GstLame::allow-diff-short gboolean rw Allow diff short Allow diff short. FALSE GstLame::ath-lower gint rw ATH lower lowers ATH by x dB. 3 GstLame::ath-only gboolean rw ATH only Ignore GPSYCHO completely, use ATH only. FALSE GstLame::ath-short gboolean rw ATH short Ignore GPSYCHO for short blocks, use ATH only. FALSE GstLame::bitrate gint [0,320] rw Bitrate (kb/s) Bitrate in kbit/sec (8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 or 320). 128 GstLame::compression-ratio gfloat [0,200] rw Compression Ratio let lame choose bitrate to achieve selected compression ratio. 0 GstLame::copyright gboolean rw Copyright Mark as copyright. FALSE GstLame::cwlimit gint [0,50000] rw Cwlimit Compute tonality up to freq (in kHz) default 8.8717 (DEPRECATED: this setting has no effect). 0 GstLame::disable-reservoir gboolean rw Disable reservoir Disable the bit reservoir. TRUE GstLame::emphasis gboolean rw Emphasis Emphasis. FALSE GstLame::error-protection gboolean rw Error protection Adds 16 bit checksum to every frame. FALSE GstLame::extension gboolean rw Extension Extension. FALSE GstLame::force-ms gboolean rw Force ms Force ms_stereo on all frames. FALSE GstLame::free-format gboolean rw Free format Produce a free format bitstream. FALSE GstLame::highpass-freq gint [0,50000] rw Highpass freq frequency(kHz), highpass filter cutoff below freq. 0 GstLame::highpass-width gint >= -1 rw Highpass width frequency(kHz) - default 15% of highpass freq. -1 GstLame::lowpass-freq gint [0,50000] rw Lowpass freq frequency(kHz), lowpass filter cutoff above freq. 17000 GstLame::lowpass-width gint >= -1 rw Lowpass width frequency(kHz) - default 15% of lowpass freq. -1 GstLame::mode GstLameMode rw Mode Encoding mode. Joint Stereo GstLame::no-ath gboolean rw No ath turns ATH down to a flat noise floor. FALSE GstLame::no-short-blocks gboolean rw No short blocks Do not use short blocks. FALSE GstLame::original gboolean rw Original Mark as original. TRUE GstLame::padding-type GstLamePadding rw Padding type Padding type (DEPRECATED: this setting has no effect). No Padding GstLame::preset GstLamePreset rw Lame Preset Lame Preset. None GstLame::quality GstLameQuality rw Quality Quality of algorithm used for encoding. 3 GstLame::strict-iso gboolean rw Strict ISO Comply as much as possible to ISO MPEG spec. TRUE GstLame::vbr GstLameVbrmode rw VBR Specify bitrate mode. No VBR (Constant Bitrate) GstLame::vbr-hard-min gint [0,1] rw VBR hard min Specify whether min VBR bitrate is a hard limit. Normally, it can be violated for silence. 0 GstLame::vbr-max-bitrate gint [0,320] rw VBR max bitrate Specify maximum VBR bitrate (8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 or 320). 0 GstLame::vbr-mean-bitrate gint [0,320] rw VBR mean bitrate Specify mean VBR bitrate. 128 GstLame::vbr-min-bitrate gint [0,320] rw VBR min bitrate Specify minimum VBR bitrate (8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 or 320). 0 GstLame::vbr-quality GstLameQuality rw VBR Quality VBR Quality. 4 GstLame::xingheader gboolean rw Output Xing Header Output Xing Header (BROKEN, use xingmux instead). FALSE GstMad::half gboolean rw Half Generate PCM at 1/2 sample rate. FALSE GstMad::ignore-crc gboolean rw Ignore CRC Ignore CRC errors. TRUE GstID3Demux::prefer-v1 gboolean rwx prefer version 1 tag Prefer tags from tag at end of file. FALSE GstID3Mux::v1-tag gboolean rwx add version 1 tag Add version 1 tag at end of file. FALSE GstID3Mux::v2-tag gboolean rwx add version 2 tag Add version 2 tag at start of file. TRUE GstID3Tag::prefer-v1 gboolean rwx prefer version 1 tag Prefer tags from tag at end of file. FALSE GstID3Tag::v1-tag gboolean rwx add version 1 tag Add version 1 tag at end of file. FALSE GstID3Tag::v2-tag gboolean rwx add version 2 tag Add version 2 tag at start of file. TRUE GstSidDec::blocksize gulong >= 1 rw Block size Size in bytes to output per buffer. GstSidDec::clock GstSidClock rw clock clock. PAL GstSidDec::filter gboolean rw filter filter. TRUE GstSidDec::force-speed gboolean rw force_speed force_speed. FALSE GstSidDec::measured-volume gboolean rw measured_volume measured_volume. TRUE GstSidDec::memory GstSidMemory rw memory memory. Bank Switching GstSidDec::metadata GstCaps* r Metadata Metadata. GstSidDec::mos8580 gboolean rw mos8580 mos8580. FALSE GstSidDec::tune gint [0,100] rw tune tune. 0 GstMPEGAudioParse::bitrate gint r Bitrate Bit Rate. 0 GstMPEGAudioParse::skip gint rw skip skip. 0 GstA52Dec::drc gboolean rw Dynamic Range Compression Use Dynamic Range Compression. FALSE GstA52Dec::lfe gboolean rw LFE LFE. TRUE GstA52Dec::mode GstA52DecMode rw Decoder Mode Decoding Mode (default 3f2r). 3 Front, 2 Rear GstMPEGParse::adjust gboolean rw adjust Adjust timestamps to smooth discontinuities. TRUE GstMPEGParse::byte-offset guint64 rw Byte Offset Emit reached-offset signal when the byte offset is reached. 18446744073709551615 GstMPEGParse::max-discont gint >= 0 rw Max Discont The maximum allowed SCR discontinuity. 120000 GstMPEGParse::sync gboolean rw Sync Synchronize on the stream SCR. FALSE GstMPEGParse::time-offset guint64 r Time Offset Time offset in the stream. 18446744073709551615 GstMPEGParse::max-scr-gap gint >= -1 rw Max SCR gap Maximum allowed gap between expected and actual SCR values. -1 means never adjust. 120000 AC3IEC::raw-audio gboolean rw raw-audio If true, source pad caps are set to raw audio. FALSE GstDvdReadSrc::angle gint [1,999] rw angle angle. 1 GstDvdReadSrc::chapter gint [1,999] rw chapter chapter. 1 GstDvdReadSrc::device gchar* rw Device DVD device location. NULL GstDvdReadSrc::title gint [1,999] rw title title. 1 GstRDTManager::latency guint rw Buffer latency in ms Amount of ms to buffer. 200 GstAmrnbEnc::band-mode GstAmrnbEncBandMode rwx Band Mode Encoding Band Mode (Kbps). MR122 GstCdioCddaSrc::read-speed gint [-1,100] rw Read speed Read from device at the specified speed (-1 = default). -1