#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2013,Thibault Saunier # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ Some utilies. """ try: import config except ImportError: from . import config import os import platform import re import shutil import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import urllib.request import urllib.error import urllib.parse from .loggable import Loggable from operator import itemgetter from xml.etree import ElementTree GST_SECOND = int(1000000000) DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30 DEFAULT_MAIN_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "gst-validate") DEFAULT_GST_QA_ASSETS = os.path.join( DEFAULT_MAIN_DIR, "gst-integration-testsuites") DISCOVERER_COMMAND = "gst-discoverer-1.0" # Use to set the duration from which a test is considered as being 'long' LONG_TEST = 40 class Result(object): NOT_RUN = "Not run" FAILED = "Failed" TIMEOUT = "Timeout" PASSED = "Passed" SKIPPED = "Skipped" KNOWN_ERROR = "Known error" class Protocols(object): HTTP = "http" FILE = "file" HLS = "hls" DASH = "dash" RTSP = "rtsp" @staticmethod def needs_clock_sync(protocol): if protocol in [Protocols.HLS, Protocols.DASH]: return True return False def supports_ansi_colors(): platform = sys.platform supported_platform = platform != 'win32' or 'ANSICON' in os.environ # isatty is not always implemented, #6223. is_a_tty = hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty() if not supported_platform or not is_a_tty: return False return True class Colors(object): HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' def desactivate_colors(): Colors.HEADER = '' Colors.OKBLUE = '' Colors.OKGREEN = '' Colors.WARNING = '' Colors.FAIL = '' Colors.ENDC = '' if not supports_ansi_colors(): desactivate_colors() def mkdir(directory): try: os.makedirs(directory) except os.error: pass def which(name, extra_path=None): exts = [_f for _f in os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(os.pathsep) if _f] path = os.environ.get('PATH', '') if extra_path: path = extra_path + os.pathsep + path if not path: return [] for p in path.split(os.pathsep): p = os.path.join(p, name) if os.access(p, os.X_OK): return p for e in exts: pext = p + e if os.access(pext, os.X_OK): return pext return None def get_color_for_result(result): if result is Result.FAILED: color = Colors.FAIL elif result is Result.TIMEOUT: color = Colors.WARNING elif result is Result.PASSED: color = Colors.OKGREEN else: color = Colors.OKBLUE return color def printc(message, color="", title=False, title_char=''): if title or title_char: length = 0 for l in message.split("\n"): if len(l) > length: length = len(l) if length == 0: length = len(message) if title is True: message = length * "=" + "\n" + str(message) + "\n" + length * '=' else: message = str(message) + "\n" + length * title_char if hasattr(message, "result") and color == '': color = get_color_for_result(message.result) sys.stdout.write(color + str(message) + Colors.ENDC + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() def launch_command(command, color=None, fails=False): printc(command, Colors.OKGREEN, True) res = os.system(command) if res != 0 and fails is True: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(res, "%s failed" % command) def path2url(path): return urllib.parse.urljoin('file:', urllib.request.pathname2url(path)) def is_windows(): platname = platform.system().lower() return platname == 'windows' or 'mingw' in platname def url2path(url): path = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path if "win32" in sys.platform: if path[0] == '/': return path[1:] # We need to remove the first '/' on windows path = urllib.parse.unquote(path) return path def isuri(string): url = urllib.parse.urlparse(string) if url.scheme != "" and url.scheme != "": return True return False def touch(fname, times=None): with open(fname, 'a'): os.utime(fname, times) def get_subclasses(klass, env): subclasses = [] for symb in env.items(): try: if issubclass(symb[1], klass) and not symb[1] is klass: subclasses.append(symb[1]) except TypeError: pass return subclasses def TIME_ARGS(time): return "%u:%02u:%02u.%09u" % (time / (GST_SECOND * 60 * 60), (time / (GST_SECOND * 60)) % 60, (time / GST_SECOND) % 60, time % GST_SECOND) def look_for_file_in_source_dir(subdir, name): root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))) p = os.path.join(root_dir, subdir, name) if os.path.exists(p): return p return None # Returns the path $top_src_dir/@subdir/@name if running from source, or # $DATADIR/gstreamer-1.0/validate/@name if not def get_data_file(subdir, name): # Are we running from sources? p = look_for_file_in_source_dir(subdir, name) if p: return p # Look in system data dirs p = os.path.join(config.DATADIR, 'gstreamer-1.0', 'validate', name) if os.path.exists(p): return p return None # # Some utilities to parse gst-validate output # # def gsttime_from_tuple(stime): return int((int(stime[0]) * 3600 + int(stime[1]) * 60 + int(stime[2])) * GST_SECOND + int(stime[3])) timeregex = re.compile(r'(?P<_0>.+):(?P<_1>.+):(?P<_2>.+)\.(?P<_3>.+)') def parse_gsttimeargs(time): stime = list(map(itemgetter(1), sorted( timeregex.match(time).groupdict().items()))) return int((int(stime[0]) * 3600 + int(stime[1]) * 60 + int(stime[2])) * GST_SECOND + int(stime[3])) def get_duration(media_file): duration = 0 res = '' try: res = subprocess.check_output( [DISCOVERER_COMMAND, media_file]).decode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # gst-media-check returns !0 if seeking is not possible, we do not care # in that case. pass for l in res.split('\n'): if "Duration: " in l: duration = parse_gsttimeargs(l.replace("Duration: ", "")) break return duration def get_scenarios(): GST_VALIDATE_COMMAND = "gst-validate-1.0" os.system("%s --scenarios-defs-output-file %s" % (GST_VALIDATE_COMMAND, )) class BackTraceGenerator(Loggable): __instance = None _executable_regex = re.compile(r'Executable: (.