#include "libimagequant.h" #include "pam.h" #include "nearest.h" #include "mempool.h" #include <stdlib.h> struct sorttmp { float radius; unsigned int index; }; struct head { // colors less than radius away from vantage_point color will have best match in candidates f_pixel vantage_point; float radius; unsigned int num_candidates; f_pixel *candidates_color; unsigned short *candidates_index; }; struct nearest_map { const colormap *map; float nearest_other_color_dist[256]; mempool mempool; struct head heads[]; }; static float distance_from_nearest_other_color (const colormap * map, const unsigned int i) { float second_best = MAX_DIFF; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < map->colors; j++) { float diff; if (i == j) continue; diff = colordifference (map->palette[i].acolor, map->palette[j].acolor); if (diff <= second_best) { second_best = diff; } } return second_best; } static int compareradius (const void *ap, const void *bp) { float a = ((const struct sorttmp *) ap)->radius; float b = ((const struct sorttmp *) bp)->radius; return a > b ? 1 : (a < b ? -1 : 0); } static struct head build_head (f_pixel px, const colormap * map, unsigned int num_candidates, mempool * m, float error_margin, bool skip_index[], unsigned int *skipped) { struct sorttmp *colors = g_alloca (sizeof (struct sorttmp) * map->colors); unsigned int colorsused, i; struct head h; colorsused = 0; for (i = 0; i < map->colors; i++) { if (skip_index[i]) continue; // colors in skip_index have been eliminated already in previous heads colors[colorsused].index = i; colors[colorsused].radius = colordifference (px, map->palette[i].acolor); colorsused++; } qsort (colors, colorsused, sizeof (colors[0]), compareradius); assert (colorsused < 2 || colors[0].radius <= colors[1].radius); // closest first num_candidates = MIN (colorsused, num_candidates); h.candidates_color = mempool_alloc (m, num_candidates * sizeof (h.candidates_color[0]), 0); h.candidates_index = mempool_alloc (m, num_candidates * sizeof (h.candidates_index[0]), 0); h.vantage_point = px; h.num_candidates = num_candidates; for (i = 0; i < num_candidates; i++) { h.candidates_color[i] = map->palette[colors[i].index].acolor; h.candidates_index[i] = colors[i].index; } // if all colors within this radius are included in candidates, then there cannot be any other better match // farther away from the vantage point than half of the radius. Due to alpha channel must assume pessimistic radius. h.radius = min_colordifference (px, h.candidates_color[num_candidates - 1]) / 4.0f; // /4 = half of radius, but radius is squared for (i = 0; i < num_candidates; i++) { // divide again as that's matching certain subset within radius-limited subset // - 1/256 is a tolerance for miscalculation (seems like colordifference isn't exact) if (colors[i].radius < h.radius / 4.f - error_margin) { skip_index[colors[i].index] = true; (*skipped)++; } } return h; } static colormap * get_subset_palette (const colormap * map) { unsigned int subset_size, i; colormap *subset_palette; if (map->subset_palette) { return map->subset_palette; } subset_size = (map->colors + 3) / 4; subset_palette = pam_colormap (subset_size, map->malloc, map->free); for (i = 0; i < subset_size; i++) { subset_palette->palette[i] = map->palette[i]; } return subset_palette; } LIQ_PRIVATE struct nearest_map * nearest_init (const colormap * map, bool fast) { colormap *subset_palette = get_subset_palette (map); const unsigned int num_vantage_points = map->colors > 16 ? MIN (map->colors / (fast ? 4 : 3), subset_palette->colors) : 0; const unsigned long heads_size = sizeof (struct head) * (num_vantage_points + 1); // +1 is fallback head const unsigned long mempool_size = (sizeof (f_pixel) + sizeof (unsigned int)) * subset_palette->colors * map->colors / 5 + (1 << 14); mempool m = NULL; struct nearest_map *centroids = mempool_create (&m, sizeof (*centroids) + heads_size /* heads array is appended to it */ , mempool_size, map->malloc, map->free); unsigned int skipped; const float error_margin = fast ? 0 : 8.f / 256.f / 256.f; unsigned int h, i, j; bool *skip_index; centroids->mempool = m; for (i = 0; i < map->colors; i++) { const float dist = distance_from_nearest_other_color (map, i); centroids->nearest_other_color_dist[i] = dist / 4.f; // half of squared distance } centroids->map = map; skipped = 0; assert (map->colors > 0); skip_index = g_alloca (sizeof (bool) * map->colors); for (j = 0; j < map->colors; j++) skip_index[j] = false; // floats and colordifference calculations are not perfect for (h = 0; h < num_vantage_points; h++) { unsigned int num_candiadtes = 1 + (map->colors - skipped) / ((1 + num_vantage_points - h) / 2); centroids->heads[h] = build_head (subset_palette->palette[h].acolor, map, num_candiadtes, ¢roids->mempool, error_margin, skip_index, &skipped); if (centroids->heads[h].num_candidates == 0) { break; } } // assumption that there is no better color within radius of vantage point color // holds true only for colors within convex hull formed by palette colors. // The fallback must contain all colors, since there are too many edge cases to cover. if (!fast) for (j = 0; j < map->colors; j++) { skip_index[j] = false; } centroids->heads[h] = build_head ((f_pixel) { 0, 0, 0, 0} , map, map->colors, ¢roids->mempool, error_margin, skip_index, &skipped); centroids->heads[h].radius = MAX_DIFF; // get_subset_palette could have created a copy if (subset_palette != map->subset_palette) { pam_freecolormap (subset_palette); } return centroids; } LIQ_PRIVATE unsigned int nearest_search (const struct nearest_map *centroids, const f_pixel px, int likely_colormap_index, const float min_opaque_val, float *diff) { const bool iebug = px.a > min_opaque_val; const struct head *const heads = centroids->heads; float guess_diff; unsigned int i; assert (likely_colormap_index < centroids->map->colors); guess_diff = colordifference (centroids->map->palette[likely_colormap_index].acolor, px); if (guess_diff < centroids->nearest_other_color_dist[likely_colormap_index]) { if (diff) *diff = guess_diff; return likely_colormap_index; } for (i = 0; /* last head will always be selected */ ; i++) { float vantage_point_dist = colordifference (px, heads[i].vantage_point); if (vantage_point_dist <= heads[i].radius) { unsigned int ind = 0; float dist; assert (heads[i].num_candidates); dist = colordifference (px, heads[i].candidates_color[0]); /* penalty for making holes in IE */ if (iebug && heads[i].candidates_color[0].a < 1) { dist += 1.f / 1024.f; } for (unsigned int j = 1; j < heads[i].num_candidates; j++) { float newdist = colordifference (px, heads[i].candidates_color[j]); /* penalty for making holes in IE */ if (iebug && heads[i].candidates_color[j].a < 1) { newdist += 1.f / 1024.f; } if (newdist < dist) { dist = newdist; ind = j; } } if (diff) *diff = dist; return heads[i].candidates_index[ind]; } } } LIQ_PRIVATE void nearest_free (struct nearest_map *centroids) { mempool_destroy (centroids->mempool); }