_set_priority (tmpo, ges_track_object_get_priority (tmpo) + 1); ges_track_object_set_locked (tmpo, TRUE); } priv->nb_effects++; } object->trackobjects = g_list_insert_sorted_with_data (object->trackobjects, trobj, (GCompareDataFunc) sort_track_effects, object); ges_track_object_set_start (trobj, object->start); ges_track_object_set_duration (trobj, object->duration); ges_track_object_set_inpoint (trobj, object->inpoint); ges_track_object_set_max_duration (trobj, object->priv->maxduration); klass = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object); if (klass->track_object_added) { GST_DEBUG ("Calling track_object_added subclass method"); klass->track_object_added (object, trobj); } else { GST_DEBUG ("%s doesn't have any track_object_added vfunc implementation", G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass)); } /* Listen to all property changes */ mapping->start_notifyid = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (trobj), "notify::start", G_CALLBACK (track_object_start_changed_cb), object); mapping->duration_notifyid = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (trobj), "notify::duration", G_CALLBACK (track_object_duration_changed_cb), object); mapping->inpoint_notifyid = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (trobj), "notify::in-point", G_CALLBACK (track_object_inpoint_changed_cb), object); mapping->priority_notifyid = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (trobj), "notify::priority", G_CALLBACK (track_object_priority_changed_cb), object); get_layer_priorities (priv->layer, &min_prio, &max_prio); ges_track_object_set_priority (trobj, min_prio + object->priority + mapping->priority_offset); GST_DEBUG ("Returning trobj:%p", trobj); if (!GES_IS_TRACK_EFFECT (trobj)) { g_signal_emit (object, ges_timeline_object_signals[TRACK_OBJECT_ADDED], 0, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (trobj)); } else { /* emit 'effect-added' */ g_signal_emit (object, ges_timeline_object_signals[EFFECT_ADDED], 0, GES_TRACK_EFFECT (trobj)); } return TRUE; } /** * ges_timeline_object_release_track_object: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @trackobject: the #GESTrackObject to release * * Release the @trackobject from the control of @object. * * Returns: %TRUE if the @trackobject was properly released, else %FALSE. */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_release_track_object (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackObject * trackobject) { GList *tmp; ObjectMapping *mapping = NULL; GESTimelineObjectClass *klass; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TRACK_OBJECT (trackobject), FALSE); GST_DEBUG ("object:%p, trackobject:%p", object, trackobject); klass = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object); if (!(g_list_find (object->trackobjects, trackobject))) { GST_WARNING ("TrackObject isn't controlled by this object"); return FALSE; } for (tmp = object->priv->mappings; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { mapping = (ObjectMapping *) tmp->data; if (mapping->object == trackobject) break; } if (tmp && mapping) { /* Disconnect all notify listeners */ g_signal_handler_disconnect (trackobject, mapping->start_notifyid); g_signal_handler_disconnect (trackobject, mapping->duration_notifyid); g_signal_handler_disconnect (trackobject, mapping->inpoint_notifyid); g_signal_handler_disconnect (trackobject, mapping->priority_notifyid); g_slice_free (ObjectMapping, mapping); object->priv->mappings = g_list_delete_link (object->priv->mappings, tmp); } object->trackobjects = g_list_remove (object->trackobjects, trackobject); if (GES_IS_TRACK_EFFECT (trackobject)) { /* emit 'object-removed' */ object->priv->nb_effects--; g_signal_emit (object, ges_timeline_object_signals[EFFECT_REMOVED], 0, GES_TRACK_EFFECT (trackobject)); } else g_signal_emit (object, ges_timeline_object_signals[TRACK_OBJECT_REMOVED], 0, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (trackobject)); ges_track_object_set_timeline_object (trackobject, NULL); GST_DEBUG ("Removing reference to track object %p", trackobject); if (klass->track_object_released) { GST_DEBUG ("Calling track_object_released subclass method"); klass->track_object_released (object, trackobject); } g_object_unref (trackobject); /* FIXME : resync properties ? */ return TRUE; } void ges_timeline_object_set_layer (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTimelineLayer * layer) { GST_DEBUG ("object:%p, layer:%p", object, layer); object->priv->layer = layer; } gboolean ges_timeline_object_fill_track_object (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackObject * trackobj, GstElement * gnlobj) { GESTimelineObjectClass *class; gboolean res = TRUE; GST_DEBUG ("object:%p, trackobject:%p, gnlobject:%p", object, trackobj, gnlobj); class = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object); if (class->need_fill_track) { if (G_UNLIKELY (class->fill_track_object == NULL)) { GST_WARNING ("No 'fill_track_object' implementation available"); return FALSE; } res = class->fill_track_object (object, trackobj, gnlobj); } GST_DEBUG ("Returning res:%d", res); return res; } gboolean ges_timeline_object_fill_track_object_func (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackObject * trackobj, GstElement * gnlobj) { GST_WARNING ("No 'fill_track_object' implementation !"); return FALSE; } static ObjectMapping * find_object_mapping (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackObject * child) { GList *tmp; for (tmp = object->priv->mappings; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { ObjectMapping *map = (ObjectMapping *) tmp->data; if (map->object == child) return map; } return NULL; } static gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_start_internal (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 start) { GList *tmp; GESTrackObject *tr; ObjectMapping *map; GESTimeline *timeline = NULL; GESTimelineObjectPrivate *priv = object->priv; gboolean snap = FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); GST_DEBUG ("object:%p, start:%" GST_TIME_FORMAT, object, GST_TIME_ARGS (start)); /* If the class has snapping enabled and the object is in a timeline, * we snap */ if (priv->layer && GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object)->snaps) timeline = ges_timeline_layer_get_timeline (object->priv->layer); snap = timeline && priv->initiated_move == NULL ? TRUE : FALSE; object->priv->ignore_notifies = TRUE; for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { tr = (GESTrackObject *) tmp->data; map = find_object_mapping (object, tr); if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tr) && tr != object->priv->initiated_move) { gint64 new_start = start - map->start_offset; /* Move the child... */ if (new_start < 0) { GST_ERROR ("Trying to set start to a negative value %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (-(start + map->start_offset))); continue; } /* Make the snapping happen if in a timeline */ if (snap) ges_timeline_move_object_simple (timeline, tr, NULL, GES_EDGE_NONE, start); else ges_track_object_set_start (tr, start); } else { /* ... or update the offset */ map->start_offset = start - tr->start; } } object->priv->ignore_notifies = FALSE; object->start = start; return TRUE; } /** * ges_timeline_object_set_start: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @start: the position in #GstClockTime * * Set the position of the object in its containing layer * * Note that if the timeline snap-distance property of the timeline containing * @object is set, @object will properly snap to its neighboors. */ void ges_timeline_object_set_start (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 start) { if (ges_timeline_object_set_start_internal (object, start)) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (object), properties[PROP_START]); } static gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_inpoint_internal (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 inpoint) { GList *tmp; GESTrackObject *tr; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); GST_DEBUG ("object:%p, inpoint:%" GST_TIME_FORMAT, object, GST_TIME_ARGS (inpoint)); for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { tr = (GESTrackObject *) tmp->data; if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tr)) /* call set_inpoint on each trackobject */ ges_track_object_set_inpoint (tr, inpoint); } object->inpoint = inpoint; return TRUE; } /** * ges_timeline_object_set_inpoint: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @inpoint: the in-point in #GstClockTime * * Set the in-point, that is the moment at which the @object will start * outputting data from its contents. */ void ges_timeline_object_set_inpoint (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 inpoint) { if (ges_timeline_object_set_inpoint_internal (object, inpoint)) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (object), properties[PROP_INPOINT]); } static gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_duration_internal (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 duration) { GList *tmp; GESTrackObject *tr; GESTimeline *timeline = NULL; GESTimelineObjectPrivate *priv = object->priv; gboolean snap = FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); GST_DEBUG ("object:%p, duration:%" GST_TIME_FORMAT, object, GST_TIME_ARGS (duration)); if (priv->layer && GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object)->snaps) timeline = ges_timeline_layer_get_timeline (object->priv->layer); /* If the class has snapping enabled, the object is in a timeline, * and we are not following a moved TrackObject, we snap */ snap = timeline && priv->initiated_move == NULL ? TRUE : FALSE; object->priv->ignore_notifies = TRUE; for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { tr = (GESTrackObject *) tmp->data; if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tr)) { /* call set_duration on each trackobject * and make the snapping happen if in a timeline */ if (G_LIKELY (snap)) ges_timeline_trim_object_simple (timeline, tr, NULL, GES_EDGE_END, tr->start + duration, TRUE); else ges_track_object_set_duration (tr, duration); } } object->priv->ignore_notifies = FALSE; object->duration = duration; return TRUE; } /** * ges_timeline_object_set_duration: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @duration: the duration in #GstClockTime * * Set the duration of the object * * Note that if the timeline snap-distance property of the timeline containing * @object is set, @object will properly snap to its neighboors. */ void ges_timeline_object_set_duration (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 duration) { if (ges_timeline_object_set_duration_internal (object, duration)) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (object), properties[PROP_DURATION]); } static gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_priority_internal (GESTimelineObject * object, guint priority) { GList *tmp; GESTrackObject *tr; ObjectMapping *map; GESTimelineObjectPrivate *priv; guint32 layer_min_gnl_prio, layer_max_gnl_prio; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); GST_DEBUG ("object:%p, priority:%" G_GUINT32_FORMAT, object, priority); priv = object->priv; get_layer_priorities (priv->layer, &layer_min_gnl_prio, &layer_max_gnl_prio); priv->ignore_notifies = TRUE; for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { tr = (GESTrackObject *) tmp->data; map = find_object_mapping (object, tr); if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tr)) { guint32 real_tck_prio; /* Move the child... */ real_tck_prio = layer_min_gnl_prio + priority + map->priority_offset; if (real_tck_prio > layer_max_gnl_prio) { GST_WARNING ("%p priority of %i, is outside of the its containing " "layer space. (%d/%d) setting it to the maximum it can be", object, priority, layer_min_gnl_prio, layer_max_gnl_prio); real_tck_prio = layer_max_gnl_prio; } ges_track_object_set_priority (tr, real_tck_prio); } else { /* ... or update the offset */ map->priority_offset = tr->priority - layer_min_gnl_prio + priority; } } object->trackobjects = g_list_sort_with_data (object->trackobjects, (GCompareDataFunc) sort_track_effects, object); priv->ignore_notifies = FALSE; object->priority = priority; return TRUE; } /** * ges_timeline_object_set_moving_from_layer: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @is_moving: %TRUE if you want to start moving @object to another layer * %FALSE when you finished moving it. * * Sets the object in a moving to layer state. You might rather use the * ges_timeline_object_move_to_layer function to move #GESTimelineObject-s * from a layer to another. **/ void ges_timeline_object_set_moving_from_layer (GESTimelineObject * object, gboolean is_moving) { g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object)); object->priv->is_moving = is_moving; } /** * ges_timeline_object_is_moving_from_layer: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * * Tells you if the object is currently moving from a layer to another. * You might rather use the ges_timeline_object_move_to_layer function to * move #GESTimelineObject-s from a layer to another. * * * Returns: %TRUE if @object is currently moving from its current layer * %FALSE otherwize **/ gboolean ges_timeline_object_is_moving_from_layer (GESTimelineObject * object) { g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); return object->priv->is_moving; } /** * ges_timeline_object_move_to_layer: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @layer: the new #GESTimelineLayer * * Moves @object to @layer. If @object is not in any layer, it adds it to * @layer, else, it removes it from its current layer, and adds it to @layer. * * Returns: %TRUE if @object could be moved %FALSE otherwize */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_move_to_layer (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTimelineLayer * layer) { gboolean ret; GESTimelineLayer *current_layer; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_LAYER (layer), FALSE); current_layer = object->priv->layer; if (current_layer == NULL) { GST_DEBUG ("Not moving %p, only adding it to %p", object, layer); return ges_timeline_layer_add_object (layer, object); } GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (object, "moving to layer %p, priority: %d", layer, ges_timeline_layer_get_priority (layer)); object->priv->is_moving = TRUE; g_object_ref (object); ret = ges_timeline_layer_remove_object (current_layer, object); if (!ret) { g_object_unref (object); return FALSE; } ret = ges_timeline_layer_add_object (layer, object); object->priv->is_moving = FALSE; g_object_unref (object); return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_set_priority: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @priority: the priority * * Sets the priority of the object within the containing layer */ void ges_timeline_object_set_priority (GESTimelineObject * object, guint priority) { if (ges_timeline_object_set_priority_internal (object, priority)) #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,26,0) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (object), properties[PROP_PRIORITY]); #else g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (object), "priority"); #endif } /** * ges_timeline_object_find_track_object: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @track: a #GESTrack or NULL * @type: a #GType indicating the type of track object you are looking * for or %G_TYPE_NONE if you do not care about the track type. * * Finds the #GESTrackObject controlled by @object that is used in @track. You * may optionally specify a GType to further narrow search criteria. * * Note: If many objects match, then the one with the highest priority will be * returned. * * Returns: (transfer full): The #GESTrackObject used by @track, else %NULL. * Unref after usage. */ GESTrackObject * ges_timeline_object_find_track_object (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrack * track, GType type) { GESTrackObject *ret = NULL; GList *tmp; GESTrackObject *otmp; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TRACK (track), NULL); for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { otmp = (GESTrackObject *) tmp->data; if (ges_track_object_get_track (otmp) == track) { if ((type != G_TYPE_NONE) && !G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (tmp->data, type)) continue; ret = GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data); g_object_ref (ret); break; } } return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_get_layer: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * * Get the #GESTimelineLayer to which this object belongs. * * Returns: (transfer full): The #GESTimelineLayer where this @object is being * used, or %NULL if it is not used on any layer. The caller should unref it * usage. */ GESTimelineLayer * ges_timeline_object_get_layer (GESTimelineObject * object) { g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), NULL); if (object->priv->layer != NULL) g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (object->priv->layer)); return object->priv->layer; } /** * ges_timeline_object_get_track_objects: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * * Get the list of #GESTrackObject contained in @object * * Returns: (transfer full) (element-type GESTrackObject): The list of * trackobject contained in @object. * The user is responsible for unreffing the contained objects * and freeing the list. */ GList * ges_timeline_object_get_track_objects (GESTimelineObject * object) { GList *ret; GList *tmp; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), NULL); ret = g_list_copy (object->trackobjects); for (tmp = ret; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { g_object_ref (tmp->data); } return ret; } static gint sort_track_effects (gpointer a, gpointer b, GESTimelineObject * object) { guint prio_offset_a, prio_offset_b; ObjectMapping *map_a, *map_b; GESTrackObject *obj_a, *obj_b; obj_a = GES_TRACK_OBJECT (a); obj_b = GES_TRACK_OBJECT (b); map_a = find_object_mapping (object, obj_a); map_b = find_object_mapping (object, obj_b); prio_offset_a = map_a->priority_offset; prio_offset_b = map_b->priority_offset; if ((gint) prio_offset_a > (guint) prio_offset_b) return 1; if ((guint) prio_offset_a < (guint) prio_offset_b) return -1; return 0; } /** * ges_timeline_object_get_top_effects: * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * * Get effects applied on @object * * Returns: (transfer full) (element-type GESTrackObject): a #GList of the * #GESTrackEffect that are applied on @object order by ascendant priorities. * The refcount of the objects will be increased. The user will have to * unref each #GESTrackEffect and free the #GList. * * Since: 0.10.2 */ GList * ges_timeline_object_get_top_effects (GESTimelineObject * object) { GList *tmp, *ret; guint i; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), NULL); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (object, "Getting the %i top effects", object->priv->nb_effects); ret = NULL; for (tmp = object->trackobjects, i = 0; i < object->priv->nb_effects; tmp = tmp->next, i++) { ret = g_list_append (ret, g_object_ref (tmp->data)); } return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_get_top_effect_position: * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * @effect: The #GESTrackEffect we want to get the top position from * * Gets the top position of an effect. * * Returns: The top position of the effect, -1 if something went wrong. * * Since: 0.10.2 */ gint ges_timeline_object_get_top_effect_position (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackEffect * effect) { g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), -1); return find_object_mapping (object, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (effect))->priority_offset; } /** * ges_timeline_object_set_top_effect_priority: * @object: The origin #GESTimelineObject * @effect: The #GESTrackEffect to move * @newpriority: the new position at which to move the @effect inside this * #GESTimelineObject * * This is a convenience method that lets you set the priority of a top effect. * * Returns: %TRUE if @effect was successfuly moved, %FALSE otherwise. * * Since: 0.10.2 */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_set_top_effect_priority (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackEffect * effect, guint newpriority) { gint inc; GList *tmp; guint current_prio; GESTrackObject *tck_obj; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); tck_obj = GES_TRACK_OBJECT (effect); current_prio = ges_track_object_get_priority (tck_obj); /* We don't change the priority */ if (current_prio == newpriority || (G_UNLIKELY (ges_track_object_get_timeline_object (tck_obj) != object))) return FALSE; if (newpriority > (object->priv->nb_effects - 1)) { GST_DEBUG ("You are trying to make %p not a top effect", effect); return FALSE; } if (current_prio > object->priv->nb_effects) { GST_DEBUG ("%p is not a top effect", effect); return FALSE; } if (tck_obj->priority < newpriority) inc = -1; else inc = +1; ges_track_object_set_priority (tck_obj, newpriority); for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { GESTrackObject *tmpo = GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data); guint tck_priority = ges_track_object_get_priority (tmpo); if ((inc == +1 && tck_priority >= newpriority) || (inc == -1 && tck_priority <= newpriority)) { ges_track_object_set_priority (tmpo, tck_priority + inc); } } object->trackobjects = g_list_sort_with_data (object->trackobjects, (GCompareDataFunc) sort_track_effects, object); return TRUE; } /** * ges_timeline_object_edit: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject to edit * @layers: (element-type GESTimelineLayer): The layers you want the edit to * happen in, %NULL means that the edition is done in all the * #GESTimelineLayers contained in the current timeline. * @new_layer_priority: The priority of the layer @object should land in. * If the layer you're trying to move the object to doesn't exist, it will * be created automatically. -1 means no move. * @mode: The #GESEditMode in which the editition will happen. * @edge: The #GESEdge the edit should happen on. * @position: The position at which to edit @object (in nanosecond) * * Edit @object in the different exisiting #GESEditMode modes. In the case of * slide, and roll, you need to specify a #GESEdge * * Returns: %TRUE if the object as been edited properly, %FALSE if