/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2004 Benjamin Otte * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (theoradec_debug); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT theoradec_debug #define GST_TYPE_THEORA_DEC \ (gst_theora_dec_get_type()) #define GST_THEORA_DEC(obj) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj),GST_TYPE_THEORA_DEC,GstTheoraDec)) #define GST_THEORA_DEC_CLASS(klass) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass),GST_TYPE_THEORA_DEC,GstTheoraDec)) #define GST_IS_THEORA_DEC(obj) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj),GST_TYPE_THEORA_DEC)) #define GST_IS_THEORA_DEC_CLASS(obj) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass),GST_TYPE_THEORA_DEC)) typedef struct _GstTheoraDec GstTheoraDec; typedef struct _GstTheoraDecClass GstTheoraDecClass; struct _GstTheoraDec { GstElement element; GstPad *sinkpad; GstPad *srcpad; theora_state state; theora_info info; theora_comment comment; guint packetno; guint64 granulepos; gboolean need_keyframe; }; struct _GstTheoraDecClass { GstElementClass parent_class; }; static GstElementDetails theora_dec_details = { "TheoraDec", "Codec/Decoder/Video", "decode raw theora streams to raw YUV video", "Benjamin Otte ", }; static GstStaticPadTemplate theora_dec_src_factory = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("src", GST_PAD_SRC, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-raw-yuv, " "format = (fourcc) I420, " "framerate = (double) [0, MAX], " "width = (int) [ 1, MAX ], " "height = (int) [ 1, MAX ]") ); static GstStaticPadTemplate theora_dec_sink_factory = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink", GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_STATIC_CAPS ("video/x-theora") ); GST_BOILERPLATE (GstTheoraDec, gst_theora_dec, GstElement, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT); static void theora_dec_chain (GstPad * pad, GstData * data); static GstElementStateReturn theora_dec_change_state (GstElement * element); static gboolean theora_dec_src_event (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event); static gboolean theora_dec_src_query (GstPad * pad, GstQueryType query, GstFormat * format, gint64 * value); static void gst_theora_dec_base_init (gpointer g_class) { GstElementClass *element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (g_class); gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class, gst_static_pad_template_get (&theora_dec_src_factory)); gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class, gst_static_pad_template_get (&theora_dec_sink_factory)); gst_element_class_set_details (element_class, &theora_dec_details); } static void gst_theora_dec_class_init (GstTheoraDecClass * klass) { GstElementClass *gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass); gstelement_class->change_state = theora_dec_change_state; GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (theoradec_debug, "theoradec", 0, "Theora decoder"); } static void gst_theora_dec_init (GstTheoraDec * dec) { dec->sinkpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (gst_static_pad_template_get (&theora_dec_sink_factory), "sink"); gst_pad_set_chain_function (dec->sinkpad, theora_dec_chain); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (dec), dec->sinkpad); dec->srcpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (gst_static_pad_template_get (&theora_dec_src_factory), "src"); gst_pad_use_explicit_caps (dec->srcpad); gst_pad_set_event_function (dec->srcpad, theora_dec_src_event); gst_pad_set_query_function (dec->srcpad, theora_dec_src_query); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (dec), dec->srcpad); GST_FLAG_SET (dec, GST_ELEMENT_EVENT_AWARE); } /* FIXME: copy from libtheora, theora should somehow make this available for seeking */ static int _theora_ilog (unsigned int v) { int ret = 0; while (v) { ret++; v >>= 1; } return (ret); } static gboolean theora_dec_from_granulepos (GstTheoraDec * dec, GstFormat format, guint64 from, guint64 * to) { guint64 framecount; guint ilog = _theora_ilog (dec->info.keyframe_frequency_force - 1); if (dec->packetno < 1) return FALSE; /* granulepos is last ilog bits for counting pframes since last iframe and * bits in front of that for the framenumber of the last iframe. */ framecount = from >> ilog; framecount += from - (framecount << ilog); switch (format) { case GST_FORMAT_TIME: *to = framecount * (GST_SECOND * dec->info.fps_denominator / dec->info.fps_numerator); break; case GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT: *to = framecount; break; case GST_FORMAT_BYTES: *to = framecount * dec->info.height * dec->info.width * 3 / 2; break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* FIXME: we can only seek to keyframes... */ static gboolean theora_dec_to_granulepos (GstTheoraDec * dec, GstFormat format, guint64 from, guint64 * to) { guint64 framecount; if (dec->packetno < 1) return FALSE; switch (format) { case GST_FORMAT_TIME: framecount = from * dec->info.fps_numerator / (GST_SECOND * dec->info.fps_denominator); break; case GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT: framecount = from; break; case GST_FORMAT_BYTES: framecount = from * 8 / (dec->info.height * dec->info.width * 12); break; default: return FALSE; } *to = framecount << _theora_ilog (dec->info.keyframe_frequency_force - 1); return TRUE; } static gboolean theora_dec_src_query (GstPad * pad, GstQueryType query, GstFormat * format, gint64 * value) { gint64 granulepos; GstTheoraDec *dec = GST_THEORA_DEC (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); GstFormat my_format = GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT; if (query == GST_QUERY_POSITION) { granulepos = dec->granulepos; } else { if (!gst_pad_query (GST_PAD_PEER (dec->sinkpad), query, &my_format, &granulepos)) return FALSE; } if (!theora_dec_from_granulepos (dec, *format, granulepos, value)) return FALSE; GST_LOG_OBJECT (dec, "query %u: peer returned granulepos: %llu - we return %llu (format %u)", query, granulepos, *value, *format); return TRUE; } static gboolean theora_dec_src_event (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event) { gboolean res = TRUE; GstTheoraDec *dec; dec = GST_THEORA_DEC (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) { case GST_EVENT_SEEK:{ guint64 value; res = theora_dec_to_granulepos (dec, GST_EVENT_SEEK_FORMAT (event), GST_EVENT_SEEK_OFFSET (event), &value); if (res) { GstEvent *real_seek = gst_event_new_seek ( (GST_EVENT_SEEK_TYPE (event) & ~GST_SEEK_FORMAT_MASK) | GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT, value); /* sync to keyframe */ dec->need_keyframe = TRUE; res = gst_pad_send_event (GST_PAD_PEER (dec->sinkpad), real_seek); } gst_event_unref (event); break; } default: res = gst_pad_event_default (pad, event); break; } return res; } static void theora_dec_event (GstTheoraDec * dec, GstEvent * event) { guint64 value, time, bytes; GST_LOG_OBJECT (dec, "handling event"); switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) { case GST_EVENT_DISCONTINUOUS: if (gst_event_discont_get_value (event, GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT, &value)) { dec->granulepos = value; GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (dec, "setting granuleposition to %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " after discont", value); } else { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (dec, "discont event didn't include offset, we might set it wrong now"); } if (dec->packetno < 3) { if (dec->granulepos != 0) GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (dec, STREAM, DECODE, (NULL), ("can't handle discont before parsing first 3 packets")); dec->packetno = 0; gst_pad_push (dec->srcpad, GST_DATA (gst_event_new_discontinuous (FALSE, GST_FORMAT_TIME, (guint64) 0, GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT, (guint64) 0, GST_FORMAT_BYTES, (guint64) 0, 0))); } else { dec->packetno = 3; /* if one of them works, all of them work */ if (theora_dec_from_granulepos (dec, GST_FORMAT_TIME, dec->granulepos, &time) && theora_dec_from_granulepos (dec, GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT, dec->granulepos, &value) && theora_dec_from_granulepos (dec, GST_FORMAT_BYTES, dec->granulepos, &bytes)) { gst_pad_push (dec->srcpad, GST_DATA (gst_event_new_discontinuous (FALSE, GST_FORMAT_TIME, time, GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT, value, GST_FORMAT_BYTES, bytes, 0))); } else { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (dec, "failed to parse data for DISCONT event, not sending any"); } } break; default: break; } gst_pad_event_default (dec->sinkpad, event); } static void theora_dec_chain (GstPad * pad, GstData * data) { GstBuffer *buf; GstTheoraDec *dec; ogg_packet packet; guint64 offset_end; dec = GST_THEORA_DEC (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); if (GST_IS_EVENT (data)) { theora_dec_event (dec, GST_EVENT (data)); return; } buf = GST_BUFFER (data); offset_end = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END (buf); if (offset_end != -1) { dec->granulepos = offset_end; } /* make ogg_packet out of the buffer */ packet.packet = GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf); packet.bytes = GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf); packet.granulepos = dec->granulepos; packet.packetno = dec->packetno++; packet.b_o_s = (packet.packetno == 0) ? 