// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator. // Any changes made will be lost if regenerated. namespace Gst.Rtsp { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #region Autogenerated code [GLib.GType (typeof (Gst.Rtsp.RTSPStatusCodeGType))] public enum RTSPStatusCode { Invalid = 0, Continue = 100, Ok = 200, Created = 201, LowOnStorage = 250, MultipleChoices = 300, MovedPermanently = 301, MoveTemporarily = 302, SeeOther = 303, NotModified = 304, UseProxy = 305, RedirectTemporarily = 307, RedirectPermanently = 308, BadRequest = 400, Unauthorized = 401, PaymentRequired = 402, Forbidden = 403, NotFound = 404, MethodNotAllowed = 405, NotAcceptable = 406, ProxyAuthRequired = 407, RequestTimeout = 408, Gone = 410, LengthRequired = 411, PreconditionFailed = 412, RequestEntityTooLarge = 413, RequestUriTooLarge = 414, UnsupportedMediaType = 415, ParameterNotUnderstood = 451, ConferenceNotFound = 452, NotEnoughBandwidth = 453, SessionNotFound = 454, MethodNotValidInThisState = 455, HeaderFieldNotValidForResource = 456, InvalidRange = 457, ParameterIsReadonly = 458, AggregateOperationNotAllowed = 459, OnlyAggregateOperationAllowed = 460, UnsupportedTransport = 461, DestinationUnreachable = 462, KeyManagementFailure = 463, InternalServerError = 500, NotImplemented = 501, BadGateway = 502, ServiceUnavailable = 503, GatewayTimeout = 504, RtspVersionNotSupported = 505, OptionNotSupported = 551, } internal class RTSPStatusCodeGType { [DllImport ("gstrtsp-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_status_code_get_type (); public static GLib.GType GType { get { return new GLib.GType (gst_rtsp_status_code_get_type ()); } } } #endregion }