an error * occured * * Since: 0.10.XX */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_edit (GESTimelineObject * object, GList * layers, gint new_layer_priority, GESEditMode mode, GESEdge edge, guint64 position) { GList *tmp; gboolean ret = TRUE; GESTimelineLayer *layer; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); if (!G_UNLIKELY (object->trackobjects)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (object, "Trying to edit, but not containing" "any TrackObject yet."); return FALSE; } for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tmp->data) && GES_IS_TRACK_SOURCE (tmp->data)) { ret &= ges_track_object_edit (tmp->data, layers, mode, edge, position); break; } } /* Moving to layer */ if (new_layer_priority == -1) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (object, "Not moving new prio %d", new_layer_priority); } else { gint priority_offset; layer = object->priv->layer; if (layer == NULL) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (object, "Not in any layer yet, not moving"); return FALSE; } priority_offset = new_layer_priority - ges_timeline_layer_get_priority (layer); ret &= timeline_context_to_layer (layer->timeline, priority_offset); } return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_split: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject to split * @position: a #GstClockTime representing the position at which to split * * The function modifies @object, and creates another #GESTimelineObject so * we have two clips at the end, splitted at the time specified by @position. * * Returns: (transfer floating): The newly created #GESTimelineObject resulting from the splitting */ GESTimelineObject * ges_timeline_object_split (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 position) { GList *tmp; gboolean locked; GESTimelineObject *new_object; GstClockTime start, inpoint, duration; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (position), NULL); duration = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_DURATION (object); start = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_START (object); inpoint = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_INPOINT (object); if (position >= start + duration || position <= start) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (object, "Can not split %" GST_TIME_FORMAT " out of boundaries", GST_TIME_ARGS (position)); return NULL; } GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (object, "Spliting at %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (position)); /* Create the new TimelineObject */ new_object = ges_timeline_object_copy (object, FALSE); /* Set new timing properties on the TimelineObject */ ges_timeline_object_set_start (new_object, position); ges_timeline_object_set_inpoint (new_object, object->inpoint + duration - (duration + start - position)); ges_timeline_object_set_duration (new_object, duration + start - position); if (object->priv->layer) { /* We do not want the timeline to create again TrackObject-s */ ges_timeline_object_set_moving_from_layer (new_object, TRUE); ges_timeline_layer_add_object (object->priv->layer, new_object); ges_timeline_object_set_moving_from_layer (new_object, FALSE); } /* We first set the new duration and the child mapping will be updated * properly in the following loop */ object->duration = position - object->start; for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { GESTrack *track; GESTrackObject *new_tckobj, *tckobj = GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data); duration = ges_track_object_get_duration (tckobj); start = ges_track_object_get_start (tckobj); inpoint = ges_track_object_get_inpoint (tckobj); if (position <= start || position >= (start + duration)) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (tckobj, "Outside %" GST_TIME_FORMAT "the boundaries " "not copying it ( start %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", end %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ")", GST_TIME_ARGS (position), GST_TIME_ARGS (tckobj->start), GST_TIME_ARGS (tckobj->start + tckobj->duration)); continue; } new_tckobj = ges_track_object_copy (tckobj, TRUE); if (new_tckobj == NULL) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (tckobj, "Could not create a copy"); continue; } ges_timeline_object_add_track_object (new_object, new_tckobj); track = ges_track_object_get_track (tckobj); if (track == NULL) GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (tckobj, "Was not in a track, not adding %p to" "any track", new_tckobj); else ges_track_add_object (track, new_tckobj); /* Unlock TrackObject-s as we do not want the container to move * syncronously */ locked = ges_track_object_is_locked (tckobj); ges_track_object_set_locked (new_tckobj, FALSE); ges_track_object_set_locked (tckobj, FALSE); /* Set 'new' track object timing propeties */ ges_track_object_set_start (new_tckobj, position); ges_track_object_set_inpoint (new_tckobj, inpoint + duration - (duration + start - position)); ges_track_object_set_duration (new_tckobj, duration + start - position); /* Set 'old' track object duration */ ges_track_object_set_duration (tckobj, position - start); /* And let track objects in the same locking state as before. */ ges_track_object_set_locked (tckobj, locked); ges_track_object_set_locked (new_tckobj, locked); } return new_object; } /* TODO implement the deep parameter, and make it public */ static GESTimelineObject * ges_timeline_object_copy (GESTimelineObject * object, gboolean * deep) { GESTimelineObject *ret = NULL; GParameter *params; GParamSpec **specs; guint