#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <gst/gst.h> #include <string.h> #include <locale.h> #include <glib/gprintf.h> #define PUT_START_TAG(pfx,tag) \ G_STMT_START{ \ g_print ("%*.*s<%s>\n", pfx, pfx, "", tag); \ }G_STMT_END #define PUT_END_TAG(pfx,tag) \ G_STMT_START{ \ g_print ("%*.*s</%s>\n", pfx, pfx, "", tag); \ }G_STMT_END #define PUT_ESCAPED(pfx,tag,value) \ G_STMT_START{ \ const gchar *toconv = value; \ if (value) { \ gchar *v = g_markup_escape_text (toconv, strlen (toconv)); \ g_print ("%*.*s<%s>%s</%s>\n", pfx, pfx, "", tag, v, tag); \ g_free (v); \ } \ }G_STMT_END #ifdef G_HAVE_ISO_VARARGS #define PUT_STRING(pfx, ...) \ G_STMT_START{ \ gchar *ps_val = g_strdup_printf(__VA_ARGS__); \ g_print ("%*.*s%s\n", pfx, pfx, "", ps_val); \ g_free(ps_val); \ }G_STMT_END #elif defined(G_HAVE_GNUC_VARARGS) #define PUT_STRING(pfx, str, a...) \ G_STMT_START{ \ g_print ("%*.*s"str"\n", pfx, pfx, "" , ##a); \ }G_STMT_END #else static inline void PUT_STRING (int pfx, const char *format, ...) { va_list varargs; g_print ("%*.*s", pfx, pfx, ""); va_start (varargs, format); g_vprintf (format, varargs); va_end (varargs); g_print ("\n"); } #endif static void print_caps (const GstCaps * caps, gint pfx) { char *s; if (!caps) return; s = gst_caps_to_string (caps); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx, "caps", s); g_free (s); } #if 0 static void print_formats (const GstFormat * formats, gint pfx) { while (formats && *formats) { const GstFormatDefinition *definition; definition = gst_format_get_details (*formats); if (definition) PUT_STRING (pfx, "<format id=\"%d\" nick=\"%s\">%s</format>", *formats, definition->nick, definition->description); else PUT_STRING (pfx, "<format id=\"%d\">unknown</format>", *formats); formats++; } } #endif static void print_query_types (const GstQueryType * types, gint pfx) { while (types && *types) { const GstQueryTypeDefinition *definition; definition = gst_query_type_get_details (*types); if (definition) PUT_STRING (pfx, "<query-type id=\"%d\" nick=\"%s\">%s</query-type>", *types, definition->nick, definition->description); else PUT_STRING (pfx, "<query-type id=\"%d\">unknown</query-type>", *types); types++; } } #if 0 static void print_event_masks (const GstEventMask * masks, gint pfx) { #ifndef GST_DISABLE_ENUMTYPES GType event_type; GEnumClass *klass; GType event_flags; GFlagsClass *flags_class = NULL; event_type = gst_event_type_get_type (); klass = (GEnumClass *) g_type_class_ref (event_type); while (masks && masks->type) { GEnumValue *value; gint flags = 0, index = 0; switch (masks->type) { case GST_EVENT_SEEK: flags = masks->flags; event_flags = gst_seek_type_get_type (); flags_class = (GFlagsClass *) g_type_class_ref (event_flags); break; default: break; } value = g_enum_get_value (klass, masks->type); PUT_STRING (pfx, "<event type=\"%s\">", value->value_nick); while (flags) { GFlagsValue *value; if (flags & 1) { value = g_flags_get_first_value (flags_class, 1 << index); if (value) PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 1, "flag", value->value_nick); else PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 1, "flag", "?"); } flags >>= 1; index++; } PUT_END_TAG (pfx, "event"); masks++; } #endif } #endif static void output_hierarchy (GType type, gint level, gint * maxlevel) { GType parent; parent = g_type_parent (type); *maxlevel = *maxlevel + 1; level++; PUT_STRING (level, "<object name=\"%s\">", g_type_name (type)); if (parent) output_hierarchy (parent, level, maxlevel); PUT_END_TAG (level, "object"); } static void print_element_properties (GstElement * element, gint pfx) { GParamSpec **property_specs; guint num_properties; gint i; gboolean readable; property_specs = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (element), &num_properties); PUT_START_TAG (pfx, "element-properties"); for (i = 0; i < num_properties; i++) { GValue value = { 0, }; GParamSpec *param = property_specs[i]; readable = FALSE; g_value_init (&value, param->value_type); if (param->flags & G_PARAM_READABLE) { g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (element), param->name, &value); readable = TRUE; } PUT_START_TAG (pfx + 1, "element-property"); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "name", g_param_spec_get_name (param)); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "type", g_type_name (param->value_type)); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "nick", g_param_spec_get_nick (param)); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "blurb", g_param_spec_get_blurb (param)); if (readable) { PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "flags", "RW"); } else { PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "flags", "W"); } switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (&value)) { case G_TYPE_STRING: PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN: PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; case G_TYPE_ULONG: { GParamSpecULong *pulong = G_PARAM_SPEC_ULONG (param); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<range min=\"%lu\" max=\"%lu\"/>", pulong->minimum, pulong->maximum); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; } case G_TYPE_LONG: { GParamSpecLong *plong = G_PARAM_SPEC_LONG (param); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<range min=\"%ld\" max=\"%ld\"/>", plong->minimum, plong->maximum); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; } case G_TYPE_UINT: { GParamSpecUInt *puint = G_PARAM_SPEC_UINT (param); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<range min=\"%u\" max=\"%u\"/>", puint->minimum, puint->maximum); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; } case G_TYPE_INT: { GParamSpecInt *pint = G_PARAM_SPEC_INT (param); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<range min=\"%d\" max=\"%d\"/>", pint->minimum, pint->maximum); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; } case G_TYPE_UINT64: { GParamSpecUInt64 *puint64 = G_PARAM_SPEC_UINT64 (param); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<range min=\"%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "\" max=\"%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "\"/>", puint64->minimum, puint64->maximum); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; } case G_TYPE_INT64: { GParamSpecInt64 *pint64 = G_PARAM_SPEC_INT64 (param); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<range min=\"%" G_GINT64_FORMAT "\" max=\"%" G_GINT64_FORMAT "\"/>", pint64->minimum, pint64->maximum); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; } case G_TYPE_FLOAT: { GParamSpecFloat *pfloat = G_PARAM_SPEC_FLOAT (param); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<range min=\"%f\" max=\"%f\"/>", pfloat->minimum, pfloat->maximum); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; } case G_TYPE_DOUBLE: { GParamSpecDouble *pdouble = G_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE (param); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<range min=\"%g\" max=\"%g\"/>", pdouble->minimum, pdouble->maximum); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", g_strdup_value_contents (&value)); break; } default: if (param->value_type == GST_TYPE_CAPS) { GstCaps *caps = g_value_peek_pointer (&value); if (!caps) PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "default", "NULL"); else { print_caps (caps, 2); } } else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (param)) { GEnumValue *values; guint j = 0; gint enum_value; values = G_ENUM_CLASS (g_type_class_ref (param->value_type))->values; enum_value = g_value_get_enum (&value); while (values[j].value_name) { if (values[j].value == enum_value) break; j++; } PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<default>%d</default>", values[j].value); PUT_START_TAG (pfx + 2, "enum-values"); j = 0; while (values[j].value_name) { PUT_STRING (pfx + 3, "<value value=\"%d\" nick=\"%s\"/>", values[j].value, values[j].value_nick); j++; } PUT_END_TAG (pfx + 2, "enum-values"); } else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_FLAGS (param)) { GFlagsValue *values; guint j = 0; gint flags_value; values = G_FLAGS_CLASS (g_type_class_ref (param->value_type))->values; flags_value = g_value_get_flags (&value); PUT_STRING (pfx + 2, "<default>%d</default>", flags_value); PUT_START_TAG (pfx + 2, "flags"); j = 0; while (values[j].value_name) { PUT_STRING (pfx + 3, "<flag value=\"%d\" nick=\"%s\"/>", values[j].value, values[j].value_nick); j++; } PUT_END_TAG (pfx + 2, "flags"); } else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_OBJECT (param)) { PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "object-type", g_type_name (param->value_type)); } break; } PUT_END_TAG (pfx + 1, "element-property"); } PUT_END_TAG (pfx, "element-properties"); g_free (property_specs); } static void print_element_signals (GstElement * element, gint pfx) { guint *signals; guint nsignals; gint i, k; GSignalQuery *query; signals = g_signal_list_ids (G_OBJECT_TYPE (element), &nsignals); for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { gint counted = 0; if (k == 0) PUT_START_TAG (pfx, "element-signals"); else PUT_START_TAG (pfx, "element-actions"); for (i = 0; i < nsignals; i++) { gint n_params; GType return_type; const GType *param_types; gint j; query = g_new0 (GSignalQuery, 1); g_signal_query (signals[i], query); if ((k == 0 && !