/* GStreamer
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved.
 *   Author: Thiago Santos <thiagoss@osg.samsung.com>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/base/gstadapter.h>
#include <gst/uridownloader/gsturidownloader.h>
#include <gst/adaptivedemux/adaptive-demux-prelude.h>


#define GST_ADAPTIVE_DEMUX(obj) \
#define GST_IS_ADAPTIVE_DEMUX(obj) \
#define GST_ADAPTIVE_DEMUX_CAST(obj) ((GstAdaptiveDemux *)obj)

#define GST_ADAPTIVE_DEMUX_STREAM_CAST(obj) ((GstAdaptiveDemuxStream *)obj)

 * The name of the templates for the sink pad.

 * @obj: a #GstAdaptiveDemux
 * Gives the pointer to the sink #GstPad object of the element.
#define GST_ADAPTIVE_DEMUX_SINK_PAD(obj)        (((GstAdaptiveDemux *) (obj))->sinkpad)


#define GST_ADAPTIVE_DEMUX_STREAM_PAD(obj)      (((GstAdaptiveDemuxStream *) (obj))->pad)

#define GST_ADAPTIVE_DEMUX_STREAM_NEED_HEADER(obj) (((GstAdaptiveDemuxStream *) (obj))->need_header)

 * Name of the ELEMENT type messages posted by dashdemux with statistics.
 * Since: 1.6
#define GST_ADAPTIVE_DEMUX_STATISTICS_MESSAGE_NAME "adaptive-streaming-statistics"

  gchar *__dbg = g_strdup_printf ("%s: %s", msg, err->message);         \
  GST_WARNING_OBJECT (el, "error: %s", __dbg);                          \
  gst_element_message_full (GST_ELEMENT(el), GST_MESSAGE_ERROR,         \
    err->domain, err->code,                                             \
    NULL, __dbg, __FILE__, GST_FUNCTION, __LINE__);                     \
  g_clear_error (&err); \


typedef struct _GstAdaptiveDemuxStreamFragment GstAdaptiveDemuxStreamFragment;
typedef struct _GstAdaptiveDemuxStream GstAdaptiveDemuxStream;
typedef struct _GstAdaptiveDemux GstAdaptiveDemux;
typedef struct _GstAdaptiveDemuxClass GstAdaptiveDemuxClass;
typedef struct _GstAdaptiveDemuxPrivate GstAdaptiveDemuxPrivate;

struct _GstAdaptiveDemuxStreamFragment
  GstClockTime timestamp;
  GstClockTime duration;

  gchar *uri;
  gint64 range_start;
  gint64 range_end;

  /* when chunked downloading is used, may be be updated need_another_chunk() */
  guint chunk_size;

  /* when headers are needed */
  gchar *header_uri;
  gint64 header_range_start;
  gint64 header_range_end;

  /* when index is needed */
  gchar *index_uri;
  gint64 index_range_start;
  gint64 index_range_end;

  /* Nominal bitrate as provided by
   * sub-class or calculated by base-class */
  guint bitrate;

  gboolean finished;

struct _GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
  GstPad *pad;
  GstPad *internal_pad;

  GstAdaptiveDemux *demux;

  GstSegment segment;

  GstCaps *pending_caps;
  GstEvent *pending_segment;
  GstTagList *pending_tags;
  gboolean need_header;
  GList *pending_events;

  GstFlowReturn last_ret;
  GError *last_error;

  GstTask *download_task;
  GRecMutex download_lock;

  gboolean restart_download;
  gboolean discont;

  gboolean downloading_first_buffer;
  gboolean downloading_header;
  gboolean downloading_index;

  gboolean bitrate_changed;

  /* download tooling */
  GstElement *src;
  guint last_status_code;
  GstPad *src_srcpad;
  GstElement *uri_handler;
  GstElement *queue;
  GMutex fragment_download_lock;
  GCond fragment_download_cond;
  gboolean download_finished;   /* protected by fragment_download_lock */
  gboolean cancelled; /* protected by fragment_download_lock */
  gboolean replaced; /* replaced in a bitrate switch (used with cancelled) */
  gboolean src_at_ready;     /* protected by fragment_download_lock */
  gboolean starting_fragment;
  gboolean first_fragment_buffer;
  gint64 download_start_time;
  gint64 download_total_bytes;
  guint64 current_download_rate;

  /* amount of data downloaded in current fragment (pre-queue2) */
  guint64 fragment_bytes_downloaded;
  /* bitrate of the previous fragment (pre-queue2) */
  guint64 last_bitrate;
  /* latency (request to first byte) and full download time (request to EOS)
   * of previous fragment (pre-queue2) */
  GstClockTime last_latency;
  GstClockTime last_download_time;

