gstopencv_sources = [ 'gstcvdilate.cpp', 'gstcvdilateerode.cpp', 'gstcvequalizehist.cpp', 'gstcverode.cpp', 'gstcvlaplace.cpp', 'gstcvsmooth.cpp', 'gstcvsobel.cpp', 'gstdisparity.cpp', 'gstedgedetect.cpp', 'gstfaceblur.cpp', 'gstfacedetect.cpp', 'gstgrabcut.cpp', 'gsthanddetect.cpp', 'gstmotioncells.cpp', 'gstopencv.cpp', 'gstretinex.cpp', 'gstsegmentation.cpp', 'gstskindetect.cpp', 'gsttemplatematch.cpp', 'gsttextoverlay.cpp', 'MotionCells.cpp', 'motioncells_wrapper.cpp' ] libopencv2_headers = [ 'opencv2/core/core_c.h', 'opencv2/core/version.hpp', 'opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h', 'opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp', 'opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h', 'opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp', 'opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp', ] gstopencv_cargs = ['-DGST_HAAR_CASCADES_DIR="@0@"'] # First, check for the upper version limit and ensure it isn't found # FIXME: When 0.37.0 is released, change this to use many-version-conditions opencv3_dep = dependency('opencv', version : '>3.1.0', required : false) # Then, check if the lower version limit is found opencv2_dep = dependency('opencv', version : '>=2.3.0', required : false) opencv2_found = false if opencv3_dep.found() message('OpenCV version is too new: \'' + opencv3_dep.version() + '\' (need <= 3.1.0)') elif opencv2_dep.found() message('OpenCV found, version is \'' + opencv2_dep.version() + '\'') opencv2_found = true foreach h : libopencv2_headers if not cxx.has_header(h) message('Needed header "' + h + '" not found') opencv2_found = false endif endforeach endif if opencv2_found opencv2_prefix = opencv2_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('prefix') gstopencv_cargs += ['-DOPENCV_PREFIX="' + opencv2_prefix + '"'] # Check the data dir used by opencv for its xml data files # Use prefix from pkg-config to be compatible with cross-compilation r = run_command('test', '-d', opencv2_prefix + '/share/opencv') if r.returncode() == 0 gstopencv_cargs += '-DOPENCV_PATH_NAME="opencv"' else r = run_command('test', '-d', opencv2_prefix + '/share/OpenCV') if r.returncode() == 0 gstopencv_cargs += '-DOPENCV_PATH_NAME="OpenCv"' else error('Unable to detect OpenCV data directory') endif endif gstopencv = library('gstopencv', gstopencv_sources, cpp_args : gst_plugins_bad_args + gstopencv_cargs + [ '-DGST_USE_UNSTABLE_API' ], link_args : noseh_link_args, include_directories : [configinc], dependencies : [gstbase_dep, gstvideo_dep, opencv2_dep, gstopencv_dep], install : true, install_dir : plugins_install_dir, ) endif