(query->signal_flags & G_SIGNAL_ACTION)) || (k == 1 && (query->signal_flags & G_SIGNAL_ACTION))) { n_params = query->n_params; return_type = query->return_type; param_types = query->param_types; PUT_START_TAG (pfx + 1, "signal"); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "name", query->signal_name); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "return-type", g_type_name (return_type)); PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 2, "object-type", g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (element))); PUT_START_TAG (pfx + 2, "params"); for (j = 0; j < n_params; j++) { PUT_ESCAPED (pfx + 3, "type", g_type_name (param_types[j])); } PUT_END_TAG (pfx + 2, "params"); PUT_END_TAG (pfx + 1, "signal"); counted++; } g_free (query); } if (k == 0) PUT_END_TAG (pfx, "element-signals"); else PUT_END_TAG (pfx, "element-actions"); } } static gint print_element_info (GstElementFactory * factory) { GstElement *element; GstObjectClass *gstobject_class; GstElementClass *gstelement_class; GList *pads; GstPad *pad; GstStaticPadTemplate *padtemplate; gint maxlevel = 0; element = gst_element_factory_create (factory, "element"); if (!element) { g_print ("couldn't construct element for some reason\n"); return -1; } PUT_START_TAG (0, "element"); PUT_ESCAPED (1, "name", GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_NAME (factory)); gstobject_class = GST_OBJECT_CLASS (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (element)); gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (element)); PUT_START_TAG (1, "details"); PUT_ESCAPED (2, "long-name", factory->details.longname); PUT_ESCAPED (2, "class", factory->details.klass); PUT_ESCAPED (2, "description", factory->details.description); PUT_ESCAPED (2, "authors", factory->details.author); PUT_END_TAG (1, "details"); output_hierarchy (G_OBJECT_TYPE (element), 0, &maxlevel); PUT_START_TAG (1, "pad-templates"); if (factory->numpadtemplates) { pads = factory->staticpadtemplates; while (pads) { padtemplate = (GstStaticPadTemplate *) (pads->data); pads = g_list_next (pads); PUT_START_TAG (2, "pad-template"); PUT_ESCAPED (3, "name", padtemplate->name_template); if (padtemplate->direction == GST_PAD_SRC) PUT_ESCAPED (3, "direction", "src"); else if (padtemplate->direction == GST_PAD_SINK) PUT_ESCAPED (3, "direction", "sink"); else PUT_ESCAPED (3, "direction", "unknown"); if (padtemplate->presence == GST_PAD_ALWAYS) PUT_ESCAPED (3, "presence", "always"); else if (padtemplate->presence == GST_PAD_SOMETIMES) PUT_ESCAPED (3, "presence", "sometimes"); else if (padtemplate->presence == GST_PAD_REQUEST) { PUT_ESCAPED (3, "presence", "request"); PUT_ESCAPED (3, "request-function", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (gstelement_class->request_new_pad)); } else PUT_ESCAPED (3, "presence", "unknown"); if (padtemplate->static_caps.string) { print_caps (gst_static_caps_get (&padtemplate->static_caps), 3); } PUT_END_TAG (2, "pad-template"); } } PUT_END_TAG (1, "pad-templates"); PUT_START_TAG (1, "element-flags"); PUT_END_TAG (1, "element-flags"); if (GST_IS_BIN (element)) { PUT_START_TAG (1, "bin-flags"); PUT_END_TAG (1, "bin-flags"); } PUT_START_TAG (1, "element-implementation"); PUT_STRING (2, "<state-change function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (gstelement_class->change_state)); #ifndef GST_DISABLE_LOADSAVE PUT_STRING (2, "<save function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (gstobject_class->save_thyself)); PUT_STRING (2, "<load function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (gstobject_class->restore_thyself)); #endif PUT_END_TAG (1, "element-implementation"); PUT_START_TAG (1, "clocking-interaction"); if (gst_element_requires_clock (element)) { PUT_STRING (2, "<requires-clock/>"); } if (gst_element_provides_clock (element)) { GstClock *clock; clock = gst_element_get_clock (element); if (clock) PUT_STRING (2, "<provides-clock name=\"%s\"/>", GST_OBJECT_NAME (clock)); } PUT_END_TAG (1, "clocking-interaction"); #ifndef GST_DISABLE_INDEX