Type of analytics meta data Handle containing data required to use gst_analytics_cls_mtd APIs. This type is generally expected to be allocated on the stack. Instance identifier. Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta where the analysis-metadata identified by @id is stored. index of the class associated with @quarks ( and label) or a negative value on failure. Instance handle Quark of the class Get index of class represented by @quark Number of classes in this classification instance Instance handle Get number of classes Get confidence level for class at @index confidence level for @index, <0.0 if the call failed. instance handle Object class index Quark of this class (label) associated with @index Instance handle index of the class Get quark of the class at @index Get the static string representing #GstAnalyticsMtd type. #GstAnalyticsMtd type name. Get a quark identifying #GstAnalyticsMtd type. Quark of #GstAnalyticsMtd type A wildcard matching any type of analysis Handle containing data required to use gst_analytics_mtd API. This type is generally expected to be allocated on the stack. Instance identifier. Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta where the analysis-metadata identified by @id is stored. Id of @instance Instance of #GstAnalyticsMtd Get instance id @instance Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelatableMtd Get instance size Size (in bytes) of this instance or 0 on failure. quark associated with type. Instance of #GstAnalyticsMtd Get analysis result type. Handle containing data required to use gst_analytics_od_mtd APIs. This type is generally expected to be allocated on the stack. Instance identifier. Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta where the analysis-metadata identified by @id is stored. Retrieve location and location confidence level. TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE. instance x component of upper-left corner of the object location y component of upper-left corner of the object location bounding box width of the object location bounding box height of the object location Confidence on object location Quark different from on success and 0 on failure. Instance handle Quark of the class of object associated with this location. Get a text representing object-detection metadata type. #GstAnalyticsMtd type name. Get a quark that represent object-detection metadata type Quark of #GstAnalyticsMtd type No relation First analysis-meta is part of second analysis-meta First analysis-meta contain second analysis-meta. reserved Only use for criteria. Base structure for analysis-metadata that can be placed in relation. Only other analysis-metadata based on GstAnalyticsRelatableMtdData should directly use this structure. Identify the type of analysis-metadata Instance identifier. Size in bytes of the instance Add analytic classification metadata to @instance. Added successfully Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta where to add classification instance length of @confidence_levels confidence levels labels of this classification. Order define index, quark, labels relation. This array need to exist as long has this classification meta exist. Handle updated to newly added classification meta. Add a relatable metadata to @meta. This method is meant to be used by new struct sub-classing GstAnalyticsRelatableMtd. New GstAnalyticsRelatableMtdData instance. Since 1.24 Instance Type of relatable (#GstAnalyticsRelatableMtd) Size required Updated handle Added successfully Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta where to add classification instance Quark of the object type x component of bounding box upper-left corner y component of bounding box upper-left corner bounding box width bounding box height confidence level on the object location Handle updated with newly added object detection meta. Add an object-detetion metadata to @instance. Add analytic classification metadata to @instance. Added successfully Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta where to add classification instance confidence levels labels of this classification. Order define index, quark, labels relation. This array need to exist as long has this classification meta exist. Handle updated to newly added classification meta. Added successfully Instance of GstAnalyticsRelationMeta where to add tracking mtd Tracking id Timestamp of first time the object was observed. Handle updated with newly added tracking meta. Add an analytic tracking metadata to @instance. Verify existence of relation(s) between @an_meta_first_d and @an_meta_second_id according to relation condition @cond_types. It optionally also return a shortest path of relations ( compliant with @cond_types) between @an_meta_first_id and @an_meta_second_id. TRUE if a relation between exit between @an_meta_first_id and @an_meta_second_id, otherwise FALSE. Since 1.24 a #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta describing analysis-meta relation First analysis-meta Second analysis-meta Maximum number of relation between @an_meta_first_id and @an_meta_second_id. A value of 1 mean only only consider direct relation. condition on relation types. If not NULL this list will be filled with relation path between @an_meta_first_id and @an_meta_second_id. List value should be access with GSList API. Use GPOINTER_TO_INT(iter->data) where iter is a GSList element to get analysis-meta id on the