  /* Average for the last fragments */
  guint64 moving_bitrate;
  guint moving_index;
  guint64 *fragment_bitrates;

  /* QoS data : UNUSED !!! */
  GstClockTime qos_earliest_time;

  GstAdaptiveDemuxStreamFragment fragment;

  guint download_error_count;

  /* TODO check if used */
  gboolean eos;

  gboolean do_block; /* TRUE if stream should block on preroll */

 * GstAdaptiveDemux:
 * The opaque #GstAdaptiveDemux data structure.
struct _GstAdaptiveDemux
  /*< private >*/
  GstBin     bin;

  gint running;

  gsize stream_struct_size;

  /*< protected >*/
  GstPad         *sinkpad;

  GstUriDownloader *downloader;

  GList *streams;
  GList *prepared_streams;
  GList *next_streams;

  GstSegment segment;

  gchar *manifest_uri;
  gchar *manifest_base_uri;

  /* Properties */
  gfloat bitrate_limit;         /* limit of the available bitrate to use */
  guint connection_speed;

  gboolean have_group_id;
  guint group_id;

  /* Realtime clock */
  GstClock *realtime_clock;
  gint64 clock_offset; /* offset between realtime_clock and UTC (in usec) */

  /* < private > */
  GstAdaptiveDemuxPrivate *priv;

 * GstAdaptiveDemuxClass:
struct _GstAdaptiveDemuxClass
  /*< private >*/
  GstBinClass bin_class;

  /*< public >*/

   * process_manifest: Parse the manifest
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * @manifest: the manifest to be parsed
   * Parse the manifest and add the created streams using
   * gst_adaptive_demux_stream_new()
   * Returns: %TRUE if successful
  gboolean      (*process_manifest) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux, GstBuffer * manifest);

   * get_manifest_update_interval:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * Used during live streaming, the subclass should return the interval
   * between successive manifest updates
   * Returns: the update interval in microseconds
  gint64        (*get_manifest_update_interval) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

   * update_manifest:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * During live streaming, this will be called for the subclass to update its
   * manifest with the new version. By default it fetches the manifest URI
   * and passes it to GstAdaptiveDemux::update_manifest_data().
   * Returns: #GST_FLOW_OK is all succeeded, #GST_FLOW_EOS if the stream ended
   *          or #GST_FLOW_ERROR if an error happened
  GstFlowReturn (*update_manifest) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

   * update_manifest_data:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * @buf: Downloaded manifest data
   * During live streaming, this will be called for the subclass to update its
   * manifest with the new version
   * Returns: #GST_FLOW_OK is all succeeded, #GST_FLOW_EOS if the stream ended
   *          or #GST_FLOW_ERROR if an error happened
  GstFlowReturn (*update_manifest_data) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux, GstBuffer * buf);

  gboolean      (*is_live)          (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);
  GstClockTime  (*get_duration)     (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

   * reset:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * Reset the internal state of the subclass, getting ready to restart with
   * a new stream afterwards
  void          (*reset)            (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

   * seek:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * @seek: a seek #GstEvent
   * The demuxer should seek on all its streams to the specified position
   * in the seek event
   * Returns: %TRUE if successful
  gboolean      (*seek)             (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux, GstEvent * seek);

   * has_next_period:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * Checks if there is a next period following the current one.
   * DASH can have multiple medias chained in its manifest, when one finishes
   * this function is called to verify if there is a new period to be played
   * in sequence.
   * Returns: %TRUE if there is another period
  gboolean      (*has_next_period)  (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);
   * advance_period:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * Advances the manifest to the next period. New streams should be created
   * using gst_adaptive_demux_stream_new().
  void          (*advance_period)  (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

  void          (*stream_free)     (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream);
  GstFlowReturn (*stream_seek)     (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream, gboolean forward, GstSeekFlags flags, GstClockTime target_ts, GstClockTime * final_ts);
  gboolean      (*stream_has_next_fragment)  (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream);
  GstFlowReturn (*stream_advance_fragment) (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream);

   * need_another_chunk:
   * @stream: #GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
   * If chunked downloading is used (chunk_size != 0) this is called once a
   * chunk is finished to decide whether more has to be downloaded or not.
   * May update chunk_size to a different value
  gboolean      (*need_another_chunk) (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream);