if (gst_element_is_indexable (element)) { PUT_STRING (1, "<indexing-capabilities/>"); } #endif PUT_START_TAG (1, "pads"); if (element->numpads) { const GList *pads; pads = element->pads; while (pads) { pad = GST_PAD (pads->data); pads = g_list_next (pads); PUT_START_TAG (2, "pad"); PUT_ESCAPED (3, "name", gst_pad_get_name (pad)); if (gst_pad_get_direction (pad) == GST_PAD_SRC) PUT_ESCAPED (3, "direction", "src"); else if (gst_pad_get_direction (pad) == GST_PAD_SINK) PUT_ESCAPED (3, "direction", "sink"); else PUT_ESCAPED (3, "direction", "unknown"); if (pad->padtemplate) PUT_ESCAPED (3, "template", pad->padtemplate->name_template); PUT_START_TAG (3, "implementation"); if (pad->chainfunc) PUT_STRING (4, "<chain-based function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (pad->chainfunc)); if (pad->getrangefunc) PUT_STRING (4, "<get-range-based function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (pad->getrangefunc)); if (pad->eventfunc != gst_pad_event_default) PUT_STRING (4, "<event-function function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (pad->eventfunc)); if (pad->queryfunc != gst_pad_query_default) PUT_STRING (4, "<query-function function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (pad->queryfunc)); if (pad->querytypefunc != gst_pad_get_query_types_default) { PUT_STRING (4, "<query-type-func function=\"%s\">", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (pad->querytypefunc)); print_query_types (gst_pad_get_query_types (pad), 5); PUT_END_TAG (4, "query-type-func"); } if (pad->intlinkfunc != gst_pad_get_internal_links_default) PUT_STRING (4, "<intlink-function function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (pad->intlinkfunc)); if (pad->bufferallocfunc) PUT_STRING (4, "<bufferalloc-function function=\"%s\"/>", GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR_NAME (pad->bufferallocfunc)); PUT_END_TAG (3, "implementation"); if (pad->caps) { print_caps (pad->caps, 3); } PUT_END_TAG (2, "pad"); } } PUT_END_TAG (1, "pads"); print_element_properties (element, 1); print_element_signals (element, 1); /* for compound elements */ /* FIXME: gst_bin_get_list does not exist anymore if (GST_IS_BIN (element)) { GList *children; GstElement *child; PUT_START_TAG (1, "children"); children = (GList *) gst_bin_get_list (GST_BIN (element)); while (children) { child = GST_ELEMENT (children->data); children = g_list_next (children); PUT_ESCAPED (2, "child", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (child)); } PUT_END_TAG (1, "children"); } */ PUT_END_TAG (0, "element"); return 0; } static void print_element_list (void) { GList *plugins; plugins = gst_default_registry_get_plugin_list (); while (plugins) { GList *features; GstPlugin *plugin; plugin = (GstPlugin *) (plugins->data); plugins = g_list_next (plugins); features = gst_registry_get_feature_list_by_plugin (gst_registry_get_default (), plugin->desc.name); while (features) { GstPluginFeature *feature; feature = GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (features->data); if (GST_IS_ELEMENT_FACTORY (feature)) { GstElementFactory *factory; factory = GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY (feature); g_print ("%s: %s: %s\n", plugin->desc.name, GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_NAME (factory), factory->details.longname); } #ifndef GST_DISABLE_INDEX else if (GST_IS_INDEX_FACTORY (feature)) { GstIndexFactory *factory; factory = GST_INDEX_FACTORY (feature); g_print ("%s: %s: %s\n", plugin->desc.name, GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_NAME (factory), factory->longdesc); } #endif else if (GST_IS_TYPE_FIND_FACTORY (feature)) { GstTypeFindFactory *factory; factory = GST_TYPE_FIND_FACTORY (feature); if (factory->extensions) { guint i = 0; g_print ("%s type: ", plugin->desc.name); while (factory->extensions[i]) { g_print ("%s%s", i > 0 ? ", " : "", factory->extensions[i]); i++; } } else g_print ("%s type: N/A\n", plugin->desc.name); } else { g_print ("%s: %s (%s)\n", plugin->desc.name, GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_NAME (feature), g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (feature))); } features = g_list_next (features); } } } static void print_plugin_info (GstPlugin * plugin) { GList *features; gint num_features = 0; gint num_elements = 0; gint num_autoplug = 0; gint num_types = 0; gint num_indexes = 0; gint num_other = 0; g_print ("Plugin Details:\n"); g_print (" Name:\t\t%s\n", plugin->desc.name); g_print (" Description:\t%s\n", plugin->desc.description); g_print (" Filename:\t%s\n", plugin->filename); g_print (" Version:\t%s\n", plugin->desc.version); g_print (" License:\t%s\n", plugin->desc.license); g_print (" Package:\t%s\n", plugin->desc.package); g_print (" Origin URL:\t%s\n", plugin->desc.origin); g_print ("\n"); features = gst_registry_get_feature_list_by_plugin (gst_registry_get_default (), plugin->desc.name); while (features) { GstPluginFeature *feature; feature = GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (features->data); if (GST_IS_ELEMENT_FACTORY (feature)) { GstElementFactory *factory; factory = GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY (feature); g_print (" %s: %s\n", GST_OBJECT_NAME (factory), factory->details.longname); num_elements++; } #ifndef GST_DISABLE_INDEX else if (GST_IS_INDEX_FACTORY (feature)) { GstIndexFactory *factory; factory = GST_INDEX_FACTORY (feature); g_print (" %s: %s\n", GST_OBJECT_NAME (factory), factory->longdesc); num_indexes++; } #endif else if (GST_IS_TYPE_FIND_FACTORY (feature)) { GstTypeFindFactory *factory; factory = GST_TYPE_FIND_FACTORY (feature); if (factory->extensions) { guint i = 0; g_print ("%s type: ", plugin->desc.name); while (factory->extensions[i]) { g_print ("%s%s", i > 0 ? ", " : "", factory->extensions[i]); i++; } } else g_print ("%s type: N/A\n", plugin->desc.name); num_types++; } else { g_print (" %s (%s)\n", gst_object_get_name (GST_OBJECT (feature)), g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (feature))); num_other++; } num_features++; features = g_list_next (features); } g_print ("\n %d features:\n", num_features); if (num_elements > 0) g_print (" +-- %d elements\n", num_elements); if (num_autoplug > 0) g_print (" +-- %d autopluggers\n", num_autoplug); if (num_types > 0) g_print (" +-- %d types\n", num_types); if (num_indexes > 0) g_print (" +-- %d indexes\n", num_indexes); if (num_other > 0) g_print (" +-- %d other objects\n", num_other); g_print ("\n"); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { GstElementFactory *factory; GstPlugin *plugin; gchar *so; GOptionEntry options[] = { {"gst-inspect-plugin", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, "Show plugin details", NULL}, {"gst-inspect-scheduler", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, "Show scheduler details", NULL}, {NULL} }; GOptionContext *ctx; GError *err = NULL; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); ctx = g_option_context_new ("gst-xmlinspect"); g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_add_group (ctx, gst_init_get_option_group ()); if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &err)) { g_print ("Error initializing: %s\n", err->message); exit (1); } g_option_context_free (ctx); PUT_STRING (0, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); /* if no arguments, print out list of elements */ if (argc == 1) { print_element_list (); /* else we try to get a factory */ } else { /* first check for help */ if (strstr (argv[1], "-help")) { g_print ("Usage: %s\t\t\tList all registered elements\n", argv[0]); g_print (" %s element-name\tShow element details\n", argv[0]); g_print (" %s plugin-name[.so]\tShow information about plugin\n", argv[0]); return 0; } /* only search for a factory if there's not a '.so' */ if (!strstr (argv[1], ".so")) { factory = gst_element_factory_find (argv[1]); /* if there's a factory, print out the info */ if (factory) return print_element_info (factory); else { GstPluginFeature *feature; /* FIXME implement other pretty print function for these */ #ifndef GST_DISABLE_INDEX feature = gst_default_registry_find_feature (argv[1], GST_TYPE_INDEX_FACTORY); if (feature) { g_print ("%s: an index\n", argv[1]); return 0; } #endif feature = gst_default_registry_find_feature (argv[1], GST_TYPE_TYPE_FIND_FACTORY); if (feature) { g_print ("%s: a type find function\n", argv[1]); return 0; } #ifndef GST_DISABLE_URI feature = gst_default_registry_find_feature (argv[1], GST_TYPE_URI_HANDLER); if (feature) { g_print ("%s: an uri handler\n", argv[1]); return 0; } #endif } } else { /* strip the .so */ so = strstr (argv[1], ".so"); so[0] = '\0'; } /* otherwise assume it's a plugin */ plugin = gst_default_registry_find_plugin (argv[1]); /* if there is such a plugin, print out info */ if (plugin) { print_plugin_info (plugin); } else { g_print ("no such element or plugin '%s'\n", argv[1]); return -1; } } return 0; }