relation path. Free this list with g_slist_free (@relations_path) after using. Fill @rlt if a analytics-meta with id == @an_meta_id exist in @meta instance, otherwise this method return FALSE and @rlt is invalid. TRUE if successful. Since 1.24 Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Id of #GstAnalyticsClsMtd instance to retrieve Will be filled with relatable meta TRUE if @rlt_mtd was updated, other wise FALSE Since 1.24 GstAnalyticsRelationMeta instance where to query for GstAnalyticsRelatableMtd. Id of GstAnalyticsMtd involved in relation to query Type of relation to filter on. Type of GstAnalyticsMtd to filter on Opaque data to store state of the query. If @state point to NULL, the first analytics-metadata directly related to @an_meta_id will be set in @rlt_mtd. Doesn't need to be free. Handle updated to directly related relatable meta. Fill @rlt if a analytics-meta with id == @an_meta_id exist in @meta instance, otherwise this method return FALSE and @rlt is invalid. TRUE if successful. Since 1.24 Instance of GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Id of GstAnalyticsMtd instance to retrieve Filter on a specific type of analysis, use %GST_ANALYTICS_MTD_TYPE_ANY to match any type Will be filled with relatable meta Instance of GstAnalyticsRelatableMtdData Since 1.24 Instance of GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Id of GstAnalyticsMtd instance to retrieve Fill @rlt if a analytics-meta with id == @an_meta_id exist in @meta instance, otherwise this method return FALSE and @rlt is invalid. TRUE if successful. Since 1.24 Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Id of #GstAnalyticsOdMtd instance to retrieve Will be filled with relatable meta relation description between first and second analysis-meta. Get relations between first and second analysis-meta. Ids (@an_meta_first_id and @an_meta_second_id) must be from a call to @gst_analytics_mtd_get_id (handle). a #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Id of first analysis-meta Id of second analysis-meta Fill @rlt if a analytics-meta with id == @an_meta_id exist in @meta instance, otherwise this method return FALSE and @rlt is invalid. TRUE if successful. Since 1.24 Instance of GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Id of GstAnalyticsMtd instance to retrieve Will be filled with relatable meta FALSE if end was reached and iteration is completed. Since 1.24 Instance of GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Opaque data to store iteration state, initialize to NULL, no need to free it. Type of GstAnalyticsMtd to iterate on or use %GST_ANALYTICS_MTD_TYPE_ANY for any. Handle updated to iterated GstAnalyticsRelatableMtd. Sets the relation (#GstAnalyticsRelTypes) between @an_meta_first and @an_meta_second. Ids must have been obtained a call to @gst_analytics_mtd_get_id(handle). TRUE on success and FALSE on failure. Parameter to receive new maximum number of analysis-meta described by relation. a #GstAnalyticsRelTypes defining relation between two analysis-meta first meta id second meta id GstAnalyticsRelationMeta initialization parameters. Initial relations order. Buffer size in bytes to store relatable metadata Store information on results of object tracking Instance identifier. Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta where the analysis-metadata identified by @id is stored. Retrieve tracking information. Successfully retrieved info. Instance of tracking metadata Updated tracking id Updated timestamp of the tracking first observation. Updated timestamp of the tracking last observation. Has the tracking been lost Update successful Instance of GstAnalyticsTrackingMtd. Set tracking to lost GstAnalyticsTrackingMtd instance Timestamp of last time this object was tracked Quark representing the type of GstAnalyticsRelatableMtd Get the quark identifying the relatable type Attach a analysis-results-meta-relation meta (#GstAnalyticsRelationMeta)to @buffer. A #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta is a metadata describing relation between other analysis meta. It's more efficient to use #gst_buffer_add_analytics_relation_meta_full and providing the maximum number of analysis meta that will attached to a buffer. Newly attached #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Since 1.24 a #GstBuffer Attache a analysis-results relation-meta (#GstAnalyticsRelationMeta) to @buffer. A #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta is a metadata describing relation between other analysis meta. Newly attached #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Since 1.24 a #GstBuffer Initialization parameters Retrives the meta or %NULL if it doesn't exist The #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta if there is one a #GstBuffer Get the static string representing #GstAnalyticsMtd type. #GstAnalyticsMtd type name. Get a quark identifying #GstAnalyticsMtd type. Quark of #GstAnalyticsMtd type Get a text representing object-detection metadata type. #GstAnalyticsMtd type name. Get a quark that represent object-detection metadata type Quark of #GstAnalyticsMtd type @instance Instance of #GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Get number of relatable meta attached to instance Number of analysis-meta attached to this instance. GType of GstAnalyticsRelationMeta Quark representing the type of GstAnalyticsRelatableMtd Get the quark identifying the relatable type