   * stream_update_fragment_info:
   * @stream: #GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
   * Requests the stream to set the information about the current fragment to its
   * current fragment struct
   * Returns: #GST_FLOW_OK in success, #GST_FLOW_ERROR on error and #GST_FLOW_EOS
   *          if there is no fragment.
  GstFlowReturn (*stream_update_fragment_info) (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream);
   * stream_select_bitrate:
   * @stream: #GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
   * @bitrate: the bitrate to select (in bytes per second)
   * The stream should try to select the bitrate that is the greater, but not
   * greater than the requested bitrate. If it needs a codec change it should
   * create the new stream using gst_adaptive_demux_stream_new(). If it only
   * needs a caps change it should set the new caps using
   * gst_adaptive_demux_stream_set_caps().
   * Returns: %TRUE if the stream changed bitrate, %FALSE otherwise
  gboolean      (*stream_select_bitrate) (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream, guint64 bitrate);
   * stream_get_fragment_waiting_time:
   * @stream: #GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
   * For live streams, requests how much time should be waited before starting
   * to download the fragment. This is useful to avoid downloading a fragment that
   * isn't available yet.
   * Returns: The waiting time in microseconds
  gint64        (*stream_get_fragment_waiting_time) (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream);

   * start_fragment:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * @stream: #GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
   * Notifies the subclass that the given stream is starting the download
   * of a new fragment. Can be used to reset/init internal state that is
   * needed before each fragment, like decryption engines.
   * Returns: %TRUE if successful.
  gboolean      (*start_fragment) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux, GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream);
   * finish_fragment:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * @stream: #GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
   * Notifies the subclass that a fragment download was finished.
   * It can be used to cleanup internal state after a fragment and
   * also push any pending data before moving to the next fragment.
  GstFlowReturn (*finish_fragment) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux, GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream);
   * data_received:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * @stream: #GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
   * @buffer: #GstBuffer
   * Notifies the subclass that a fragment chunk was downloaded. The subclass
   * can look at the data and modify/push data as desired.
   * Returns: #GST_FLOW_OK if successful, #GST_FLOW_ERROR in case of error.
  GstFlowReturn (*data_received) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux, GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream, GstBuffer * buffer);

   * get_live_seek_range:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * @start: pointer to put the start position allowed to seek to
   * @stop: pointer to put the stop position allowed to seek to
   * Gets the allowed seek start and stop positions for the current live stream
   * Return: %TRUE if successful
  gboolean (*get_live_seek_range) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux, gint64 * start, gint64 * stop);

   * get_presentation_offset:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * @stream: #GstAdaptiveDemuxStream
   * Gets the delay to apply to @stream.
   * Return: a #GstClockTime representing the (positive) time offset to apply to
   * @stream.
  GstClockTime (*get_presentation_offset) (GstAdaptiveDemux *demux, GstAdaptiveDemuxStream *stream);

   * get_period_start_time:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * Gets the start time of the current period. Timestamps are resetting to 0
   * after each period but we have to maintain a continuous stream and running
   * time so need to know the start time of the current period.
   * Return: a #GstClockTime representing the start time of the currently
   * selected period.
  GstClockTime (*get_period_start_time) (GstAdaptiveDemux *demux);

   * requires_periodical_playlist_update:
   * @demux: #GstAdaptiveDemux
   * Some adaptive streaming protocols allow the client to download
   * the playlist once and build up the fragment list based on the
   * current fragment metadata. For those protocols the demuxer
   * doesn't need to periodically refresh the playlist. This vfunc
   * is relevant only for live playback scenarios.
   * Return: %TRUE if the playlist needs to be refreshed periodically by the demuxer.
  gboolean (*requires_periodical_playlist_update) (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

GType    gst_adaptive_demux_get_type (void);

void     gst_adaptive_demux_set_stream_struct_size (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux,
                                                    gsize struct_size);

GstAdaptiveDemuxStream *gst_adaptive_demux_stream_new (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux,
                                                       GstPad * pad);

GstAdaptiveDemuxStream *gst_adaptive_demux_find_stream_for_pad (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux,
                                                                GstPad * pad);

void gst_adaptive_demux_stream_set_caps (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream,
                                         GstCaps * caps);

void gst_adaptive_demux_stream_set_tags (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream,
                                         GstTagList * tags);

void gst_adaptive_demux_stream_fragment_clear (GstAdaptiveDemuxStreamFragment * f);

GstFlowReturn gst_adaptive_demux_stream_push_buffer (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream, GstBuffer * buffer);

gst_adaptive_demux_stream_advance_fragment (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux,
    GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream, GstClockTime duration);

void gst_adaptive_demux_stream_queue_event (GstAdaptiveDemuxStream * stream,
    GstEvent * event);

GstClockTime gst_adaptive_demux_get_monotonic_time (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

GDateTime *gst_adaptive_demux_get_client_now_utc (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

gboolean gst_adaptive_demux_is_running (GstAdaptiveDemux * demux);

GstClockTime gst_adaptive_demux_get_qos_earliest_time (GstAdaptiveDemux *demux);