n, n_specs, n_params; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), NULL); specs = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object), &n_specs); params = g_new0 (GParameter, n_specs); n_params = 0; for (n = 0; n < n_specs; ++n) { if (strcmp (specs[n]->name, "parent") && (specs[n]->flags & G_PARAM_READWRITE) == G_PARAM_READWRITE) { params[n_params].name = g_intern_string (specs[n]->name); g_value_init (¶ms[n_params].value, specs[n]->value_type); g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (object), specs[n]->name, ¶ms[n_params].value); ++n_params; } } ret = g_object_newv (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object), n_params, params); g_free (specs); g_free (params); return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_set_supported_formats: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject to set supported formats on * @supportedformats: the #GESTrackType defining formats supported by @object * * Sets the formats supported by the file. * * Since: 0.10.XX */ void ges_timeline_object_set_supported_formats (GESTimelineObject * object, GESTrackType supportedformats) { g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object)); object->priv->supportedformats = supportedformats; } /** * ges_timeline_object_get_supported_formats: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject * * Get the formats supported by @object. * * Returns: The formats supported by @object. * * Since: 0.10.XX */ GESTrackType ges_timeline_object_get_supported_formats (GESTimelineObject * object) { g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), GES_TRACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN); return object->priv->supportedformats; } /** * ges_timeline_object_objects_set_locked: * @object: the #GESTimelineObject * @locked: whether the #GESTrackObject contained in @object are locked to it. * * Set the locking status of all the #GESTrackObject contained in @object to @locked. * See the ges_track_object_set_locked documentation for more details. * * Since: 0.10.XX */ void ges_timeline_object_objects_set_locked (GESTimelineObject * object, gboolean locked) { GList *tmp; g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object)); for (tmp = object->priv->mappings; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { ges_track_object_set_locked (((ObjectMapping *) tmp->data)->object, locked); } } /** * ges_timeline_object_get_max_duration: * @object: The #GESTimelineObject to retrieve max duration from * * Get the max duration of @object. * * Returns: The max duration of @object * * Since: 0.10.XX */ guint64 ges_timeline_object_get_max_duration (GESTimelineObject * object) { g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), 0); return object->priv->maxduration; } /** * ges_timeline_object_set_max_duration: * @object: The #GESTimelineObject to retrieve max duration from * @maxduration: The maximum duration of @object * * Returns: Set the max duration of @object * * Since: 0.10.XX */ void ges_timeline_object_set_max_duration (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 maxduration) { GESTimelineObjectClass *klass = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object); g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object)); object->priv->maxduration = maxduration; klass->set_max_duration (object, maxduration); } /** * ges_timeline_object_ripple: * @object: The #GESTimeline to ripple. * @start: The new start of @object in ripple mode. * * Edits @object in ripple mode. It allows you to modify the * start of @object and move the following neighbours accordingly. * This will change the overall timeline duration. * * You could also use: * * #ges_timeline_object_edit (@object, @layers, * new_layer_priority=-1, GES_EDIT_MODE_RIPPLE, GES_EDGE_NONE, * @position); * * Which lets you more control over layer management. * * Returns: %TRUE if the object as been rippled properly, %FALSE if an error * occured */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_ripple (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 start) { GList *tmp, *tckobjs; gboolean ret = TRUE; GESTimeline *timeline; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); timeline = ges_timeline_layer_get_timeline (object->priv->layer); if (timeline == NULL) { GST_DEBUG ("Not in a timeline yet"); return FALSE; } tckobjs = ges_timeline_object_get_track_objects (object); for (tmp = tckobjs; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tmp->data)) { ret = timeline_ripple_object (timeline, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data), NULL, GES_EDGE_NONE, start); /* As we work only with locked objects, the changes will be reflected * to others controlled TrackObjects */ break; } } g_list_free_full (tckobjs, g_object_unref); return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_ripple_end: * @object: The #GESTimeline to ripple. * @end: The new end (start + duration) of @object in ripple mode. It will * basically only change the duration of @object. * * Edits @object in ripple mode. It allows you to modify the * duration of a @object and move the following neighbours accordingly. * This will change the overall timeline duration. * * You could also use: * * #ges_timeline_object_edit (@object, @layers, * new_layer_priority=-1, GES_EDIT_MODE_RIPPLE, GES_EDGE_END, @end); * * Which lets you more control over layer management. * * Returns: %TRUE if the object as been rippled properly, %FALSE if an error * occured */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_ripple_end (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 end) { GList *tmp, *tckobjs; gboolean ret = TRUE; GESTimeline *timeline; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); timeline = ges_timeline_layer_get_timeline (object->priv->layer); if (timeline == NULL) { GST_DEBUG ("Not in a timeline yet"); return FALSE; } tckobjs = ges_timeline_object_get_track_objects (object); for (tmp = tckobjs; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tmp->data)) { ret = timeline_ripple_object (timeline, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data), NULL, GES_EDGE_END, end); /* As we work only with locked objects, the changes will be reflected * to others controlled TrackObjects */ break; } } g_list_free_full (tckobjs, g_object_unref); return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_roll_start: * @object: The #GESTimelineObject to roll * @start: The new start of @object in roll mode, it will also adapat * the in-point of @object according * * Edits @object in roll mode. It allows you to modify the * start and inpoint of a @object and "resize" (basicly change the duration * in this case) of the previous neighbours accordingly. * This will not change the overall timeline duration. * * You could also use: * * #ges_timeline_object_edit (@object, @layers, * new_layer_priority=-1, GES_EDIT_MODE_ROLL, GES_EDGE_START, @start); * * Which lets you more control over layer management. * * Returns: %TRUE if the object as been roll properly, %FALSE if an error * occured */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_roll_start (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 start) { GList *tmp, *tckobjs; gboolean ret = TRUE; GESTimeline *timeline; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); timeline = ges_timeline_layer_get_timeline (object->priv->layer); if (timeline == NULL) { GST_DEBUG ("Not in a timeline yet"); return FALSE; } tckobjs = ges_timeline_object_get_track_objects (object); for (tmp = tckobjs; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tmp->data)) { ret = timeline_roll_object (timeline, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data), NULL, GES_EDGE_START, start); /* As we work only with locked objects, the changes will be reflected * to others controlled TrackObjects */ break; } } g_list_free_full (tckobjs, g_object_unref); return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_roll_end: * @object: The #GESTimeline to roll. * @end: The new end (start + duration) of @object in roll mode * * Edits @object in roll mode. It allows you to modify the * duration of a @object and trim (basicly change the start + inpoint * in this case) the following neighbours accordingly. * This will not change the overall timeline duration. * * You could also use: * * #ges_timeline_object_edit (@object, @layers, * new_layer_priority=-1, GES_EDIT_MODE_ROLL, GES_EDGE_END, @end); * * Which lets you more control over layer management. * * Returns: %TRUE if the object as been rolled properly, %FALSE if an error * occured */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_roll_end (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 end) { GList *tmp, *tckobjs; gboolean ret = TRUE; GESTimeline *timeline; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); timeline = ges_timeline_layer_get_timeline (object->priv->layer); if (timeline == NULL) { GST_DEBUG ("Not in a timeline yet"); return FALSE; } tckobjs = ges_timeline_object_get_track_objects (object); for (tmp = tckobjs; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tmp->data)) { ret = timeline_roll_object (timeline, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data), NULL, GES_EDGE_END, end); /* As we work only with locked objects, the changes will be reflected * to others controlled TrackObjects */ break; } } g_list_free_full (tckobjs, g_object_unref); return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_trim_start: * @object: The #GESTimeline to trim. * @start: The new start of @object in trim mode, will adapt the inpoint * of @object accordingly * * Edits @object in trim mode. It allows you to modify the * inpoint and start of @object. * This will not change the overall timeline duration. * * You could also use: * * #ges_timeline_object_edit (@object, @layers, * new_layer_priority=-1, GES_EDIT_MODE_TRIM, GES_EDGE_START, @start); * * Which lets you more control over layer management. * * Note that to trim the end of an object you can just set its duration. The same way * as this method, it will take into account the snapping-distance property of the * timeline in which @object is. * * Returns: %TRUE if the object as been trimmed properly, %FALSE if an error * occured */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_trim_start (GESTimelineObject * object, guint64 start) { GList *tmp, *tckobjs; gboolean ret = TRUE; GESTimeline *timeline; g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); timeline = ges_timeline_layer_get_timeline (object->priv->layer); if (timeline == NULL) { GST_DEBUG ("Not in a timeline yet"); return FALSE; } tckobjs = ges_timeline_object_get_track_objects (object); for (tmp = tckobjs; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { if (ges_track_object_is_locked (tmp->data)) { ret = timeline_trim_object (timeline, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data), NULL, GES_EDGE_START, start); break; } } g_list_free_full (tckobjs, g_object_unref); return ret; } /** * ges_timeline_object_add_asset: * @object: a #GESTimelineObject * @asset: a #GESAsset with #GES_TYPE_TRACK_OBJECT as extractable_type * * Extracts a #GESTrackObject from @asset and adds it to the @object. * Should only be called in order to add operations to a #GESTimelineObject, * ni other cases TrackObject