# gst-dots-viewer ![](static/images/gst-dots-viewer.jpeg) Simple web server that watches a directory for GStreamer `*.dot` files in a local path and serves them as a web page allowing you to browse them easily. See `gst-dots-viewer --help` for more information. ## How to use it This tool uses the `GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR` environment variable to locate the dot files generated by GStreamer and defaults to `$XDG_CACHE_DIR/gstreamer-dots/` if it is not set. You can run it with: ```sh cargo run ``` Then you can open your browser at `http://localhost:3000` and wait for the graphs to appear as you use your GStreamer application. The web page is updated every time a new `.dot` file is placed in the path pointed by the folder watched by the `gst-dots-viewer` server. ## The `gstdump` utility In order to simplify generating the dot files when developing GStreamer applications, we provide the `gstdump` tool that can be used to **remove** old `.dot` files and setup the [`pipeline-snapshot`](tracer-pipeline-snapshot) tracer with the following parameters: - `xdg-cache=true`: Use the default 'cache' directory to store `.dot` files, the same as what `gst-dots-viewer` uses by default - `folder-mode=numbered`: Use folders to store the `.dot` files, with incrementing number each time pipelines are dumped If you have already configured the `pipeline-snapshot` tracer using the `GST_TRACER` environment variable, `gstdump` will not override it. `gstdump` also sets `GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR` to the path where `gst-dots-viewer` expects them so pipelines that are 'manually' dumped by the application are also dumped. ## Demo How to use `gstdump`, gst-dots-viewer used in combination with the [tracer-pipeline-snapshot](tracer-pipeline-snapshot) ### Start gst-dots ``` sh # Starts the `gst-dots-viewer` server with default parameters # You can open it in your browser at http://localhost:3000 $ gst-dots-viewer ``` ### Start the GStreamer pipeline with `pipeline-snapshot` and `gstdump` ``` sh # This runs the pipeline with `gstdump` which sets up: # # - the `pipeline-snapshot` tracer with the following parameters: # - `dots-viewer-ws-url=ws://`: Sets the URL # of the default websocket server used by `gst-dots-viewer` so that the # pipelines can be dumped from the web interface. # - xdg-cache=true: Use the default 'cache' directory to store `.dot` files, # the same as what `gst-dots-viewer` uses by default # - folder-mode=numbered: Use folders to store the `.dot` files, with # incrementing number each time pipelines are dumped # - `GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR` path so pipelines that are 'manually' dumped by # `gst-launch-1.0` are also dumped. gstdump gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! webrtcsink run-signalling-server=true0 ``` ### Dump pipelines from the web interface You can clock the "Dump Pipelines" button in the `gst-dots-viewer` web interface to force