# tests and condition when to skip the test ges_tests = [ ['ges/asset'], ['ges/backgroundsource'], ['ges/basic'], ['ges/layer'], ['ges/effects'], ['ges/uriclip'], ['ges/clip'], ['ges/timelineedition'], ['ges/titles'], ['ges/transition'], ['ges/overlays'], ['ges/text_properties'], ['ges/mixers'], ['ges/group'], ['ges/project'], ['ges/track'], ['ges/tempochange'], ['nle/simple'], ['nle/complex'], ['nle/nleoperation'], ['nle/nlecomposition'], ['nle/tempochange'] ] test_defines = [ '-UG_DISABLE_ASSERT', '-UG_DISABLE_CAST_CHECKS', '-DGES_TEST_FILES_PATH="' + meson.current_source_dir() + '/ges/"', '-DGST_CHECK_TEST_ENVIRONMENT_BEACON="GST_STATE_IGNORE_ELEMENTS"', '-DTESTFILE="' + meson.current_source_dir() + '/meson.build"', '-DGST_USE_UNSTABLE_API', ] gstcheck_dep = dependency('gstreamer-check-1.0', version : gst_req, fallback : ['gstreamer', 'gst_check_dep']) pluginsdirs = [] if not meson.is_subproject() pkgconfig = find_program('pkg-config') runcmd = run_command(pkgconfig, '--variable=pluginsdir', 'gstreamer-' + apiversion, 'gstreamer-plugins-base-' + apiversion, 'gstreamer-plugins-bad-' + apiversion) if runcmd.returncode() == 0 pluginsdirs = runcmd.stdout().split() else error('Could not determine GStreamer core plugins directory for unit tests.') endif endif foreach t : ges_tests test_name = t.get(0) if t.length() == 2 skip_test = t.get(1) else skip_test = false endif if not skip_test env = environment() env.set('GST_PLUGIN_PATH_1_0', meson.build_root()) env.set('GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH_1_0', '') env.set('GST_STATE_IGNORE_ELEMENTS', '') env.set('CK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT', '20') env.set('GST_REGISTRY', '@0@/@1@.registry'.format(meson.current_build_dir(), test_name)) foreach plugindir: pluginsdirs env.append('GST_PLUGIN_PATH_1_0', plugindir) endforeach exe = executable(test_name, '@0@.c'.format(test_name), 'ges/test-utils.c', 'nle/common.c', c_args : ges_c_args + test_defines, include_directories : [configinc], dependencies : libges_deps + [gstcheck_dep, ges_dep], ) test(test_name, exe, env: env) endif endforeach if build_gir runtests = find_program('nosetests3', required : false) # On some distros it doesn't have the '3' suffix if not runtests.found() runtests = find_program('nosetests', required : false) endif if runtests.found() testdir = '@0@/python/'.format(meson.current_source_dir()) tests = [ ['Test clip', 'test_clip.py'], ['Test timeline', 'test_timeline.py'], ['Test groups', 'test_group.py'] ] foreach i: tests env = environment() env.prepend('GI_TYPELIB_PATH', meson.current_build_dir() + '/../../ges/') env.prepend('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', meson.current_build_dir() + '/../../ges/') args = ['--with-xunit', '--xunit-file=' + meson.current_build_dir() + i.get(0).underscorify() + '.xunit'] test(i.get(0), runtests, args: args + [testdir + '/' + i.get(1)], env: env) endforeach endif endif