are added automatically when adding the * #GESTimelineObject/#GESAsset to a layer. * * Takes a reference on @trobj. * * Returns: %TRUE on success, %FALSE on failure. */ gboolean ges_timeline_object_add_asset (GESTimelineObject * object, GESAsset * asset) { g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_OBJECT (object), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_ASSET (asset), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (ges_asset_get_extractable_type (asset), GES_TYPE_TRACK_OBJECT), FALSE); return ges_timeline_object_add_track_object (object, GES_TRACK_OBJECT (ges_asset_extract (asset, NULL))); } static void update_height (GESTimelineObject * object) { GList *tmp; guint32 min_prio = G_MAXUINT32, max_prio = 0; /* Go over all childs and check if height has changed */ for (tmp = object->trackobjects; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { guint tck_priority = ges_track_object_get_priority (GES_TRACK_OBJECT (tmp->data)); if (tck_priority < min_prio) min_prio = tck_priority; if (tck_priority > max_prio) max_prio = tck_priority; } /* FIXME : We only grow the height */ if (object->height < (max_prio - min_prio + 1)) { object->height = max_prio - min_prio + 1; GST_DEBUG ("Updating height %i", object->height); #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,26,0) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (object), properties[PROP_HEIGHT]); #else g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (object), "height"); #endif } } /* * PROPERTY NOTIFICATIONS FROM TRACK OBJECTS */ static void track_object_start_changed_cb (GESTrackObject * child, GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineObject * object) { ObjectMapping *map; if (object->priv->ignore_notifies) return; map = find_object_mapping (object, child); if (G_UNLIKELY (map == NULL)) /* something massively screwed up if we get this */ return; if (!ges_track_object_is_locked (child)) { /* Update the internal start_offset */ map->start_offset = object->start - child->start; } else { /* Or update the parent start */ object->priv->initiated_move = child; ges_timeline_object_set_start (object, child->start + map->start_offset); object->priv->initiated_move = NULL; } } static void track_object_inpoint_changed_cb (GESTrackObject * child, GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineObject * object) { ObjectMapping *map; if (object->priv->ignore_notifies) return; map = find_object_mapping (object, child); if (G_UNLIKELY (map == NULL)) /* something massively screwed up if we get this */ return; if (!ges_track_object_is_locked (child)) { /* Update the internal start_offset */ map->inpoint_offset = object->inpoint - child->inpoint; } else { /* Or update the parent start */ object->priv->initiated_move = child; ges_timeline_object_set_inpoint (object, child->inpoint + map->inpoint_offset); object->priv->initiated_move = NULL; } } static void track_object_duration_changed_cb (GESTrackObject * child, GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineObject * object) { ObjectMapping *map; if (object->priv->ignore_notifies) return; map = find_object_mapping (object, child); if (G_UNLIKELY (map == NULL)) /* something massively screwed up if we get this */ return; if (!ges_track_object_is_locked (child)) { /* Update the internal start_offset */ map->duration_offset = object->duration - child->duration; } else { /* Or update the parent start */ object->priv->initiated_move = child; ges_timeline_object_set_duration (object, child->duration + map->duration_offset); object->priv->initiated_move = NULL; } } static void track_object_priority_changed_cb (GESTrackObject * child, GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineObject * object) { ObjectMapping *map; guint32 layer_min_gnl_prio, layer_max_gnl_prio; guint tck_priority = ges_track_object_get_priority (child); GST_DEBUG ("TrackObject %p priority changed to %i", child, ges_track_object_get_priority (child)); if (object->priv->ignore_notifies) return; update_height (object); map = find_object_mapping (object, child); get_layer_priorities (object->priv->layer, &layer_min_gnl_prio, &layer_max_gnl_prio); if (G_UNLIKELY (map == NULL)) /* something massively screwed up if we get this */ return; if (!ges_track_object_is_locked (child)) { if (tck_priority < layer_min_gnl_prio || tck_priority > layer_max_gnl_prio) { GST_WARNING ("%p priority of %i, is outside of its containing " "layer space. (%d/%d). This is a bug in the program.", object, tck_priority, layer_min_gnl_prio, layer_max_gnl_prio); } /* Update the internal priority_offset */ map->priority_offset = tck_priority - (layer_min_gnl_prio + object->priority); } else if (tck_priority < layer_min_gnl_prio + object->priority) { /* Or update the parent priority, the object priority is always the * highest priority (smaller number) */ if (tck_priority < layer_min_gnl_prio || layer_max_gnl_prio < tck_priority) { GST_WARNING ("%p priority of %i, is outside of its containing " "layer space. (%d/%d). This is a bug in the program.", object, tck_priority, layer_min_gnl_prio, layer_max_gnl_prio); return; } ges_timeline_object_set_priority (object, tck_priority - layer_min_gnl_prio); } GST_DEBUG ("object %p priority %d child %p priority %d", object, object->priority, child, ges_track_object_get_priority (child)); } static void get_layer_priorities (GESTimelineLayer * layer, guint32 * layer_min_gnl_prio, guint32 * layer_max_gnl_prio) { if (layer) { *layer_min_gnl_prio = layer->min_gnl_priority; *layer_max_gnl_prio = layer->max_gnl_priority; } else { *layer_min_gnl_prio = 0; *layer_max_gnl_prio = G_MAXUINT32; } }