*)\n') _timestamp_regex = re.compile(r'Timestamp: .*\((\d*)s ago\)') def __init__(self): Loggable.__init__(self) self.coredumpctl = shutil.which('coredumpctl') self.gdb = shutil.which('gdb') @classmethod def get_default(cls): if not cls.__instance: cls.__instance = BackTraceGenerator() return cls.__instance def get_trace(self, test): if not test.process.returncode: return self.get_trace_on_running_process(test) if self.coredumpctl: return self.get_trace_from_systemd(test) self.debug("coredumpctl not present, and it is the only" " supported way to get backtraces for now.") return None def get_trace_on_running_process(self, test): if not self.gdb: return "Can not generate stack trace as `gdb` is not" \ "installed." gdb = ['gdb', '-ex', 't a a bt', '-batch', '-p', str(test.process.pid)] try: return subprocess.check_output( gdb, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=30).decode() except Exception as e: return "Could not run `gdb` on process (pid: %d):\n%s" % ( test.process.pid, e) def get_trace_from_systemd(self, test): for ntry in range(10): if ntry != 0: # Loopping, it means we conceder the logs might not be ready # yet. time.sleep(1) try: info = subprocess.check_output(['coredumpctl', 'info', str(test.process.pid)], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # The trace might not be ready yet time.sleep(1) continue info = info.decode() try: executable = BackTraceGenerator._executable_regex.findall(info)[ 0] except IndexError: self.debug("Backtrace could not be found yet, trying harder.") # The trace might not be ready yet continue if executable != test.application: self.debug("PID: %s -- executable %s != test application: %s" % ( test.process.pid, executable, test.application)) # The trace might not be ready yet continue if not BackTraceGenerator._timestamp_regex.findall(info): self.debug("Timestamp %s is more than 1min old", re.findall(r'Timestamp: .*', info)) # The trace might not be ready yet continue bt_all = None if self.gdb: try: tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() subprocess.check_output(['coredumpctl', 'dump', str(test.process.pid), '--output=' + tf.name], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) gdb = ['gdb', '-ex', 't a a bt', '-ex', 'quit', test.application, tf.name] bt_all = subprocess.check_output( gdb, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode() info += "\nThread apply all bt:\n\n%s" % ( bt_all.replace('\n', '\n' + 15 * ' ')) except Exception as e: self.debug("Could not get backtrace from gdb: %s" % e) return info return None def check_bugs_resolution(bugs_definitions): bugz = {} regexes = {} for regex, bugs in bugs_definitions: if isinstance(bugs, str): bugs = [bugs] for bug in bugs: url = urllib.parse.urlparse(bug) if "bugzilla" not in url.netloc: printc(" + %s \n --> bug: %s\n --> Status: Not a bugzilla report\n" % (regex, bug), Colors.WARNING) continue query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(url.query) _id = query.get('id') if not _id: printc(" + '%s' -- Can't check bug '%s'\n" % (regex, bug), Colors.WARNING) continue if isinstance(_id, list): _id = _id[0] regexes[_id] = (regex, bug) url_parts = tuple(list(url)[:3] + ['', '', '']) ids = bugz.get(url_parts, []) ids.append(_id) bugz[url_parts] = ids res = True for url_parts, ids in bugz.items(): url_parts = list(url_parts) query = {'id': ','.join(ids)} query['ctype'] = 'xml' url_parts[4] = urllib.parse.urlencode(query) try: res = urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.parse.urlunparse(url_parts)) except Exception as e: printc(" + Could not properly check bugs status for: %s (%s)\n" % (urllib.parse.urlunparse(url_parts), e), Colors.FAIL) continue root = ElementTree.fromstring(res.read()) bugs = root.findall('./bug') if len(bugs) != len(ids): printc(" + Could not properly check bugs status on server %s\n" % urllib.parse.urlunparse(url_parts), Colors.FAIL) continue for bugelem in bugs: status = bugelem.findtext('./bug_status') bugid = bugelem.findtext('./bug_id') regex, bug = regexes[bugid] desc = bugelem.findtext('./short_desc') if not status: printc(" + %s \n --> bug: %s\n --> Status: UNKNOWN\n" % (regex, bug), Colors.WARNING) continue if not status.lower() in ['new', 'verified']: printc(" + %s \n --> bug: #%s: '%s'\n ==> Bug CLOSED already (status: %s)\n" % ( regex, bugid, desc, status), Colors.WARNING) res = False printc(" + %s \n --> bug: #%s: '%s'\n --> Status: %s\n" % ( regex, bugid, desc, status), Colors.OKGREEN) return res def kill_subprocess(owner, process, timeout): if process is None: return stime = time.time() res = process.poll() waittime = 0.05 while res is None: try: owner.debug("Subprocess is still alive, sending KILL signal") if is_windows(): subprocess.call( ['taskkill', '/F', '/T', '/PID', str(process.pid)]) else: process.send_signal(signal.SIGKILL) time.sleep(waittime) waittime *= 2 except OSError: pass if time.time() - stime > DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: raise RuntimeError("Could not kill subprocess after %s second" " Something is really wrong, => EXITING" % DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) res = process.poll() return res