1 : 0; packet.e_o_s = 0; /* switch depending on packet type */ if (packet.packet[0] & 0x80) { /* header packet */ if (theora_decode_header (&dec->info, &dec->comment, &packet)) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (GST_ELEMENT (dec), STREAM, DECODE, (NULL), ("couldn't read header packet")); gst_data_unref (data); return; } if (packet.packetno == 1) { gchar *encoder = NULL; GstTagList *list = gst_tag_list_from_vorbiscomment_buffer (buf, "\201theora", 7, &encoder); if (!list) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (dec, "failed to parse tags"); list = gst_tag_list_new (); } if (encoder) { gst_tag_list_add (list, GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE, GST_TAG_ENCODER, encoder, NULL); g_free (encoder); } gst_tag_list_add (list, GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE, GST_TAG_ENCODER_VERSION, dec->info.version_major, NULL); gst_element_found_tags_for_pad (GST_ELEMENT (dec), dec->srcpad, 0, list); } else if (packet.packetno == 2) { GstCaps *caps; /* done */ theora_decode_init (&dec->state, &dec->info); caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-raw-yuv", "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('I', '4', '2', '0'), "framerate", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, ((gdouble) dec->info.fps_numerator) / dec->info.fps_denominator, "width", G_TYPE_INT, dec->info.width, "height", G_TYPE_INT, dec->info.height, NULL); gst_pad_set_explicit_caps (dec->srcpad, caps); gst_caps_free (caps); } } else { /* normal data packet */ yuv_buffer yuv; GstBuffer *out; guint8 *y, *v, *u; guint i; gboolean keyframe; /* the second most significant bit of the first data byte is cleared * for keyframes */ keyframe = (packet.packet[0] & 0x40) == 0; if (keyframe) { dec->need_keyframe = FALSE; } else if (dec->need_keyframe) { /* drop frames if we're looking for a keyframe */ gst_data_unref (data); return; } #if 0 { GTimeVal tv; guint64 time; g_get_current_time (&tv); time = GST_TIMEVAL_TO_TIME (tv); #endif if (theora_decode_packetin (&dec->state, &packet)) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (GST_ELEMENT (dec), STREAM, DECODE, (NULL), ("theora decoder did not read data packet")); gst_data_unref (data); return; } if (theora_decode_YUVout (&dec->state, &yuv) < 0) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (GST_ELEMENT (dec), STREAM, DECODE, (NULL), ("couldn't read out YUV image")); gst_data_unref (data); return; } g_return_if_fail (yuv.y_width == dec->info.width); g_return_if_fail (yuv.y_height == dec->info.height); out = gst_pad_alloc_buffer (dec->srcpad, GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE, yuv.y_width * yuv.y_height * 12 / 8); y = GST_BUFFER_DATA (out); u = y + yuv.y_width * yuv.y_height; v = u + yuv.y_width * yuv.y_height / 4; for (i = 0; i < yuv.y_height; i++) { memcpy (y + i * yuv.y_width, yuv.y + i * yuv.y_stride, yuv.y_width); } for (i = 0; i < yuv.y_height / 2; i++) { memcpy (u + i * yuv.uv_width, yuv.u + i * yuv.uv_stride, yuv.uv_width); memcpy (v + i * yuv.uv_width, yuv.v + i * yuv.uv_stride, yuv.uv_width); } GST_BUFFER_OFFSET (out) = dec->packetno - 4; GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END (out) = dec->packetno - 3; GST_BUFFER_DURATION (out) = GST_SECOND * ((gdouble) dec->info.fps_denominator) / dec->info.fps_numerator; GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (out) = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET (out) * GST_BUFFER_DURATION (out); #if 0 g_get_current_time (&tv); time = GST_TIMEVAL_TO_TIME (tv) - time; if (time > 10000000) g_print ("w00t, you're sl0000w!! - %llu\n", time); } #endif gst_pad_push (dec->srcpad, GST_DATA (out)); } gst_data_unref (data); } static GstElementStateReturn theora_dec_change_state (GstElement * element) { GstTheoraDec *dec = GST_THEORA_DEC (element); switch (GST_STATE_TRANSITION (element)) { case GST_STATE_NULL_TO_READY: break; case GST_STATE_READY_TO_PAUSED: theora_info_init (&dec->info); theora_comment_init (&dec->comment); dec->need_keyframe = TRUE; break; case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_PLAYING: break; case GST_STATE_PLAYING_TO_PAUSED: break; case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_READY: theora_clear (&dec->state); theora_comment_clear (&dec->comment); theora_info_clear (&dec->info); dec->packetno = 0; dec->granulepos = 0; break; case GST_STATE_READY_TO_NULL: break; default: break; } return parent_class->change_state (element); }